having the worst torso pitch in the game along with all your weapons being in the side torsos is just a really bad combination.
the atlas needs like 25 degrees torso pitch
because 16 degree torso pitch is really dumb. the atlas can basically only fight on completely level terrain. thats another one of the reasons its such a bad mech.
so yeah add better torso pitch as one of the things certain assaults like the atlas and banshee need.
you realize you can still shoot an atlas in the torso even when its torso twisted away from you right?
torso twisting really only helps against spread damage like missiles or LBX. because anyone who can aim their damage is still going to aim for your torso.
torso twisting has its limited uses but it was never really all that great. and now that assaults cant torso twist as well its even more situational than it was before.
I would still like to see assaults get more torso armor quirks. alternatively PGI could scale assaults down to the proper size. but obviously armor quirks are easier for PGI to implement than rescaling most of the assaults.
yep and the problem with an atlas running a build like UAC20/MRM60 is that other mechs like the Orion IIC can run similar builds and do it way better.
an Orion IIC can run an UAC20, x4 SRM6s, and 2 lasers. It gets a similar 100 damage alpha. But it also goes 75kph and has better life expectancy than the atlas.
the atlas is completely outclassed by clan brawler heavies. it needs some serious help.
Edited by Khobai, 05 December 2017 - 10:24 AM.