D V Devnull, on 19 October 2017 - 04:32 PM, said:
Geez, let alone all this arguing about off-topic things... I would just like to know where the Patch Download Link that was supposed to be posted has run off to??? My ISP screws with downloads that are not done through the browser. Do I have to go track it down again and post it up myself for anyone needing to do it with their browser?

~D. V. "I'm stuck twiddling my thumbs here, unless I get impatient..." Devnull
Okay... 4.5 Hours since HotFix Patch Release, and the link's not up. I'm going hunting. This is NOT right, just leaving part of the player base sitting without the Download they need.

~D. V. "Link to be provided shortly..." Devnull