Mech_Con 2017 Round Up!
Posted 10 December 2017 - 10:40 PM

Posted 10 December 2017 - 10:44 PM
Posted 10 December 2017 - 10:54 PM
Posted 10 December 2017 - 10:55 PM
Edited by live1991, 10 December 2017 - 10:55 PM.
Posted 10 December 2017 - 11:09 PM
Posted 10 December 2017 - 11:51 PM
Would you be able to provide a Battlegrid view of the layout of the upcoming city map?
Really wanting to know/see if in addition to the major roadways, which look reasonably open, if there are dense building sections with narrow lanes and short sight lines mixed in.
As for other feedback, was not able to attend but was happy to watch via the live stream and sneak in a few matches of MWO between announcements!
Enjoyed seeing the teams battle it out for the WC.
That was probably the highlight for me.
Edited by 50 50, 10 December 2017 - 11:55 PM.
Posted 11 December 2017 - 12:03 AM
Posted 11 December 2017 - 12:08 AM
It was really boring to see the same two maps again and again........
Posted 11 December 2017 - 12:09 AM
Me and many others have one proposal for improvement next year:
Please present the players and teams fighting in the finals on stage.
Other than that the show looked great and was way better to watch than last year. Keep it up
Posted 11 December 2017 - 12:28 AM

I realize my opinions are only my own but these are my immediate takeaways from Mech_Con as someone who watched nearly all twelve hours on Twitch:
1) You really need to do more for the stream in the 'downtime'. Championship player highlights and interviews, reviewing the year's new features, literal commercials for BT product, segments where we get to know the PGI/HBS staff, fan content - can you imagine running a contest in the months leading up to Mech_Con where the winner(s) are revealed on the stream?! Everyone I say these things to says "It takes too much time!" but you had a room full of folks that generate MWO content for *free* every week. You introduced the freecam this year as well, making crazy good screenshots and videos possible. Pay them or not but I'm sure fans would love to take part in this. The alternative is just open static shots of the crowds milling about, empty chairs, etc. Tina's interview things were great - do that, plus these other things, times a million, and use them as filler. Even popping over to BB "The Snek Maiden" Wolfe at the 1v1's or giving us a live shot of the BT tables would be better, or advertising upcoming events. It's one thing to say "We're almost ready, just a few minutes!" to a crowd of people that are live and making the most of their time already. To over two *thousand* viewers who are joking about how long a five-minute break takes PGI? You want those folks to stick around and have something to do other than mock the 'con.
2) Russ is a terrible spokesperson. I don't know him personally but he needs to dress up, shave, stay sober, enunciate, remember names if he's going to start listing them, smile, stop speaking like features may or may not be something we'll enjoy... GET. US. EXCITED. It's not hard - we're already paying attention and playing your game. He needs to act like he cares for the twenty minutes he's on stage. Again - this is not a personal criticism. A lot of people are different on-stage in front of an audience. He's just a really bad 'face' for PGI in this way ("Bring your wives"?). I know we can't all be Paul in a suit... but Russ really needs to try a little harder.
3) More Mitch and Jordan. That was the absolute highlight for me and I know I'm not alone. More things like that - old school BT folks with nothing to prove showing off their product or gaming 'acumen'. Look at the crowd when they're up there - folks were engaged! It's gold and I would love to see more of it next year!
4) Rotate out Tourmaline and Canyon in a way that prohibits the monotony. I know these guys train hard all year - which means they have the time to practice on more than two maps. Artillery/Air Strikes, while coming across as kind of cheap sometimes, are part of the game and tactics and that's fine. It's not entertaining in the least to see the same teams competing on the same maps and using the same tactics all day though. Commentators can only say the same things so many times. I feel like Polar was only chosen twice because someone spoke to them about the lack of interest from the audience and I know I'm not alone on that one either.
5) All that said, it was lovely to watch folks doing what they love. I, personally, declared my public and undying affection for Edmeister and Nova when I saw them in the Mist Lynxes and had a great time chatting with some folks in the stream and on some other (hosting) streams. The community is the number one reason I stayed with MWO and I'm not sorry - there are some amazing and talented BT fans out there. It's cool to see what happens when they get to make the games too.

