Main importance is that it is an attractive earth-like environment that is commonly found in BT lore but so far hasn't been represented by an existing MWO map.
The finished map would ideally have alternative time of day and seasonal varieties featuring rain, thunderstorms, rolling fog and snow.
The concept was created using UE4, with help from UE4s free collection of grass, trees and rock assets. Structures, wheat, materials and mountains etc were created for the concept.
Intended play-style:
Firstly its very open outside of the low lying river, but there are distributed rocks, buildings and rolling hills to provide some cover. The main battles in skirmish would be expected to take place around the river where rocky outcrops and buildings allow forces to gather before attempting to cross, or weaken the enemy if they try to cross in a bad spot. Pushing an enemy off their river bank and into the fields would be when they become open to LRM rain or if they attempt to cross the river in an obvious place and without using a bridge for cover.
The trees are large, requiring more momentum to destroy than the small destructible trees in MWO, perhaps they could require heavy mechs. They should also provide some limited line of sight cover to aid in stealth.
The map is set in an agricultural region on Tukayyid. The population lives in homesteads and modest villages and work at the commercial agriculture facilities where Terran-sourced crops are cross-bred and engineered to thrive in the local environment. Power is sourced from solar and wind in addition to biofuels. There is nothing of real significance to invading forces with the exception of the sturdy bridges necessary for moving armies.
Coming up will be at least one concept painting for the maps visual theme adding more detail to the ground/buildings (mud, ditches, different soil layers, vehicle tracks, power-lines, plant variation etc) and of course agromechs doing some agromech related activities.
Compilation of screenshots:

Overview, (map area is extended beyond play area in the 3D concept)