Duo's Allowed In Quick Play?
Posted 24 April 2018 - 05:05 PM
Has there been any discussion to opening up two-person groups to joining quick play? I get that it might upset a lot of dedicated solo players but maybe the matchmaking can work it's magic and balance the two teams with equal amount of duo's, or spread them out amongst lobbies.
Posted 24 April 2018 - 05:13 PM
Posted 24 April 2018 - 05:14 PM
Posted 24 April 2018 - 05:18 PM
Posted 24 April 2018 - 05:23 PM
Y'all are more than welcome to come play with us. We're very accepting and welcoming of all peeps even if y'all want to do your own thing.
If you send me a message I'll hook you up with the info.
Appogee, on 24 April 2018 - 05:18 PM, said:
I don't totally agree with this. It would be fine it were restricted to just one group per game and there is a reasonable tonnage restriction for a two man that wants to enter solo queue or something along those lines.
Not being able to buddy up with a friend without facing group queue hurts NPE. Even at slow parts of the day with small groups on average the people in GQ are much more challenging opponents, are generally more aware, and they're running better mechs and builds than a new player has access to. At a minimum GQ players have a better working knowledge of the game.
Edited by Prototelis, 24 April 2018 - 05:36 PM.
Posted 24 April 2018 - 07:09 PM
LordBraxton, on 24 April 2018 - 05:14 PM, said:
Well, you can do that now with 2x2 Solaris ... and private matches before that.
Posted 25 April 2018 - 04:31 AM
There is a need for more attention to help, encourage and protect new players. I try to do my part, but PGI needs to rethink this as well. New players form both the future and sustainability of the game. Any business that discourages new customers is doomed in the end. That is probably the biggest issue with MWO.
Posted 25 April 2018 - 05:10 AM
Raidyr, on 24 April 2018 - 05:05 PM, said:
Solo Q will be immediately swarmed by duo+duo+duo syncdrops and it will screw the real solo players big time. So, no.
As a matter of fact [Redacted] been doing it already, probably syncdropping when their chief streams or something.
Edited by draiocht, 27 April 2018 - 02:53 AM.
name & shame
Posted 25 April 2018 - 05:18 AM
Posted 25 April 2018 - 07:14 AM
Raidyr, on 24 April 2018 - 05:05 PM, said:
Has there been any discussion to opening up two-person groups to joining quick play? I get that it might upset a lot of dedicated solo players but maybe the matchmaking can work it's magic and balance the two teams with equal amount of duo's, or spread them out amongst lobbies.
You're pissing in the wind. This has been "a thing" for over two years, since they removed the capability for small groups to play in QP. I have a friend that would like to play the game. I can't teach him unless I don't play and just monitor his game play remotely - great for performance.
I sincerely doubt they are going to yield on this. The furor over it when 2-3 person teams could do it was so extreme.
And, really, now that they have gone to a tier system, it would screw it up even worse if you are, say, T3 and your new friend is T5. Not that the tier system works very well...
Posted 25 April 2018 - 07:26 AM
2 v 2 Solaris.
Posted 25 April 2018 - 07:40 AM
I think the strongest argument against groups is if it messed with the matchmaker, i.e. lopsided tonnage.
Posted 25 April 2018 - 07:55 AM
No don't, it's against the rules and you don't always end up on the same team.
Posted 25 April 2018 - 09:42 AM
"I can't do group queue with two people but I don't want to get 3 or 4 more and make a larger group. I don't want to do private matches. I don't want to do 2v2 Solaris. No, the only thing that will do is me and my friend getting to drop with solo players. Why can't we have this?"
I'm always taken by the utter cognitive dissonance at play. After going on about how larger groups make GQP no fun for 2-man groups, the solution is to allow groups into the solo queue (solo... look it up!) because that will somehow make the game more fun for the solo players who now have to drop with coordinated groups.
Posted 25 April 2018 - 09:45 AM
Posted 26 April 2018 - 12:55 PM
Abisha, on 25 April 2018 - 09:45 AM, said:
What do you mean by abuse the system?
