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Heavy Gauss Extremely Hard To Use

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#1 Angus McFife VI


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Posted 08 January 2018 - 12:02 AM

I've been playing this game for a very long time and I'm more than decent for the most part but I just can't seem to use heavy gauss effectively at all. The charge time before firing is kind of annoying but the worst part is when I'm trying to aim in the middle of a big fight and the shake makes me miss. I tried using one on my Atlas and it sucked in a brawl (also super slow cooldown) so I got an annihilator to try it and it was also very bad in my experience. It's so freaking hard to aim, charge up, hold that aim and release all while being spammed and fired upon. Anyone have similar issues? With AC20's I can hit fast moving lights and very accurately and calculate the projectile speed on moving mech to hit a specific component but with this thing it's like holding your breath for every shot.

Anyone else feel the same?

#2 N0ni


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Posted 08 January 2018 - 12:11 AM

Cockpit shake from being shot at or the shake effect after firing heavy gauss? If the former, take improved gyros in Operations tree to minimize this. If the latter, use your other stuff during the charge up or before.

#3 theta123


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Posted 08 January 2018 - 12:26 AM

HGRS are fine weapons but they require some additional imput of your own

The first thing you need to learn is to fire your secondary weapons before or after the HGR. I often fire BEFORE the salvo.

HGRs are best to be combined with medium lasers.

Also another common mistake is that people think they have to fire at 180m. At 320m, a dual HGR alpha still inflict around 40 damage
At 500m you still inflict 30 damage with 2 HGR. So start firing at 320m!

. You also need around 7 tonnes of ammo.
My HGR builds=
Mauler 2P with std 280, 2 HGR with 7t ammo and 4 er ML
Cyclops S with std 300, 2HGR with 6t of ammo and 3 ER ML
Annihalator 1X with std 290, 2HGR with 8t of ammo and 4 ML and 3 ER ML

#4 Y E O N N E


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Posted 08 January 2018 - 12:43 AM

They aren't that hard to use, but if they are: high risk, high reward. That's the point.

Tip: release the HGauss round at the end of a laser burn or MRM stream.

Also, holding your breath for every shot? That's what makes it exciting!

#5 Hit the Deck


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Posted 08 January 2018 - 12:46 AM

View Posttheta123, on 08 January 2018 - 12:26 AM, said:

Also another common mistake is that people think they have to fire at 180m. At 320m, a dual HGR alpha still inflict around 40 damage
At 500m you still inflict 30 damage with 2 HGR. So start firing at 320m!

It's not because of that but that your dual HGR 'mechs are big, slow, and only have a number of medium lasers as secondary weapons meaning that they are worse than pretty much anything.

Increasing the optimal range of HGR can make the big and slowness worth it.

#6 Davegt27


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Posted 08 January 2018 - 01:11 AM

they probably brought back that 400 mil/sec trigger pull window



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Posted 08 January 2018 - 01:17 AM

One have to adopt. I like it. HG plays different and makes a nice addition.

#8 Burning2nd


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Posted 08 January 2018 - 01:18 AM

I think the guass rifle in it self has been broken since they nurf'd it a few years back..

there are less of the critical shots, more of the internal explosion's and less of a reward for connecting rounds,

point and case is.. being a locust pilot.. ive been hit with them.. where in technicality a cannon ball just blew a whole right thru the middle of me.. and all that was done was armor stripped or critted ct or rear ct...

and then being a user of guass, (duel and single)

your lob'n rounds in to people.. you know your hitting them.. and then they turn at you.. put a few laser rounds in you. and your guass is gone..
IMO and IME id stay away from guass for a while until its revised

*which is also why you will noticed there are very very little amount of people using them @ this point and time

#9 justcallme A S H


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Posted 08 January 2018 - 01:45 AM

I can't remember the last time I fired dual gauss at a locust and it did not lose a leg, given it's a 100% takedown

#10 El Bandito


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Posted 08 January 2018 - 01:45 AM

View PostBurning2nd, on 08 January 2018 - 01:18 AM, said:

I think the guass rifle in it self has been broken since they nurf'd it a few years back..

there are less of the critical shots, more of the internal explosion's and less of a reward for connecting rounds,

point and case is.. being a locust pilot.. ive been hit with them.. where in technicality a cannon ball just blew a whole right thru the middle of me.. and all that was done was armor stripped or critted ct or rear ct...

and then being a user of guass, (duel and single)

your lob'n rounds in to people.. you know your hitting them.. and then they turn at you.. put a few laser rounds in you. and your guass is gone..
IMO and IME id stay away from guass for a while until its revised

*which is also why you will noticed there are very very little amount of people using them @ this point and time

It is called Gauss. And it is mighty popular in use within organized IS units.

