Peace2U, on 07 February 2018 - 08:13 PM, said:
Perhaps we could request premium time be purchased at an 'hours of play' rate vs 'per day' rate????
I'm sure they could configure the economics to be equivalent to the existing 'value' of daily premium time.
Any takers on that idea?
Spare Parts Bin, on 07 February 2018 - 08:45 PM, said:
Pardon my difference in opinion, but that might only work if PGI measured a 'Day' of time at a minimum value of '8 Hours', and still had the Pausing Mechanic in place. Otherwise, we can expect salty people feeling they didn't get "Their Time's Worth" out of their Payments/Rewards of Premium Time.

Unfortunately, I can imagine those who would feel slighted even then. How? Because they were given something that read "1 Day", only to find out that it isn't actually a "Full 24 Hours of Battle Time with Offline Pause" that they were able to have the use of. But then, it seems like we can't always satisfy everyone. At least, not unless the company providing the service decides to go for 'Maximum Positive Public Relations' with their choice. But then, what are the real odds of that with PGI?

~Mr. D. V. "That's the big hole with changing the idea in that manner..." Devnull