Mister Glitchdragon, on 25 April 2018 - 09:42 AM, said:
"I can't do group queue with two people but I don't want to get 3 or 4 more and make a larger group. I don't want to do private matches. I don't want to do 2v2 Solaris. No, the only thing that will do is me and my friend getting to drop with solo players. Why can't we have this?"
I'm always taken by the utter cognitive dissonance at play. After going on about how larger groups make GQP no fun for 2-man groups, the solution is to allow groups into the solo queue (solo... look it up!) because that will somehow make the game more fun for the solo players who now have to drop with coordinated groups.
I'll take this one down piece by piece because I find it just needlessly combative.
1) I'm sorry if it's been asked before. The last thread I found when I searched was several months old though and I figured it would be better etiquette to make a new thread than bump an old one.
2) I used to play in a group of 4 or 5 others but they all quit and we gradually stopped playing. I'm coming back to the game again with a friend (please read the OP before posting next time) and neither of us frankly have the desire or time to look for a group of people to play MWO with. We just want to play MWO together without getting kicked in the teeth by two 5 man drops on the other team while the two 5 man drops on our team are ignoring us (or worse, berating us) for not being on their Discord
3) Of course private matches and Solaris matches won't do. I don't even understand why I have to explain this. If I said I wanted to play CTF with a friend and people recommended that I just play Deathmatch that would be absurd. I want to play "traditional" MWO.
4) It's not about "getting to drop against solo players" because obviously the times when I play quick play I'll be matches against opposing duos as well. Again I feel like you are making really needlessly combative assumptions but my intent here.
Finally, you speak of cognitive dissonance but I think the only person here suffering from that is you. There is no conflict at all with having the position that large groups make small groups hard to play in group queue, and that duo's in Quick Play (look it up) wouldn't make things particularly rough on solo players. Group queue allows groups from 2 to 12 to drop with and against each other which is a massive swing in levels of coordination (which in this game is just as important as positioning and more important than aim) compared to my proposal, which would let two man teams join quick play teams that would obviously be spaced evenly between matches and teams.
I appreciate the response but please in the future read more and assume less, thanks.
Edited by draiocht, 30 April 2018 - 03:01 PM.
discussing exploit, Quote Clean-Up
Posted 26 April 2018 - 02:00 PM
Raidyr, on 26 April 2018 - 12:55 PM, said:
What do you mean by abuse the system?
I'll take this one down piece by piece because I find it just needlessly combative.
1) I'm sorry if it's been asked before. The last thread I found when I searched was several months old though and I figured it would be better etiquette to make a new thread than bump an old one.
2) I used to play in a group of 4 or 5 others but they all quit and we gradually stopped playing. I'm coming back to the game again with a friend (please read the OP before posting next time) and neither of us frankly have the desire or time to look for a group of people to play MWO with. We just want to play MWO together without getting kicked in the teeth by two 5 man drops on the other team while the two 5 man drops on our team are ignoring us (or worse, berating us) for not being on their Discord
3) Of course private matches and Solaris matches won't do. I don't even understand why I have to explain this. If I said I wanted to play CTF with a friend and people recommended that I just play Deathmatch that would be absurd. I want to play "traditional" MWO.
4) It's not about "getting to drop against solo players" because obviously the times when I play quick play I'll be matches against opposing duos as well. Again I feel like you are making really needlessly combative assumptions but my intent here.
Finally, you speak of cognitive dissonance but I think the only person here suffering from that is you. There is no conflict at all with having the position that large groups make small groups hard to play in group queue, and that duo's in Quick Play (look it up) wouldn't make things particularly rough on solo players. Group queue allows groups from 2 to 12 to drop with and against each other which is a massive swing in levels of coordination (which in this game is just as important as positioning and more important than aim) compared to my proposal, which would let two man teams join quick play teams that would obviously be spaced evenly between matches and teams.
I appreciate the response but please in the future read more and assume less, thanks.
The hostility might be in part that you seem to have looked up a topic...didn't read through it, then decided it needed to be brought up again in spite of it being one of the topics that has been brought up repeatedly.
It's a bad idea, it will never be considered and for more information go re-read the old posts.
Edited by draiocht, 30 April 2018 - 03:03 PM.
Quote Clean-Up
Posted 26 April 2018 - 02:06 PM
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