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Patch Notes - 1.4.137 - 18-Oct-2017

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#41 MCY Xale


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Posted 13 October 2017 - 11:21 PM

View PostMischiefSC, on 13 October 2017 - 09:29 PM, said:

If you can actually identify the difference in acceleration between 6.something and 8.something then you're a very, very perceptive individual. The difference is almost irrelevant.

Its a 37% improvement, and should reduce the amount of time to reach top speed (with a 300 engine) from 6 seconds to ~4.4 seconds.

#42 Scanz


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Posted 13 October 2017 - 11:23 PM

no new colors for new weapons ? :((

#43 Smiffy


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Posted 13 October 2017 - 11:41 PM

I really like how you are adding different kinds of quirks to mechs like the raven, to make them different and stand out a bit more. That is really what you should be doing to encourage people to use a mech.

in that same line I am rather unimpressed you are changing how the annihilator is quirked because you want people to use the atlas. The Annihilator is in a really great place feel-wise in the game, it is a giant lumbering wall of armour and dakka, and that is what it is supposed to be. It really feels like nothing else in the game and thats awesome. If you want to make the atlas more played maybe give it some different cool quirks, maybe give it some of those fancy sensor quirks, after-all in lore it is supposed to be a command and control mech.

#44 -Ramrod-


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Posted 13 October 2017 - 11:51 PM

Who exactly is PGI even listening to? It can't be competent players. Bad patch is bad. Though I'm looking forward to the Arctic Wolf.

Edited by -Ramrod-, 13 October 2017 - 11:53 PM.

#45 Smargl


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Posted 14 October 2017 - 12:02 AM

Well, goodbye PGI.

#46 VXJaeger


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Posted 14 October 2017 - 12:07 AM

Rarely see a developer who wants kill its own game, but PGI is doing great job in that.
1st you give mechs enourmous weapon quirks, then you give SkillTree-boost in top of them, AND THEN you ******* nerf those weapons as they are over-achieving by multiple layers of quirking.

How incredibly clueless can you get?

Edited by VXJaeger, 14 October 2017 - 12:12 AM.

#47 Appogee


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Posted 14 October 2017 - 12:29 AM

Sad to see my GHR-5Hs get nerfed.

Can't have a competitive IS energy Mech in FP now, can we.

#48 AtomCore


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Posted 14 October 2017 - 12:52 AM

all this nerfs are lowering the players skillcap just to SSRM maddogs. MWO is dead, cause it has no RP and economy like any other MMO has, and now it is not interesting as a cybersport platform.
(I'm being telling that from 2012, invested in game like close to 1000$, and it was too small to be heard)

In 2012 it was 105000 accounts with 20000-40000 live players. 75% of them are gone, when epic close range battles died. Then was many many patches. Now we are near 1-2% of that population. Sad.

I can easily double server online in term of 3 month by making balance that fits to cybersport. I can raise online to 20k ( give me 6-9 month) by choosing right development politic. But you (PG) can't, cause you don't love this game. You simply not playing it (remember MRBC PGI team).

#49 MustrumRidcully


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Posted 14 October 2017 - 01:18 AM


Aside from the Osiris, Nightstar, Arctic Wolf, and Nova Cat, no additional 'Mechs are receiving support for New Tech Visuals in this patch.

:( Sloooooow...

#50 A Shoddy Rental Mech


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Posted 14 October 2017 - 01:26 AM

The annihilator gets nerfed because of the Atlas?

"but felt that the previous Armor enhancements on top of the natural weapon platform Loadouts of the 'Mech sidelined the Atlas in its primary tank role too much. We still want the Annihilator to be fairly compensated for its geometry and speed, but not at the expense of sidelining the Atlas."

The Atlas has been sidelined since the release of the Kodiak.

Remember this?

Posted Image

At best, the Atlas is a middle of the road assault.
And now we want to bring the annihilator down to where the atlas resides?

aaaaaaaaaaaand the Grasshopper gets nerfed again.

Posted Image

#51 Prof RJ Gumby


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Posted 14 October 2017 - 02:17 AM

Some of the changes are more or less ok, but the failure to address vomit meta makes them all irrelevant.

We got cooldown nerfs. Vomit alpha ignores cooldowns. Heck, now we may see even bigger alphas since cooling gets lowered. So vomit alpha stays meta trumping everything else

So maybe, brawlers and mid-rangers will find it easier to close in on vomit builds to defeat them? Wrong, brawling and midrange weapons nerfed. So vomit alpha stays meta trumping everything else.

(U)AC5 heat nerfed? Really?

IS small lasers nerfed? REALLY?

Edited by Prof RJ Gumby, 14 October 2017 - 02:18 AM.

#52 cougurt


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Posted 14 October 2017 - 02:30 AM

the annihilator probably won't gain much from a small agility increase and would have been better off retaining its original armor quirks. the dire wolf should have been given at least a small amount of armor or structure as well since it's basically in the same boat. the atlas should have had its agility increased even further to improve it in its role as a brawler.

heat nerfs on ac5s were completely unnecessary, as were the small/micro laser and artemis nerfs.

