The numbers represent variants and the number after the plus are those with custom builds and or notable pilots for possible heros. I did forget to remove underwater builds.
IS Mech List before 3069
100 tons
Archangel 6+1 (3069)
Atlas II 2+2
Berserker 4
Devastator 4+1 (love child of a Warhammer and Atlas)
Grand Titan 4
Pillager 5+1
Thunder Hawk 4
Vanquisher 5+1 (100 ton Catapult K2 but with ballistics)
95 tons
Albatross 3+1
Cerberus 5
Colossus 3 (Solaris 7 Mech with X Pulse lasers)
Hauptmann 9 (Lyran house Omni Mech)
Naginata 4 (Kurita Command/Support fire Mech)
Sagittaire 4 (Davion House Mech)
90 tons
Akuma 4 (Kurita Atlas Knock off)
Emperor 9+2
Juggernaut 3+1 (Solaris 7 X Pulse Laser mech)
Rifleman III 1 (Gausszilla's little brother 4x Gauss Rifles)
Sunder 10+1 (IS Omni Mech)
Viking 4 (Missiles on top of Missiles one variant with Arrow IV)
Ymir 4 (Lyran House Mech little dated)
Yu Huang 6+1 (Liao House Mech)
85 tons
Black Watch 2
Crockett 6
Gunslinger 3+1
Katana 4 (Crockett downgrade)
Longbow 11+1
Rampage 3+1
Sasquatch 3 (Solaris 7 Mech prime comes with XXL engine 0_0)
Seraph 7+2 (3069)
Shogun 6+1 (As of 3068 only 2 were left operational)
Tai-sho 2 (Kurati House Mech)
Templar 12+2 (Davion House Omni Mech)
Wakazashi 1 (Mixed tech Mech as it is a SLDF design yet most rebuilt by the Clan Jade Falcon)
80 tons
Cudgel 3 (Solaris 7 Melee mech)
Grand Crusader 4+1 (Word of Blake/Free worlds League House Mech)
Legacy 5 (Word of Blake House Mech)
0-Bakemono 3 (Arrow IV Mech)
Salamander 6 (More Missile spam)
Spartan 4
Striker 4
Thug 6+3
75 tons
Bandersnatch 3+1
Defiance 3 (Lyran House Mech + Triple Strength Myomer)
Dragon Fire 4+1
Falconer 2+1
Flashman 6 (IS Laser Vomit + 1 version with Compact Gyro)
Hammerhands 5+1 (5 ton heavier Warhammer with Ballistic arms and Davion House Mech)
Lao Hu 5 (Liao House Mech)
Maelstrom 4
Onslaught 3 (Solaris 7 Mech with Light AC 5 and X Pulse Lasers)
Penetrator 6+4 (Larger IS Nova rip off)
Perseus 8 (Free worlds League Omni Orion)
Rakshasa 4 (IS Rip off of the Timberwolf)
Shugenja 2
Toyama 3 (Free Worlds League/Word of Blake House Mech)
War Dog 2
70 tons
Avatar 13 (Omni Mech)
BattleAxe 4 (Davion House Mech)
Caesar 5+2
Daikyu 4+1 (Kurati House Mech)
Deva 8+1 (3069)
Dragoon 5 (Looks like a sleeker version of the Rifleman but 70 tons and has 1 mixed tech variant)
Excalibur 6+1 (Fire support Mech)
Gallowglas 7 (Merc Designed Mech/Clan Buster)
Guillotine 8
Hachiwara 4 (Solaris 7 Melee Mech)
Hector 2 (Free Worlds League House Mech, Looks abit like ED-209)
Hercules 4+1 (Free Worlds League House Mech)
