arcana75, on 24 October 2017 - 02:20 AM, said:
TSP injections happen after the event ends, usually, so since the event was extended to 25th Oct, you'll have to wait abit longer to see your injections. Also if all goes to plan (for me anyway), it's an extra 3m cbills from all 6 challenges. Thanks Matt and Bobby for all the hard work!
James Argent, on 24 October 2017 - 06:04 AM, said:
Still, there aren't any popups with 'account injection: blah blah' anymore...for neither regular event rewards nor TSP bonus rewards. I think that's what blackcatf is getting at. I've had to pre-count an item before redeeming it then count again after redeeming to make sure I was getting my rewards. It was nice to be advised of account injections, because you had instant confirmation that nothing went wrong. (Or instant conformation that something DID go wrong, too.)
blackcatf, on 24 October 2017 - 08:53 AM, said:
Kind of both of these...mainly I just wasn't sure if the 3 mil had slipped into my coffers over the weekend and I spent it already, it was going to show up later, or there was another glitch (if it was a glitch, I didn't want it to get overlooked

). When I looked back at the event page, I didn't see anything about
when the 500k/challenge would be added, so I decided to ask the hive mind.
Yep, these are issues. TSP currently is a manual thing and I really wish it wasn't.
Most likely you got those C-bills for the Clan heroes II Challenges from a while back.
I added TSP bonus' to the recent Escalation Mech Challenges and I had to retrospectively add them to the Clan Hero II Challenges to be fair.
I don't have a way to attach a message to in-game redeems to provide an explanation.
But if you search mine or Bobby's posts on the forums you will probably find an explanation.
D V Devnull, on 24 October 2017 - 12:27 AM, said:
Thank you (and Matt as well) for
adding time like I suggested might help in the case of those people who are still fighting to finish.

Interestingly, this wrecks my previous Event Review Rating of only a mere "
8.6/10". Adding that little extra ounce of time is worth a heck of a lot. Well, I think I've got to give a more apt number to reflect this. How about a...
9.6/10 ...given the quick response and re-provisioning. Yeah, I think that's a heck of a lot better!

Now, the following is just my opinion, looking at the Event in retrospect, but just to provide feedback on how it could have been better... If this bug preventing recognition of both Kills and KMDD had not happened, but the extra day had been provided, this Event would have been a perfect "
10/10" Rating. Reasons? Perfect Time, well-designed Challenges, and the recognition of an evolution in the New Event System. I look forward to seeing improvements being released, and the New Event System only getting better and better.

Next thought, and a different subject... I'll be looking forward to the Halloween Event Loot Bags, Bobby and Matt. I hope you'll be running this one for quite a while, with tons of things to draw from the bags. Please try to aim more toward 'War Horn', 'Hanging Cockpit Item', and

(MC) loots? I really appreciate those a lot! Also, please make sure ALL Game Modes count, and that there is no limits during the Event's Time Span on when any Loot Bags are available? Heck, I know somebody's going to ask, so please don't forget some spooky Decals, but also please make sure it doesn't try to award a single given Decal twice during the Event, because that would effectively be an Empty Loot Bag... I remember the salt from the last time that happened.

And then there was this guy... Uhm... Maybe PGI wants you to "Rock On"? Or perhaps they want you to be "Solid As A Rock"? Heck, maybe they're telling you to be "Rock Steady"? Oh, the puns! We'll just have to look forward to the Next Halloween Loot Bag Event!

~Mr. D. V. "
I think I'll head for the battlefields now... before I give myself or someone else 'appundicitis' here..." Devnull
Here's hoping Trick or Treat 3 will be a 10 / 10 event!