I understand how bad it feels to receive cuts almost every patch, but be honest - clantech was way more superior for years, there is much to cut. And it can not be done in one huge nerf. I hope IS-clan balance will be good enough soon, to get rid off tonnage crutches in CW, and to get rid off specific weapon quirks (danm, i hate those! They are so silly, especially when they are aimed at meta, real or imaginary, and not mechs' original design). If do weapon quirks at all, do it for least numerous hardpoints on mech, to make players think "oo, maybe i should not do usual monoboating today". Boats killing "thinking man's shooter".
And about light gauss. I'm not sure that buffing its DPS was a good idea. It was already very close to normal gauss (2.46 vs 2.61 if you believe smurf's lab), and LGR ammo have total 160 damage over 150 of GR. Now LGR dps would be higher or equal, so what is the point of GR with worse weight and range? I doubt its alpha strike worth it.