6) With all that is in me, I intend to cosplay as a Mist Lynx next year. Mark my words!
-BW aka mistlynx4life
#mistlynx4life #mistlynx4mechcon2018
Edit: Never the one to not be a part of the solution, please contact me if you want my help with anything I've mentioned. Thanks again!
Edited by BWS2K, 11 December 2017 - 12:43 AM.
Posted 11 December 2017 - 12:37 AM
And it said 'Matchmaker'
This game hasn't had one since that PSR ******** was introduced. Not sure Russ and Paul even know what one is!
Posted 11 December 2017 - 01:05 AM
Edited by GamerPro4000, 11 December 2017 - 01:05 AM.
Posted 11 December 2017 - 01:07 AM

And i am super curious about PGIs motivation for the christmas giveaway the 27th.

Testing hardware ?
Marking/Recording active players vs. players who follow MWO ?
Database consolidation/optimization ?
Are you adding or fixing something with the next patch which you want to test ?
Don't get me wrong. The gift is awesome. But the one day thing really makes it look like a "test"

Thanks for a great MechCon, merry Christmas and happy new year.
Posted 11 December 2017 - 01:22 AM
Posted 11 December 2017 - 01:31 AM
Posted 11 December 2017 - 02:24 AM

Posted 11 December 2017 - 03:21 AM
BWS2K, on 11 December 2017 - 12:28 AM, said:
2) Russ is a terrible spokesperson. I don't know him personally but he needs to dress up, shave, stay sober, enunciate, remember names if he's going to start listing them, smile, stop speaking like features may or may not be something we'll enjoy... GET. US. EXCITED. It's not hard - we're already paying attention and playing your game. He needs to act like he cares for the twenty minutes he's on stage. Again - this is not a personal criticism. A lot of people are different on-stage in front of an audience. He's just a really bad 'face' for PGI in this way ("Bring your wives"?). I know we can't all be Paul in a suit... but Russ really needs to try a little harder.
I know it's not easy and I'm sure he has tons of things to do with multiple games in development and a convention on the schedule but being on stage as the head of the whole thing he needs to think though his presentation a bit more.
There where a few eyebrow-rising-moments (yes, e.g. the 'bring your...'-moment) and it seems he didn't really care - which I doubt is true. It was clearly visible he's not comfortable with being on stage.
Of course it's not his job to be the entertainer. But he should stay to a more professional presentation style:
- Don't talk when the mic is on - like the "wish me luck"-moment. If feels like you don't want to be on stage (which might be true but focus should stay on what you're going to say)
- Don't stand between chairs and desks! It looks like you're trying to hide from the audience. There needs to be some space for the person talking.
- Don't constantly go off stage. It looks like you want to flee from there.

- No smartphone. If necessary let someone off-stage hold a big card with notes or write your own hand cards with logo on the other side
- As BWS2K said: memorize names (or use cards)
- Thinking through and practicing the flow of the presentation to:
- Make important things look important (e.g. mw5 trailer announcement was bit confusing "what dramatic pause?, where is he going?, why seems the camera-op as puzzled as me about where he's going and what should be framed now?")
- These very short announcement trailers where also bit confusing. Playing the coop clip a 2nd time didn't make it better. A traditional approach with a static image or half static video (last frame of vid stays on screen) on a physical screen beside or behind the person talking would be better. It would also gives the talk a bit more visual structure when there is a constant image portraying the current topic.
To make it clear: the content was great! Just the packaging needs some more work

So wish you best of luck for 2018 and looking forward to the next mech-con =)
Posted 11 December 2017 - 03:30 AM
My advice for the next Mech Con:
1. Fill in all that downtime. Competitions, trivia quizzes, giveaways, interviews with players, personalities, staff, ads for products, player created videos. Take us on a tour around the various vendor displays.
2. Remove maps from rotation once used. Real WC Mechwarriors should be able to win on any map.
3. Give the commentators a raise. They did a great job.
4. Faction Play. Not mentioned once. Needs work - but please don't abandon it.
5. Add a Cosplay contest open to attendees.
6. Add a modeler contest open to attendees, judged by the attendees. Ie. painted BT figurines.
7. Add a 'best Mech illustration' contest open to the public, judged by PGI's art team.
Edited by Appogee, 11 December 2017 - 11:30 AM.
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