Shifty McSwift, on 21 October 2017 - 11:01 AM, said:
I mean I don't know how else to explain it... I can't really make it any clearer.
The relative usefulness of it would mostly be gauged by the speed and damage sure, but to say it would be useless or the same as the direct fire mode is plain wrong.
I didn't say it would be useless, i said it would have little impact -- considering the narrow band of usefulness it provides. It's basically trivial to add.
Lykaon, on 21 October 2017 - 07:11 AM, said:
The issue is your mechanic adds in a third dimention to the estimate of lead distance.
When firing a direct fire projectile we as players mostly rely on out sense of the horizontal plane. Essentially how far to the left or right of a target do I shoot to hit them at X range with Y velocity based on the targets current speed and heading.
The LRM mechanics you propose has the added element of guessing not only a lead distance to optimize the volley accuracy but also an arcing trajectory height neccissary to accuratley hit the target.
So we need to retain attention to the "horizontal" plane while also incorperating a vertical plane estimate.
( I placed horizontal in quotes because in actuallity right and left movement would be just as important as forward and backward movement since the ballistic arc of missiles would be targeting a point rather than traversing past an intercept point. So in actual use the mechanics you propose require horizontal vertical and distance estimates to optimize effects)
The thing is that, players are able to extrapolate. I mean we don't really calculate everything when we lead by AC/PPC bolts -- and if we can do that, it's not like it's impossible to just get the proper angle just by experience.
Lykaon, on 21 October 2017 - 08:00 AM, said:
I think it may be possible that you miss the whole point of skill tiers as a mechanic.
No, i didn't.
Lykaon, on 21 October 2017 - 08:00 AM, said:
Now if you dramaticly reduce the need for counter-play by designing mechanics that do not require counter-play to gain advances (ie. LRMS that are designed to be less effective vs non counter-play targets) then the players level out of the tier without the skill set to handle players they may encounter further up the tier ladder.
Lykaon, on 21 October 2017 - 08:00 AM, said:
The issue is LRM counter-play has overlap potential that applies to several facets of mech warfare. Learning to remain close to cover to evade LRms means you are habitually using cover. Learning to use defilade to avoid being targeted by LRMs means you learn how to sneak around in general. Learning that radar depravation has a use vs LRMs also helps in enhancing general stealthiness etc.
Lykaon, on 21 October 2017 - 08:00 AM, said:
So by removing the pressures to learn counter-play we have all the nublets learning to finger paint when they need to be learning how to use counter-play tactics to compete with higher skill players.
No, they don't level out of the tier without the skills necessary. Rather they encounter the indirect fire WHEN they have better skills. Being in the open still opens them up to direct fire, and would produce a reasonable amount of punishment considering that they are still bad at positioning.
They wouldn't have advanced so much up the Tier to encounter indirect-fire that will prompt them to better improve their skills -- that's when they are used to the direct-fire, that's when they wouldn't feel that it's too hard or demanding to just instantly adjust to the indirect-fire (as before) because adjusting to it isn't a big leap from adjusting to indirect fire compared to last time. Why is that hard to understand?
You say that you want "reasonable pressure to aspire advances" -- yes right now LRMs can do that. But it can't be buffed with respect to the high tier, because it will make the LRMs "OP" at the lower levels, and would now produce an unreasonable pressure to aspire advances.
Lykaon, on 21 October 2017 - 08:00 AM, said:
And since LRMs are the easiest weapons to use counter-play on I think of them in the low tiers as the padded club. You still get hit you still get knocked around but it takes a lot of hits to make you want to quit (LRMs kill nothing quickly compared to other options).
Kind of the problem that translates to the higher levels. I mean you practically just said that LRMs are just for knocking around, -- basically weak damage that's not easy to kill, that contributes why it's not as used on the top, why it's regarded as a bad weapon.
And we can't buff it because PGI is including the low-tier for consideration.
Edited by The6thMessenger, 23 October 2017 - 04:13 AM.