No-Dachi 6+1 (Kurati House Mech + Melee + Triple Strength Myomer)
Shootist 3+2
Thunder 4 (Liao House Mech + 1 Variant with Arrow IV +1 Variant Thunderbolt 20 and X Pulse Laser)
65 tons
Axman 6+2 (Fedcom House Mech + Melee)
Bombardier 5+1 (Missile Boat + 1 version with Arrow IV)
Cestus 4
Crusader 17+2 (Looks like a Zaku prototype)
Exterminator 7+4 (Null sig + Chameleon mech)
Jagermech III 2 (Davion House Mech with Crotch Mounted guns as well)
Jinggau 3+1 (Liao House Mech Looks like an elongated Stalker Top lowered to between the legs)
Koschei 8 (Liao House Mech 65 Ton Centurion)
Morpheus 5 (Solaris 7 Melee mech)
Ninja-To 3 (Kurati House Mech ER LL Sniper)
Ostwar 3 (Missile Boat)
Tempest 5 (Free Worlds League House Mech)
Verfolger 3 (Lyran/Wolf Dragoon/Clan Wolf in Exile House Mech)
Von Rohrs/Hebis 2 (Kurati House Mech no longer in production)
60 tons
Anvil 6+1 (Free Worlds League House Mech, Laser Vomit + 1 Arrow IV variant)
Argus 6 (Fedcom House Mech)
Black Hawk-KU 11+1 (IS Omni up toned Nova)
Crossbow (battlemech) 4 (Lyran House Mech)
Galahad 3+1
Grand Dragon 8+5 (Dragon Upgrade)
Grigori 7+2 (3069)
Helios 5 (St Ives House Mech)
Lancelot 10
Merlin 3+2 (Old Lyran House Mech)
Ostroc 13+1
Ostsol 10
Paladin 3 (Solaris 7 Mech)
Spatha 1+1 (Solaris 7 Mech)
Super Griffin (lets bring it back) 1
Ti Ts'ang 5+1 (Liao House Mech + Melee)
Yeoman 2 (Free Worlds League Missile Boat Mech)
55 tons
Alfar 2
Apollo 5
Buccaneer 2
Cronus 3
Eyleuka 4 (3069)
Gladiator 5+1
Grim Reaper 3+2
Hoplite 8
Lightray 5
Lineholder 5
Lynx 4
Marshal 4
Men Shen 9+1
Wraith 3+1
Yao Lien 2
50 tons
Aquagladius 2
Blackjack-O 10 (IS Omni version)
Blitzkrieg 2
Bombard 4
Chameleon 6
Enfield 4
Enforcer III 10+1
Huron Warrior 5+1
Nightsky 6
Phoenix 3
Raijin 5
Ronin 2
Starslayer 4
Talos 1+1
Tessen 5
45 tons
Beowulf 3
Bloodhound 3
Cobra 2
Daedalus 4
Firestarter-O 12 (IS Omni)
Hatchetman 11+5
Komodo 4
Kyudo 3
Preta 8+1 (3069)
Snake 3+2
Stealth 6+1
Volkh 2
Wolf Trap 5+2
Wyvern 7
40 tons
Chimera 3
Clint 8+1
Daimyo 4+1
Hermes II 10
Icarus II 4
Initiate 2
Night Stalker 4
Sentinel 10
Sentry 2
Sha Yi 3+1
Strider 12
Tsunami 2
Watchman 3
Werewolf 2+1
Whitworth 8+1
35 tons
Falcon Hawk 3
Firebee 3
Garm 4
Gurka 4
Hollander 8
Night Hawk 2
Ostscout 7
Owens 9
Silver Fox 2
Spector 4
Stiletto 5
Talon 5
Toro 2+2
Venom 5 (Upgraded Spider)
Wight 7
30 tons
Anubis 7
Arctic Fox 8
Battle Hawk 2
Copperhead 3
Falcon 7+1
Firefly 10
Hammer 4
Hermes 11
Hitman 3
Hussar 8
Jackal 4
Malak 7+1 (3069)
Nantis 5
Razorback 4
Scarabus 2
Valiant 4+1
Valkyrie 11
25 tons
Brigand 11
Dart 4
Duan Gung 2+1
Eagle 3
Ebony 5
Jackrabbit 3
Koto 4
