valrond, on 12 December 2017 - 11:35 AM, said:
So, your only piece of evidence is the MWOWC?
It happens in EVERY GAME.
Anything that it's SLIGHTLY BETTER, even if it's 1% better, it's going to be used massively more in competitive gameplay.
Can you get that 100% perfect balance? Nope, it is simply impossible, so people go for what works best, even if it's just a tiny bit better.
MMO works like that. You nerf something, buff something, the meta changes, a new meta appears, and most people tend to use the thing that works the best, specially in competitive gameplay.
PS: Your made up numbers don't mean a thing, that 85/15 means exactly nothing. If you want to make an argument, make a real one.
PS2: The MAIN part of the game is not the competitive one, just a few people play competitively. In random games, which is what people play, game is pretty well balanced, lots of possible builds are fun and competitive.
Don't like it? Play other game. You'll see it's the same in every MMO.
Integer numbers don't make sense?
You might want to rethink that comment
It's certainly not the only reason, the most obvious one being Clam mechs are easier to deal damage with, easier to survive with, and easier to move with, because of better weapons, engines, and generally faster (for the same payload) than Sphere mechs
Hence why they're taken at the top level, consistently, aside from niche Quirk exceptions.
I expressly state 100% balance wasn't likely to happen, but I'd settle for a much lower percentage of Robots taken at a serious level of competition.
The numbers which you can't wrap your head around.
You can feel free to enjoy the squalor of Potato Land, but don't base balance on it.
Anything can happen in Potato Land.
I'm already playing other games, because of PGI's tendency to continually nerf the Fun out of the game. My only interest is competitive play at this point, Potato Land has no appeal.
Robot too powerful because of Clam tech? Neuter the robot, not the cause. Robot no longer fun, nerf next robot.
Anyhow, since you don't seem too keen to have an intellectual conversation, I'll leave you with this
You could record your statistics from your adventures in Potato Land, but there's not much reason to.
Once upon a time, there were more viable Sphere mechs
There were more viable weapon systems
Those days were removed. AC nerfs, of all things