#11 Davegt27


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Posted 08 January 2018 - 01:54 AM

I listened to a pod cast a few ago

and they said the changed the Gauss charge up to simulate the taking of a breath before a sniper pulls the trigger

that seemed logical to me

#12 Daggett


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Posted 08 January 2018 - 02:01 AM

Just watch some veteran players like B33f using it and learn from that.

For instance here are two videos where he tries to get headshots with dual Heavy Gauss:

#13 adamts01


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Posted 08 January 2018 - 02:54 AM

View PostBurning2nd, on 08 January 2018 - 01:18 AM, said:

I think the guass rifle in it self has been broken since they nurf'd it a few years back..

there are less of the critical shots, more of the internal explosion's and less of a reward for connecting rounds,
I feel the same way about all hard hitting ballistics. An AC20 on an Atlas or Centurion back in the day was something to be afraid of. Now with all the structure/armor quirks they're not worth taking. I love Clan mechs, but their introduction was the begining of the end.

#14 MeiSooHaityu


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Posted 08 January 2018 - 03:46 AM

View PostYeonne Greene, on 08 January 2018 - 12:43 AM, said:

Tip: release the HGauss round at the end of a laser burn or MRM stream.

That is what I am trying to get myself trained to do. I like firing a Gauss round first, but with the HVY Gauss, I am trying to start the charge as I am firing lasers to help eliminate that.

Overall I am on the fence about the HVY Gauss in most mechs, but in the Bounty Hunter, it just fits it like a glove IMO (probably since it can't mount a sizable engine anyay and it has all those energy hardpoints too).

#15 LordNothing


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Posted 08 January 2018 - 07:33 AM

i think it needs a better sound effect. the og gauss rifle makes a certain sound when its fully charged, this is your cue to let go. on the heavy the sound seems to come a bit prematurely causing you to release early (in before thats what she said). a 2 second tweak to the sound file would fix it.

#16 JediPanther


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Posted 08 January 2018 - 10:39 AM

I put hgr on the hbk gi and it goes ok with the quirks as long as you add on the extra charge time nodes. Shove it on the 4g hbk for the extra velocity.

#17 GabrielSun


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Posted 08 January 2018 - 10:47 AM

Dual H-gauss is one of the best weapon systems in the game today. I used to have issues with the gauss timing system, but I spent about a month training myself how to use it properly. Now I don't have a problem hitting anything whenever I need to. It's not a twitch reflex weapon, but does require planning and movement. If you asked me it is a skill-based weapon that really pays off when you apply it in a skillful manner. If you don't have a lot of skill with it, it does suck for you.

#18 Angus McFife VI


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Posted 21 January 2018 - 12:12 PM

Guys I managed to make it work, thanks for the input from everyone. Now my HGauss Atlas K is a great brawler.

#19 Y E O N N E


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Posted 21 January 2018 - 12:25 PM

Now, try it on a Rougneck!

Yes, I know, I have a CASE on there. That's because if ever there was a reason to have one, it's on this 'Mech which has three of its four guns aligned to head and CT.

#20 kuma8877


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Posted 21 January 2018 - 12:27 PM

View PostDavegt27, on 08 January 2018 - 01:54 AM, said:

I listened to a pod cast a few ago

and they said the changed the Gauss charge up to simulate the taking of a breath before a sniper pulls the trigger

that seemed logical to me

Generally though, it's the end of the exhale when your body settles for about a second and a half and you can squeeze off the round with a relatively still platform/body. At the top of your inhale (if holding that breath), you are actually stressing and will have a tendency to shake a bit more, unsettling your shot a bit.

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