Mongoose 8+1
Nexus 4
Raptor 9
Super Wasp 1 (Lets bring it back)
20 tons
Cossack 2
Fireball 4+1
Hornet 6 (Running trousers)
Kabuto 2
Mercury 5
Porcupine 2
Red Shift 3
Stinger 11
Thorn 7
Wasp 16
100 tons
Archangel 6+1 (3069)
Atlas II 2+2
Berserker 4
Devastator 4+1 (love child of a Warhammer and Atlas)
Grand Titan 4
Pillager 5+1
Thunder Hawk 4
Vanquisher 5+1 (100 ton Catapult K2 but with ballistics)
95 tons
Albatross 3+1
Cerberus 5
Colossus 3 (Solaris 7 Mech with X Pulse lasers)
Hauptmann 9 (Lyran house Omni Mech)
Naginata 4 (Kurita Command/Support fire Mech)
Sagittaire 4 (Davion House Mech)
90 tons
Akuma 4 (Kurita Atlas Knock off)
Emperor 9+2
Juggernaut 3+1 (Solaris 7 X Pulse Laser mech)
Rifleman III 1 (Gausszilla's little brother 4x Gauss Rifles)
Sunder 10+1 (IS Omni Mech)
Viking 4 (Missiles on top of Missiles one variant with Arrow IV)
Ymir 4 (Lyran House Mech little dated)
Yu Huang 6+1 (Liao House Mech)
85 tons
Black Watch 2
Crockett 6
Gunslinger 3+1
Katana 4 (Crockett downgrade)
Longbow 11+1
Rampage 3+1
Sasquatch 3 (Solaris 7 Mech prime comes with XXL engine 0_0)
Seraph 7+2 (3069)
Shogun 6+1 (As of 3068 only 2 were left operational)
Tai-sho 2 (Kurati House Mech)
Templar 12+2 (Davion House Omni Mech)
Wakazashi 1 (Mixed tech Mech as it is a SLDF design yet most rebuilt by the Clan Jade Falcon)
80 tons
Cudgel 3 (Solaris 7 Melee mech)
Grand Crusader 4+1 (Word of Blake/Free worlds League House Mech)
Legacy 5 (Word of Blake House Mech)
0-Bakemono 3 (Arrow IV Mech)
Salamander 6 (More Missile spam)
Spartan 4
Striker 4
Thug 6+3
75 tons
Bandersnatch 3+1
Defiance 3 (Lyran House Mech + Triple Strength Myomer)
Dragon Fire 4+1
Falconer 2+1
Flashman 6 (IS Laser Vomit + 1 version with Compact Gyro)
Hammerhands 5+1 (5 ton heavier Warhammer with Ballistic arms and Davion House Mech)
Lao Hu 5 (Liao House Mech)
Maelstrom 4
Onslaught 3 (Solaris 7 Mech with Light AC 5 and X Pulse Lasers)
Penetrator 6+4 (Larger IS Nova rip off)
Perseus 8 (Free worlds League Omni Orion)
Rakshasa 4 (IS Rip off of the Timberwolf)
Shugenja 2
Toyama 3 (Free Worlds League/Word of Blake House Mech)
War Dog 2
70 tons
Avatar 13 (Omni Mech)
BattleAxe 4 (Davion House Mech)
Caesar 5+2
Daikyu 4+1 (Kurati House Mech)
Deva 8+1 (3069)
Dragoon 5 (Looks like a sleeker version of the Rifleman but 70 tons and has 1 mixed tech variant)
Excalibur 6+1 (Fire support Mech)
Gallowglas 7 (Merc Designed Mech/Clan Buster)
Guillotine 8
Hachiwara 4 (Solaris 7 Melee Mech)
Hector 2 (Free Worlds League House Mech, Looks abit like ED-209)
Hercules 4+1 (Free Worlds League House Mech)
