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Anyone Else Notice The Unmentioned Mechanical Changes

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#1 Milkshakes


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Posted 14 November 2017 - 07:54 PM

I noticed configs running RACs with 0.7 or less heat ratios suddenly running 1.2+ without any sort of documentation. Likewise, I've seen configs running ~1.3 jumping to ~1.5 heat ratios without any significant responsiveness in game as far as continuous fire goes. This leads me to believe there is some sort of change to specifically IS mechs given that on very basic polling of the community in match that clan mechs seem unaffected.

Thoughts, comments or opinions?

#2 Shifty McSwift


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Posted 14 November 2017 - 07:59 PM

Not something I would notice personally, but worth posting in patch feedback I am sure.

#3 Athom83


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Posted 14 November 2017 - 08:00 PM

View PostMilkshakes, on 14 November 2017 - 07:54 PM, said:

I noticed configs running RACs with 0.7 or less heat ratios suddenly running 1.2+ without any sort of documentation. Likewise, I've seen configs running ~1.3 jumping to ~1.5 heat ratios without any significant responsiveness in game as far as continuous fire goes. This leads me to believe there is some sort of change to specifically IS mechs given that on very basic polling of the community in match that clan mechs seem unaffected.

Thoughts, comments or opinions?

But they did include it in the notes. " MechLab: Fixed an issue where equipping Flamers, Laser AMS, or RACs would have an inaccurate impact on your listed Heat Management value. In-game Heat was behaving correctly; this issue only erroneously impacted your listed Heat Management value."

#4 Escef


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Posted 14 November 2017 - 08:01 PM

Directly from the patch notes:

MechLab: Fixed an issue where equipping Flamers, Laser AMS, or RACs would have an inaccurate impact on your listed Heat Management value. In-game Heat was behaving correctly; this issue only erroneously impacted your listed Heat Management value.

EDIT: Ninja'd by Anthom83

Edited by Escef, 14 November 2017 - 08:03 PM.

#5 Milkshakes


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Posted 14 November 2017 - 08:02 PM

View PostEscef, on 14 November 2017 - 08:01 PM, said:

Directly from the patch notes:

MechLab: Fixed an issue where equipping Flamers, Laser AMS, or RACs would have an inaccurate impact on your listed Heat Management value. In-game Heat was behaving correctly; this issue only erroneously impacted your listed Heat Management value.


Yeah I just saw that on mention from someone else. However, that still doesn't resolve some of the other heat change issues for unaffected components such as AC2s or MLas

...and yes I posted in patch feedback but I'm just trying to spread the question as far as I can because these changes seem sudden and unannounced.

My biggest concern stems from my predominant use of IS mechs on PUG matches. When using a clan mech, though it was an ECM equipped mech, I was able to finally break 300 damage. I attribute most of this to pilot error but can't for the life of me assume every config for every mech is so impotent versus any opponent. Alongside the sudden changes to heat ratio calculations for unlisted weapons I have to then wonder if perhaps quirks or weapons configs were changed as well.

Edited by Milkshakes, 14 November 2017 - 08:07 PM.

#6 Athom83


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Posted 14 November 2017 - 08:20 PM

View PostMilkshakes, on 14 November 2017 - 08:02 PM, said:

My biggest concern stems from my predominant use of IS mechs on PUG matches. When using a clan mech, though it was an ECM equipped mech, I was able to finally break 300 damage. I attribute most of this to pilot error but can't for the life of me assume every config for every mech is so impotent versus any opponent.

Um... thats more to do with the mech being clan than anything else. Clan mechs are far easier to pilot and always perform better than IS mechs with an equally skilled pilot. And 'bad' clan builds are far more forgiving than IS ones.

View PostMilkshakes, on 14 November 2017 - 08:02 PM, said:

Alongside the sudden changes to heat ratio calculations for unlisted weapons I have to then wonder if perhaps quirks or weapons configs were changed as well.

Nothing else of that nature was changed. They just finally fixed a display bug caused by miscalculations. There were some minor quirk changes to some mechs, but again those were documented.

#7 Milkshakes


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Posted 14 November 2017 - 08:27 PM

View PostAthom83, on 14 November 2017 - 08:20 PM, said:

Um... thats more to do with the mech being clan than anything else. Clan mechs are far easier to pilot and always perform better than IS mechs with an equally skilled pilot. And 'bad' clan builds are far more forgiving than IS ones.

Nothing else of that nature was changed. They just finally fixed a display bug caused by miscalculations. There were some minor quirk changes to some mechs, but again those were documented.

Please then explain to me the changes to the Adder, the Hunchback and the Shadowcat.


