Black Lanner Pre-Order Is Here!
Posted 02 November 2017 - 05:49 AM
Posted 02 November 2017 - 05:52 AM
YUyahoo, on 01 November 2017 - 09:39 PM, said:
When did I say I want to buy omnipods? That's right I didn't, but good try on the troll thing. Why do you assume people would have difficulty paying for anything just because they aren't "white knighting" the current format? Two troll attempts and two failures lol, ggclose!
Wasn't trolling, man. the current format is how it is simply so you can try out a couple of configurations,and you can do it long before anyone else. rule of three might no longer exist for skill purposes, but it's still useful for trying stuff out, plus it's not like you can't sell off the spares you end up not liking for C-bills.
perhaps you need to realize that actually understanding the concept of logic isn't trolling or white knighting?
Also, to be fair, my experience with the Crow in scouting was pre-Civil War and pre-Bushwacker, it is pretty likely the playing field's levelled quite a bit since with the addition of the Bushwacker and new weapons tech that it could be bumped back up again. sad thing for now with FW is really essentially you just hand the win to an event to whose-ever primetime it's closest to. every Tukayyid ended in a clan win due to most large Clan/Clan Merc units being North American, whereas Luthien ended up how it did because of ending in the morning of a weekday a scant few hours after EU primetime, where most of the larger IS/IS Merc units are. Both sides have good pilots, but people still need to sleep, work, etc.
Dran Dragore, on 01 November 2017 - 10:26 PM, said:
And: any sneak peeks on the new Map which should have come last Month? Realy, the game is getting boring over the time and some people could thinking that you all put your energy into MW5 and MWO is just the Cash cow for this projekt untill you got something better. And if you are at that new stuff think about bringing the HAGs to the Clans as a counterpart for the RACs of the IS. Just as a wish for Christmas this year...
actually, the new map was always slated for November, has been ever since they published the September and on Roadmap.
also, HAGs aren't the counterpart to RACs. they're actually one of the most utterly broken weapons ever to show up in BattleTech short of Dark Age TSEMPs. Plus, honestly, if you guys end up getting Hyper Assault Gauss Rifles it would signal the death knell of Clanners ever using energy boats again, due to IS getting the Plasma Rifle, which would mean you guys would probably be near-constantly coated in Napalm. they did the cut off at 3067 tech wise for a reason. I'd honestly rather see stuff that should be around before Civil War show up long before we see either, like IS Omnis, the Fafnir or Rakshasa, or Clan mechs like the Turkina, Blood Asp, Pouncer or Phantom.
Edited by Arkhangel, 02 November 2017 - 06:18 AM.
Posted 02 November 2017 - 06:15 AM
shameless, on 02 November 2017 - 05:49 AM, said:
With 12 tonns for weapons its unlikely to have any value for scouting. Maybe if it had op hitboxes, like assassin-level op, and defensive quirks, then it could do well.
Just running fast is not enough in a brawley game which is scouting.
Posted 02 November 2017 - 06:51 AM
Posted 02 November 2017 - 07:21 AM
Pariah Devalis, on 01 November 2017 - 07:24 PM, said:
LBK was given god tier durability quirks, or did you forget that? It required those quirks to be durable enough to offset its lack of firepower. Also, realistically speaking, it didn't need the podspace of the Gyr to pose a threat. It needed enough pod space to be comparable to mechs its weight or similar. ~24 tons or so of pod space would be its sweet spot, ideally, but, hey, it also got some great armor quirks for the torsos.
Now, if they give the Lanner the same sort of quirks that, essentially, give it the durability of a 70 ton mech, then it might serve an actual purpose. A durable and fast mech with limited firepower. Because, right now, it's just fast and with limited firepower, no more or less durable than any other 55 ton clan mech would be. Certainly not going to be a small target at 55 tons.
Of course, that requires PGI to actually give the mech those quirks. It is a Clan mech, and they generally do not get major quirks. It also means the mech lives and dies off of those quirks, and if they get altered in the future, the mech's entire viability is suspect.
Yeah. Good luck with that.
It has firepower superior to other mechs that go the same speed, so I'm not seeing the issue. Load it out like an Assassin or a Mist Lynx (MG spam with lasers or SRMs) and goto town. It also has the hard points to boat either ER SLs or HSLs. Going 120 kph with spurts up to 140 or 150, whatever it is, means it will have no issue closing or disengaging.
I'm not saying it shouldn't get any quirks.. it probably should. I wasn't thinking about the Linebackers quirks because it's ST geometry is so bad they fall off anyway, so it doesn't really feel like it has quirks.
Posted 02 November 2017 - 07:25 AM
Nema Nabojiv, on 02 November 2017 - 06:15 AM, said:
Just running fast is not enough in a brawley game which is scouting.
How many tons of weapons do those OP Assassins bring, again?
Posted 02 November 2017 - 07:34 AM
Posted 02 November 2017 - 08:08 AM
Linebacker and Shadow Cat crossmix capabilities can give it nicknames like the Linecat or Shadow Backer

Anywya. It will be a great mech due to those similarities with above mentioned mechs and a great buddy to the Stormcrow (or duel rival, like what the Fle and Locust could be!)
"Stronger than both" kinda...
The hitbxoes seems decent, but who knows.
But I doubt it will replace the Stormcrow, Shadow Cat and Linebacker. There are enough roles for each and differences.
Posted 02 November 2017 - 08:21 AM
Posted 02 November 2017 - 09:16 AM
Gas Guzzler, on 02 November 2017 - 08:13 AM, said:
Did you just quote Underworld?
Heh, well Lucians scientists last word came indeed to mind. Now that I think of it, we should have a werewolf mech