No-Dachi 6+1 (Kurati House Mech + Melee + Triple Strength Myomer)
Shootist 3+2
Thunder 4 (Liao House Mech + 1 Variant with Arrow IV +1 Variant Thunderbolt 20 and X Pulse Laser)
65 tons
Axman 6+2 (Fedcom House Mech + Melee)
Bombardier 5+1 (Missile Boat + 1 version with Arrow IV)
Cestus 4
Crusader 17+2 (Looks like a Zaku prototype)
Exterminator 7+4 (Null sig + Chameleon mech)
Jagermech III 2 (Davion House Mech with Crotch Mounted guns as well)
Jinggau 3+1 (Liao House Mech Looks like an elongated Stalker Top lowered to between the legs)
Koschei 8 (Liao House Mech 65 Ton Centurion)
Morpheus 5 (Solaris 7 Melee mech)
Ninja-To 3 (Kurati House Mech ER LL Sniper)
Ostwar 3 (Missile Boat)
Tempest 5 (Free Worlds League House Mech)
Verfolger 3 (Lyran/Wolf Dragoon/Clan Wolf in Exile House Mech)
Von Rohrs/Hebis 2 (Kurati House Mech no longer in production)
60 tons
Anvil 6+1 (Free Worlds League House Mech, Laser Vomit + 1 Arrow IV variant)
Argus 6 (Fedcom House Mech)
Black Hawk-KU 11+1 (IS Omni up toned Nova)
Crossbow (battlemech) 4 (Lyran House Mech)
Galahad 3+1
Grand Dragon 8+5 (Dragon Upgrade)
Grigori 7+2 (3069)
Helios 5 (St Ives House Mech)
Lancelot 10
Merlin 3+2 (Old Lyran House Mech)
Ostroc 13+1
Ostsol 10
Paladin 3 (Solaris 7 Mech)
Spatha 1+1 (Solaris 7 Mech)
Super Griffin (lets bring it back) 1
Ti Ts'ang 5+1 (Liao House Mech + Melee)
Yeoman 2 (Free Worlds League Missile Boat Mech)
55 tons
Alfar 2
Apollo 5
Buccaneer 2
Cronus 3
Eyleuka 4 (3069)
Gladiator 5+1
Grim Reaper 3+2
Hoplite 8
Lightray 5
Lineholder 5
Lynx 4
Marshal 4
Men Shen 9+1
Wraith 3+1
Yao Lien 2
50 tons
Aquagladius 2
Blackjack-O 10 (IS Omni version)
Blitzkrieg 2
Bombard 4
Chameleon 6
Enfield 4
Enforcer III 10+1
Huron Warrior 5+1
Nightsky 6
Phoenix 3
Raijin 5
Ronin 2
Starslayer 4
Talos 1+1
Tessen 5
45 tons
Beowulf 3
Bloodhound 3
Cobra 2
Daedalus 4
Firestarter-O 12 (IS Omni)
Hatchetman 11+5
Komodo 4
Kyudo 3
Preta 8+1 (3069)
Snake 3+2
Stealth 6+1
Volkh 2
Wolf Trap 5+2
Wyvern 7
40 tons
Chimera 3
Clint 8+1
Daimyo 4+1
Hermes II 10
Icarus II 4
Initiate 2
Night Stalker 4
Sentinel 10
Sentry 2
Sha Yi 3+1
Strider 12
Tsunami 2
Watchman 3
Werewolf 2+1
Whitworth 8+1
35 tons
Falcon Hawk 3
Firebee 3
Garm 4
Gurka 4
Hollander 8
Night Hawk 2
Ostscout 7
Owens 9
Silver Fox 2
Spector 4
Stiletto 5
Talon 5
Toro 2+2
Venom 5 (Upgraded Spider)
Wight 7
30 tons
Anubis 7
Arctic Fox 8
Battle Hawk 2
Copperhead 3
Falcon 7+1
Firefly 10
Hammer 4
Hermes 11
Hitman 3
Hussar 8
Jackal 4
Malak 7+1 (3069)
Nantis 5
Razorback 4
Scarabus 2
Valiant 4+1
Valkyrie 11
25 tons
Brigand 11
Dart 4
Duan Gung 2+1
Eagle 3
Ebony 5
Jackrabbit 3
Koto 4
