Here, I broke down a bunch of games for you guys. I'll admit this isn't a huge sample size, but it's about 300 points of data in the solo queue.
167 average damage is terrible. Is it really any surprise no one wants to play lights? Also look at all those people who were in the 1-99 damage section. It's the biggest chunk!
At least you're usually breaking 200 damage. Still not that impressive. Again no surprise that mediums are the second least played. Also of note, the biggest chunk is in the 100-199 section. Not good.
TO THE MOON!!! So we went from 231 to 375. That's a huge spike. And the biggest piece of the pie is 500+ damage!
And here we come crashing back to Earth. Assault damage numbers are actually what you would expect to see from heavies, which is a little weird. However it does seem pretty nicely split between each damage section.
As you can see average damage numbers go way out of wack when we get to heavies.
Weirdly though when you flip Assault and Heavy around you get a pretty nice line.
So what the heck is going on with Heavies? Are they the perfect storm of mobility, survivability, and firepower? Or is this simply a matter of good players gravitating toward heavies? But then shouldn't Elo correct for skill?
Edit: It is the year TWENTY SEVENTEEN. The year of the Necro. Threads thought safely locked away re-emerge from the depths of time. Debates long dormant now rampage across the forum-land as their creators helplessly look on.
Now in a world torn asunder only one group can hope to set things right. This Holiday season witness the showdown between Mods and the immortal Threads brought back from the dead in: LOCKDOWN
Edited by Jman5, 01 December 2017 - 08:36 AM.