BrunoSSace, on 01 November 2017 - 06:39 PM, said:
Play as one of us and pretend you are a sheep to the slaughter. Grass isn't always greener on the other side.
I'm ranked higher in Rasalhauge than in Smoke Jaguar. I was kinda shocked to hear that while I was gone (diskappeared just before the Kodiak came out, came back at the end of September) that the IS had quit dominating FW.
It has nothing to do with ZOMG CLAN TECKZ OP PLZ NERF either. The IS can still dominate Siege matches. The difference from what I've seen playing on the Clan side now is a) Clan gets a lot of ghost drops which moves the bar, and
the addition of a ton of non-Siege maps that make the IS tankiness less useful vs. the Clan's ability to turn their mechs into hardpoint mutts.
Of course, the IS is still dominating scouting because freakin' Bushwacker's, and more Bushwackers, and oh ya, Bushwackers. And while I haz sneaky thotz on how to beat Bushwackers in Scouting, they kinda need 55 tons back for Clan scout decks...and oh ya, the Black Lanner which means the IS should keep dominating until February and maybe even longer if PGI doesn't give the 5 tons back.