Mongoose 8+1
Nexus 4
Raptor 9
Super Wasp 1 (Lets bring it back)
20 tons
Cossack 2
Fireball 4+1
Hornet 6 (Running trousers)
Kabuto 2
Mercury 5
Porcupine 2
Red Shift 3
Stinger 11
Thorn 7
Wasp 16
Clan Mech List Before 3069
100 tons
Bane (Kraken) 5
Imp 7
Jupiter 4 (3058)
Scylla 3
Stone Rhino/Behemoth 6
Tomahawk 4
95 tons
Turkina 10
90 tons
Kingfisher 9
Pulverizer 1
85 tons
Blood Kite 2
Savage Coyote 7
80 tons
Canis 2
Naga 5 (Arrow 4 Mech)
Phoenix Hawk IIC 8
75 tons
Black Python 4
Burrock 2
Mad Dog II 1
Woodsman 2 (predecessor to the Timberwolf)
70 tons
Bowman 4
Grizzly 2
Guillotine IIC 2
65 tons
Arcas 3
Crossbow (Omni Clan) 8
Ha Otoko 5 (Mixed tech)
Hades 8
60 tons
Glass Spider 3
Lupus 3
Matador 2
Predator 2
Thresher 2+1
55 tons
Prowler 2
Rabid Coyote 2
Stooping Hawk 8
50 tons
Conjurer 5 (Wolverine IIC)
Hellhound (MW 4 version)
Crimson Langur 6
Ursus 4
45 tons
Great Wyrm 2+1
Mongrel 8
Pinion 3
Shadow Hawk IIC 9
Stag 2
Wyvern IIC 2
40 tons
Battle Cobra 7
Clint IIC 2
Corvis 2
Coyotl 2
Griffin IIC 6
Lobo 3
Mercury II 1
Phantom 8
Pouncer 8+1
35 tons
Horned Owl 5 (Have to redesign as it look like a Gouf)
Ocelot 4
Ostscout IIC 1
Spirit 2
Wolfhound IIC 1/2+1
30 tons
Hellion 8
Mandrill 1
Pack Hunter 4
Urban IIC 2
25 tons
Bear Cub 3
Commando IIC 1
Fire Falcon 8
Icestorm 2
Locust IIC 9
Sling 2
Solitaire 2
20 tons
Fire Moth 10+1
Howler 3
Clan Mech List Before 3069
100 tons
Bane (Kraken) 5
Imp 7
Jupiter 4 (3058)
Scylla 3
Stone Rhino/Behemoth 6
Tomahawk 4
95 tons
Turkina 10
90 tons
Kingfisher 9
Pulverizer 1
85 tons
Blood Kite 2
Savage Coyote 7
80 tons
Canis 2
Naga 5 (Arrow 4 Mech)
Phoenix Hawk IIC 8
75 tons
Black Python 4
Burrock 2
Mad Dog II 1
Woodsman 2 (predecessor to the Timberwolf)
70 tons
Bowman 4
Grizzly 2
Guillotine IIC 2
65 tons
Arcas 3
Crossbow (Omni Clan) 8
Ha Otoko 5 (Mixed tech)
Hades 8
60 tons
Glass Spider 3
Lupus 3
Matador 2
Predator 2
Thresher 2+1
55 tons
Prowler 2
Rabid Coyote 2
Stooping Hawk 8
50 tons
Conjurer 5 (Wolverine IIC)
Hellhound (MW 4 version)
Crimson Langur 6
Ursus 4
45 tons
Great Wyrm 2+1
Mongrel 8
Pinion 3
Shadow Hawk IIC 9
Stag 2
Wyvern IIC 2
40 tons
Battle Cobra 7
Clint IIC 2
Corvis 2
Coyotl 2
Griffin IIC 6
Lobo 3
Mercury II 1
Phantom 8
Pouncer 8+1
35 tons
Horned Owl 5 (Have to redesign as it look like a Gouf)
Ocelot 4
Ostscout IIC 1
Spirit 2
Wolfhound IIC 1/2+1
30 tons
Hellion 8
Mandrill 1
Pack Hunter 4
Urban IIC 2
25 tons
Bear Cub 3
Commando IIC 1
Fire Falcon 8
Icestorm 2
Locust IIC 9
Sling 2
Solitaire 2
20 tons
Fire Moth 10+1
Howler 3
*edit add Added a missed Mech *
Edited by Shadowomega1, 06 March 2019 - 12:07 PM.