Comp Play: Fixed an issue where a previously Ready player would still be listed as Ready after switching to an invalid 'Mech, but would still correctly be blocked from launching.
Cougar COU-H: Fixed an issue where the Set of 8 Quirks included a +5% Cooldown Quirk, rather than the intended -5% Cooldown.
Faction Play (Conflicts Panel): Fixed an issue where Special Conflicts would not show the associated Faction insignias.
Faction Play: Removed a redundant warning when viewing Career details.
Faction Play: Fixed an issue where debug text would briefly appear just prior to the beginning of a match.
Group: Fixed an issue where Quick Play would appear as an option twice if there were no active Faction Play Conflicts.
Group: Fixed an issue where players who returned from a match and were viewing a rewards dialog would still be listed as 'Deployed'.
Group: Fixed an issue where a Group Invite could show the wrong Faction icon for the player.
Inventory: Fixed an issue where the Sell Item button could remain active but invisible after selling an item.
Inventory: Fixed an issue where the C-Bill icon would not appear in the dialog when attempting to sell a single item.
MechLab (Warehouse): Fixed an issue where swapping OmniPods could cause items to display incorrectly in the 32-bit client.
MechLab: Fixed an issue where equipping Flamers, Laser AMS, or RACs would have an inaccurate impact on your listed Heat Management value. In-game Heat was behaving correctly; this issue only erroneously impacted your listed Heat Management value.
MechLab: Fixed an issue where the Critical Chance values were being visually rounded in the tooltip for Targeting Computers.
MechLab: Fixed an issue where Loadout errors for the Head were referring to the component as 'Cockpit'.
Mech Stats: Fixed an issue where the wrong colour was used for the Arm Angle value.
MechWarrior Academy: MiniMap and BattleGrid now accurately reflect the distinct layout features of the Academy map, rather than simply using the River City map.
River City (F5): Fixed an location where 'Mechs could get stuck.
Special Events: 'Recent Events' tab has been renamed to 'Past Events'.
Special Events: The 'Current Events' and 'Future Events' tabs will now be visible even when no Events are currently running or announced. Under this circumstance, the tabs will be comprised of text conveying these states.
Special Events: Fixed an issue where the Victory/Loss Claim Reward would not appear when all Immediate Rewards were already Claimed or unavailable for being Claimed.
Special Events: Fixed an issue where headers would sometimes not appear above Events.
Special Events: To address an issue with large numbers not fitting in the available space, Completion states are no longer conveyed with a green checkmark. Once an Objective requirement has been met, the listed value will however continue to turn green to help denote completion.
Splash Screen: Fixed an issue where skipping the Tutorial in the inital splash screen before the screen was fully loaded could cause the dialog to get stuck on-screen
Nova Cat: Animations have been cleaned up to address issues with leg behavior.
Nova Cat: Fixed placement issues with footprints.
Osiris: Fixed an issue where the arms wouldn't appear to move up and down while in 1PV.
Settings (Video): Fixed an issue where the lowest resolutions wouldn't appear in the resolution dropdown when first accessed.
Store: Fixed an issue where the Linebacker LBK-RL was not categorized as a Hero 'Mech.
Store (Mech Stats): Fixed an issue where the Tooltip could remain on-screen after hovering over a Component.
Unit (Rank Management): Fixed an issue where the 'View Last Online Time' privilege could not be assigned on its own.
Unit (Message of the Day): Hitting primary Enter key to set another line will no longer close the window. The NumPad Enter key will still close the window.
Unit: Fixed an issue where a long Unit name would overrun the Member and Planet Info window.
UrbanMech UM-K9: Fixed an issue where CT Energy Weapon hitboxes didn't have complete coverage.
Uziel: Fixed an issue where multiple variants weren't correctly utilizing empty hardpoint caps.
Uziel (all variants): Fixed an alignment issue with the Center Torso and the hip.
Uziel (all variants): Animations have been cleaned up to address issues encountered while Torso is turned and the 'Mech is in motion.

Only reply if what you're saying is unrelated to anything mentioned above.


#8 Athom83


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Posted 14 November 2017 - 08:53 PM

View PostMilkshakes, on 14 November 2017 - 08:27 PM, said:

Please then explain to me the changes to the Adder, the Hunchback and the Shadowcat.

Those mechs were not touched. I cannot help you understand your problems if you only give information piecemeal. Now, what specific builds are you running with those and how did they seem to be changed since the update?

#9 Jun Watarase


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Posted 15 November 2017 - 12:44 AM

Sadly, the heat management value doesnt take into account quirks/skill nodes so its not very accurate.

#10 Vellron2005


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Posted 15 November 2017 - 01:42 AM

So they FINALLY fixed the wrong heat management display?

And only a day after I made a topic about how it needed fixing?

WOW - I'm shocked and impressed! Posted Image Posted Image

#11 Milkshakes


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Posted 15 November 2017 - 04:11 PM

View PostAthom83, on 14 November 2017 - 08:53 PM, said:

Those mechs were not touched. I cannot help you understand your problems if you only give information piecemeal. Now, what specific builds are you running with those and how did they seem to be changed since the update?