EDIT: Oh my, Battletech alredy did it... Me want!
Or and a storyline with clanners experimenting on truly recreating mythological beasts with genetic manipulation. Imagine that Werewolf clanners

Edited by Tordin, 02 November 2017 - 09:18 AM.
Posted 02 November 2017 - 09:32 AM

I've always been really impressed by PGI's designer but wow this one is absolutely awful. This needs to go back to the drawing board entirely. It's suppose to look like a hawk, almost like the raven and it just looks like a novas head ontop of a shadowcats body. Why does it stand up like that? Why is it so tall? Why isn't the cockpit more beak like?
https://i.imgur.com/yJsxDbA.jpg this card from 1996 has a better design entirely and gets the hawk like squat as a bird of prey but the design from PGI just looks like they're trying to make the shadowcat 2.0
Posted 02 November 2017 - 09:54 AM
Arkhangel, on 02 November 2017 - 05:52 AM, said:
perhaps you need to realize that actually understanding the concept of logic isn't trolling or white knighting?
Also, to be fair, my experience with the Crow in scouting was pre-Civil War and pre-Bushwacker, it is pretty likely the playing field's levelled quite a bit since with the addition of the Bushwacker and new weapons tech that it could be bumped back up again. sad thing for now with FW is really essentially you just hand the win to an event to whose-ever primetime it's closest to. every Tukayyid ended in a clan win due to most large Clan/Clan Merc units being North American, whereas Luthien ended up how it did because of ending in the morning of a weekday a scant few hours after EU primetime, where most of the larger IS/IS Merc units are. Both sides have good pilots, but people still need to sleep, work, etc.
What made your comments "trolling" was the insinuation and assumption that anyone who doesn't want/like the current mechpack structure is "too poor" to pay for it. White Knighting is supporting PGIs position just because its PGIs position and therefor must be right/good...but now you have given a reason why the current format is best, logic! Well, if you would look at this from a purely logical viewpoint you would realize that the Black Lanner is an omnimech so each variant is capable of moving its omnipod around to replicate the configuration of other variants and also in combinations that those variants may not offer in stock configurations...with the exceptions being that all CT pods are locked for all omnimechs, the reinforcement omnipods being locked until cbill release (unless you buy them, then you have access to one of each pod until cbill release) and the hero's omnipods which can only be accessed if the hero is purchased and even then you only can use 1 of each pod at a time (whether it be on the hero or on any other variant). If you were to only buy the Black Lanner hero for example on release you could simulate every configuration the basic pack offers...and on cbill release you could then simulate the configurations from the reinforcement pack. The only "logical" reason you would need to have 3 would be if you still needed to own three to skill it up...or if PGI gives the Black Lanner massive set of 8 quirks then there might be some merit to owning multiple chassis depending on what those quirks are. In the case of IS/clan battlemech mechpacks your viewpoint becomes a little stronger because in those mechs the hardpoints are fixed...but to be realistic, there are always going to be a few variants that people find appealing and a few that people don't, some may try the unappealing ones and some won't. Me personally I will always want choice over "if you want this then you have to take that with it (or having to buy something I don't want to buy something I'd like to have)". As a company PGI is entitled to set whatever format they like for these mechpacks...but as consumers we have just as much right to voice our opinions and not just simply accept "thats how it is because thats the way it has been".
If I am going to be completely honest, even though I don't play a lot of FW/Scouting (unless there is an interesting event running), if 55T clan mechs were allowed back into scouting it might just be enough for me to still buy the Black Lanner even in this "somewhat outdated" format but otherwise I think I will sit this one out.
Posted 02 November 2017 - 10:14 AM
Mikayshen, on 01 November 2017 - 06:44 PM, said:
Fair enough, but if you buy the reinforcement pack you should still be able to buy addition pods so you don't have to move the one set you have around all the time until they are released. Or in the event you accidentally sell one.
Posted 02 November 2017 - 10:15 AM
Pariah Devalis, on 01 November 2017 - 04:50 PM, said:
Even worse that it cannot be used in scouting mode because of the Clan limitations that are needlessly imposed on us.
It could have been the Savage Coyote. It could have been the Vapor Eagle. It could have been the Stooping Hawk. All of those would have been mechs of value to add. This, however, just doesn't have a niche to fill.
Oh come on, it does have a niche. The mere fact that it goes so fast makes it a great cavalry 'Mech.
I feel like you're just being salty because you didn't get a firepower-heavy Clan Mech that would have IS pilots screaming foul. It may not be as versatile as the Vape, but the reason it got chosen instead is due to its popularity anyways, so I'm certainly not complaining. This might be the first 'Mech I get early adopter for.
Edited by Asriel Dreemur, 02 November 2017 - 10:19 AM.
Posted 02 November 2017 - 10:50 AM
Tordin, on 02 November 2017 - 09:16 AM, said:
Heh, well Lucians scientists last word came indeed to mind. Now that I think of it, we should have a werewolf mech

EDIT: Oh my, Battletech alredy did it... Me want!
Or and a storyline with clanners experimenting on truly recreating mythological beasts with genetic manipulation. Imagine that Werewolf clanners

That is pretty sad..the mech I mean..
It from the era when the franchise really went down the toilet.
Posted 02 November 2017 - 10:53 AM
The black lanner fills a good role, certainly more viable than a hunchback IIC in a traditional objective based scout match... just seems weird to block the Lanner and allow HBKIIC's and Huntsmans. (From clanner perspective)
Just my opinion, I know you guys have the numbers and all that. I'm excited about it either way, already have some builds in mind. Wish there were an omnipod with an energy hardpoint in the right torso though haha. I'll figure something out.
Posted 02 November 2017 - 10:59 AM
Posted 02 November 2017 - 12:00 PM
A more edgy cockpit like on that one would be cooler and make the mech more distinct

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