RAC2 Heat/Shot from 0.275 to 0.345 (HPS from 2.0 to 2.4)
RAC2 Ammo/Ton from 300 to 240
RAC2 is anemic as hell. Yes we get that the AC2 and LB2X is mostly for plinking, and so is the idea of the RAC2, but then considering the effective DPS, and the fact that considering its weight alone and in weapon combination it's underpowered versus other weapons, you gotta buff it if it ever were to be a choice. Go for either Rate-of-Fire which works without modifying the Ammo/Ton and Heat/Shot, but out-right altering the damage would need Ammo/Ton and Heat/Shot adjustment.
ATM Minimum Range from 120m to 0m
Seriously, the ATM is supposed to be a jack-of-all trades, but not some mid-range souped-up LRM. I get that 3 damage/missile up close is really broken, i really do. But considering that the ammo itself is a combination of the three types of ammo, i see no point in giving the capability of HE ammo's damage to it, and considering that it's supposed to be a jack-of-all trades, not a gimmicky LRM clone, then it shouldn't have any minimum range. Likewise, having terrible ammo/efficiency at long-range engagements would make this unlikely to be used at those ranges at all, to which i ask, what's the point?
LB20X Tonnage from 14 to 13
Because lets face it, most of the time we actually choose to use the LB10X is because it's 1 less slot and tonnage than the AC10, i mean really would people generally bother putting 4x LB10X on the Mauler instead of 4x AC10 that's PPFLD if it where the same slots and ton? The fact that LB20X forces the use of standard engine aside from not having the same -1 slot and ton, and does spread damage, just makes it an awful choice regardless of whether you put good heat/shot and velocity on the weapon.
Light Gauss Rifle Velocity from 2000 to 3000
Light Gauss Rifle Charge-Time from 0.50s to 0.75s
Just as the RAC2, the LGR is anemic as hell. Damage buff should be in order, Ammo-Ton should remain the same, because it's based on the AC10, and it already has a low DPS. The Velocity buff is not only to make the LGR even better at long range hitting, but it's to make it even more incompatible with ER-PPC. Charge-Time is there to make the LGR consistent with other GRs, that transitioning in between doesn't feel that jarring, likewise it also affects the Damage/sec, putting it on a neat 2.5 DPS, versus the AC10's 4 DPS.
LRM5 Impulse from 0.3 to 0.075
Clan LRM5 Spread from 4.2 to 2.5
Clan LRM5 Impulse from 0.3 to 0.075
Much of the charm of the LRM5s is quite literally the weight-saving feature, that pre-nerf, that the spread they have without artemis is less than an LRM10 WITH artemis, that means Artemis is not needed, and because we don't have to allot for Artemis, we save space. Using LRM5 means we have been constrained for weight in the beginning. Returning the LRM5s to their former glory would allow them to become much more prevalent.
These are my wish list.
Edited by The6thMessenger, 08 November 2017 - 11:03 PM.