#53 Davegt27


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Posted 14 October 2017 - 02:33 AM

I only look to see if they took off the nerfs for the TW

#54 MovinTarget


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Posted 14 October 2017 - 02:44 AM

Welp, pgi has achieved balance once again...

Both sides are pissed so they must be doing something right...

Edited by MovinTarget, 14 October 2017 - 02:45 AM.

#55 SmokeGuar


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Posted 14 October 2017 - 02:46 AM

Mobility quirk change for 100 tonners may seem small, but it makes all the difference in navigating current maps. Now behemoths get stuck on every little pebble, after patch its just medium and large rocks that stop big boys. Lights naturally speed over everything with no problem. KDK3 still stays in bay, fear is still too strong, as is IS fanboy whining.

Missiles, what can i say... absolutely kills players with skills who know how to fire missiles. Totally pointless change, especially considering how low arc ATMs have.

Overheating while knifefigting in lights, problem solved.

#56 SirDubba


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Posted 14 October 2017 - 03:11 AM

*sigh*, I guess there is no hope of balance, variation and fun in MWO.

Btw, I use ATMs actively in one build only, it's a TBR with 4xHML & 2xATM12 and I play it quite agressively, sticking with team mates and pushing with heavies though I try to avoid being the first to draw damage. How do I use my awesome support damage now when I cannot fire ATM's over my tall team mates? I get trying to limit hill humping but this nerf is just STUPID, limiting one of the nice little variations that require some (itsy bitsy) skill to achieve.

#57 Dee Eight


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Posted 14 October 2017 - 03:32 AM

View PostThorqemada, on 13 October 2017 - 11:06 PM, said:

But i need a Joystick i have 4 instead of 3 Weapons Groups now...

Or a better mouse ?

As to the quirks... I'd rather have the annihilator keep its armor quirks as is. 2 degrees a second faster turn rate on a toaster oven is not going to save me as well as 6 pts of CT armor would.

#58 Thorn Hallis


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Posted 14 October 2017 - 03:33 AM

So has the current balance guy at PGI also stopped playing MWO?

#59 PFC Carsten


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Posted 14 October 2017 - 03:34 AM

Can I get my money back for my Nova Prime please? This is ridiculous. The price you pay for boating Medium Lasers is hard-to-manage heat. If you opponent knows this weakness, you are done for.

From 3.75 to 5 is a 33% (!!) increase.

Clan ER Medium Laser
• Cooldown increased to 5 (from 3.75).

[color="#3073f3"]Energy Design Notes:[/color][color="#3073f3"] At its core, customizing a 'Mech Loadout needs to provide a significant amount of give and take when it comes to deciding upon heavier payloads, thicker armor, faster speeds, and specialized equipment. We feel that the previous tuning on the Medium Laser family of weapons strained this balance by having a line of weapon options that easily maximized potential DPS for minimal Tonnage investments compared to alternative systems. This allowed 'Mechs to easily increase Engine and Heat Sink capacity in order to supplement the heavy DPS offered by amassing single-ton weapons, or supplement heavier weapons with Medium Lasers to maximize potential DPS to a degree much more significant than 'Mechs which either did not have sufficient number of Energy Hardpoints (or did not contain Energy Hardpoints at all).[/color]

#60 VitriolicViolet


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Posted 14 October 2017 - 03:36 AM

terrible, your rational for nerfing the Anni is moronic. the Atlas sucks, so lets make the Anni just as good as that.
Also my favourite part of these stupid notes is :'[color="#3073f3"]With the AC/5 family, we did not want to have this boost further bolster AC/5-boating Assault 'Mechs capable of fielding excessive amounts of AC/5s. We've added Heat penalties to the IS AC/5 now that there are a number of IS 'Mechs on the field also capable of carrying an excessive amount.' [/color]
so, you released a bunch of mechs that can boat those weapons, but you dont want people to boat those weapons. ffs PGI i regret spending what little i have recently. laser nerfs are also stupid, as anyone whos played at all, like half the commentors here, lasers arent constrained by cooldown, it does damn near nothing. not that sense is your strong suit, LLs now have way better DPS at more ranges than MLs now which is bizarre.

Why dont you actually show what your basing this nonsense on? it certainly isnt the game itself. im guessing that you have simply collected data and looked at spreadsheets which is frankly useless when this is what it produces consistently. 'the DRG-1C is over performing' for the 12 players who use them and got really good at it? or your average potato. i dont normally get this annoyed at something like a game but apart from resisting The Dong for so long this is one of the more bizarre changes ive seen. finally long range is going to be even more prevalent, nerfing cooldown on all the medium and lower lasers by so much, adding velocity buffs to all ACs and skill tree and nerfing Artemis ( i could hardly justify taking it before no ill probably remove from most that have it). urgh no understanding at all.

Edited: one last jab. 'excessive amount' lol'd it at that one.i guess if 6 ACs are 'excessive' you will never add any mech that can have that many ever again, cause its 'excessive'. couldnt possibly have predicted that a 100 ton mech with 6 ballistic slots was going to use the weapons available.

Edited by VitriolicViolet, 14 October 2017 - 03:42 AM.

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