It's not the mechs themselves that are any different but for instance I run a 2xAC2 1xLMG 3xMlas HBK that now has a 1.51 heat ratio. Likewise on the Adder I was running a 2xHMlas 2xLRM10 build to keep the heat ratio above 1.2 but now I can run 3xERMlas with 2xLRM10s. If I had older smurfy data to compare them to I could more accurately tell if there were any actual mechanical changes to the weapons themselves but because I don't I can't.

In short, basically certain configs now show a heat ratio that they didn't before. Maybe there was some sort of previous patch that made adjustments that I missed but aside that I'm curious as to why there was a sudden change.

Likewise, I just hopped in the game and noticed another Adder (2xERML + 2xLRM15) running at 1.36 which is noticeably higher than before.

Edited by Milkshakes, 15 November 2017 - 04:15 PM.

#12 Davegt27


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Posted 15 November 2017 - 04:16 PM

View PostMilkshakes, on 14 November 2017 - 07:54 PM, said:

I noticed configs running RACs with 0.7 or less heat ratios suddenly running 1.2+ without any sort of documentation. Likewise, I've seen configs running ~1.3 jumping to ~1.5 heat ratios without any significant responsiveness in game as far as continuous fire goes. This leads me to believe there is some sort of change to specifically IS mechs given that on very basic polling of the community in match that clan mechs seem unaffected.

Thoughts, comments or opinions?

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#13 Jackal Noble


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Posted 15 November 2017 - 06:44 PM

View PostAthom83, on 14 November 2017 - 08:20 PM, said:

Um... thats more to do with the mech being clan than anything else. Clan mechs are far easier to pilot and always perform better than IS mechs with an equally skilled pilot. And 'bad' clan builds are far more forgiving than IS ones.

Nothing else of that nature was changed. They just finally fixed a display bug caused by miscalculations. There were some minor quirk changes to some mechs, but again those were documented.

Dude, you're all right for the most part, but that first part is delusional as all hell. They are honestly about the same. Sure there might be a few more "meta" comp builds on Clan side, but that boils down more to actual skill level and the ability to utilize that specialized build to it's full potential vs. actual playability. Do you know how many 2xRAC5 Bushie 1X matches I've spec'd that go to a 800-1000 just running and gunning? quite a few. I honestly enjoy playing my IS mechs in ways that I couldn't do in Clan mechs, and the weapons are in a way more satisfying. Yes, I play Clan pre-dominantly as I am part of a loyalist unit, but own about as many IS mechs as I do dirty Clanners and I can without a doubt say from experience - I can wade through shots and survive in my IS mech whereas I would have been absolutely crippled if it was a Clan mech.

I know this isn't going to have the effect that I hope it will because INTERNETZ, and honestly wonder why I come on the forum. If you can't make an IS mech work and do well in this game, you have bigger issues.

#14 Trenchbird


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Posted 15 November 2017 - 07:11 PM

View PostJackalBeast, on 15 November 2017 - 06:44 PM, said:

Dude, you're all right for the most part, but that first part is delusional as all hell. They are honestly about the same. Sure there might be a few more "meta" comp builds on Clan side, but that boils down more to actual skill level and the ability to utilize that specialized build to it's full potential vs. actual playability. Do you know how many 2xRAC5 Bushie 1X matches I've spec'd that go to a 800-1000 just running and gunning? quite a few. I honestly enjoy playing my IS mechs in ways that I couldn't do in Clan mechs, and the weapons are in a way more satisfying. Yes, I play Clan pre-dominantly as I am part of a loyalist unit, but own about as many IS mechs as I do dirty Clanners and I can without a doubt say from experience - I can wade through shots and survive in my IS mech whereas I would have been absolutely crippled if it was a Clan mech.

I know this isn't going to have the effect that I hope it will because INTERNETZ, and honestly wonder why I come on the forum. If you can't make an IS mech work and do well in this game, you have bigger issues.

This. I think it's about 50/50 Clan-to-IS mechs for me right now, but with the exception of the reaaaaally bad IS mechs I own (Why do I even own four Black Knights), they perform either slightly behind, the same, or ahead of my Clan Mechs.

In fact, there are several IS mechs I own that I would take over a Clan equivalent in a heartbeat; My Catapult CPLT-BB, Centurion CN9-YLW, Battlemaster BLR-1G, to name a few.

The only 'outlier' Clan Mechs I feel the need to mention; The Scorch and Mad Cat MKII 2 are able to completely blow any other mech I own out of the water in terms of point-blank, armor-tearing ability due to the 4SRM6A+2LB20X. But they are just that, outliers. And both feel rather fragile compared to my IS Assault Brawlers.

Edited by Catten Hart, 15 November 2017 - 07:13 PM.

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