Verilligo, on 06 December 2017 - 11:24 AM, said:
I don't entirely agree, to be honest. While yes, these do all exist within Battletech and I'm sure they're fine mechs... two of them suffer badly from hardpoint bloat, the Hellfire and Matador. The Thresher is not a mech I would say is from the sterling days of battlemech design and the Glass Spider is essentially a boring Clan rehash of the Rifleman in a world where the Rifleman IIC already exists. Presuming we ever get the latter due to its popularity, I can't see a reason to take a Glass Spider when I could take a Rifleman IIC instead, especially when nothing about the Glass Spider's design calls it out as being tanky.
That mostly leaves the Predator, which... in all fairness, is a really good option. It's just that's by and large THE only option that already exists in-universe for a tanky-ish design without hardpoint bloat, thus my underdeveloped claim.
Considering all are battlemechs, and battlemechs get inflation, usually, in MWO (even clan ones)? Down the list:
Thresher offers the most interesting options in both MASC and jump jets. Hardpoints are scattered across the arms and torsos, but those are all essentially roof mounted. From a meta player's perspective, damned near ideal placement. The physical design is very flat, meaning side on it should be able to protect an opposite side torso fairly well.
Glass Spider, assuming standard inflation, might have a 4B option. The other variants are decidedly more energy based, but PGI would need to invent variants for most mechs, existing or imagined, regardless, so who knows what they'd come up with. Comes with a standard engine, which can easily be swapped for a CXL for a much bigger engine while still saving weight. Doing so gives it a stupidly large amount of free tonnage. Would fill the same sort of niche the rifleman does, without any of the risk that a IIC would threaten (though that risk might be near non-existent soon).
Hellfire would not be my first choice, honestly. Besides looking like a visual mess, it seems... I donno.... Uninspired? I'm pretty luke warm about this one. Same goes for the Matador, though at least that walking brick has a healthier range of hardpoint options for a mech its tonnage.
Predator would likely be a solid ride, but that depends on if they stick the cockpit in its crotch like the art, or higher towards the head. In any case, it has a nice base configuration, and plenty of potential for configurations in game.