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Patch Notes - 1.4.148 - 23-Jan-2018

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#61 Sigmar Sich


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Posted 20 January 2018 - 04:49 AM

I like this patch. Though some clan people probably did read it with Piranha Speakers face. Posted Image
I understand how bad it feels to receive cuts almost every patch, but be honest - clantech was way more superior for years, there is much to cut. And it can not be done in one huge nerf. I hope IS-clan balance will be good enough soon, to get rid off tonnage crutches in CW, and to get rid off specific weapon quirks (danm, i hate those! They are so silly, especially when they are aimed at meta, real or imaginary, and not mechs' original design). If do weapon quirks at all, do it for least numerous hardpoints on mech, to make players think "oo, maybe i should not do usual monoboating today". Boats killing "thinking man's shooter".

And about light gauss. I'm not sure that buffing its DPS was a good idea. It was already very close to normal gauss (2.46 vs 2.61 if you believe smurf's lab), and LGR ammo have total 160 damage over 150 of GR. Now LGR dps would be higher or equal, so what is the point of GR with worse weight and range? I doubt its alpha strike worth it.

#62 Thorqemada


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Posted 20 January 2018 - 05:01 AM

Well, the HGR changes make it well stronger than b4 and i dont think it be needed badly...

#63 Lorginir


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Posted 20 January 2018 - 05:09 AM

View PostInnerSphereNews, on 19 January 2018 - 08:29 PM, said:

Heavy Gauss Rifle

• Optimal Range increased to 220 (from 180).

And once again PGI proves that they have no idea what they are doing. Sigh.

#64 Johnathan Tanner


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Posted 20 January 2018 - 05:10 AM

Wait...They buffed heavy gauss? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAA

#65 RazerThrone07


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Posted 20 January 2018 - 05:12 AM

Purchase and equally play both Clan and IS mechs. Its time to play IS mechs only because of comparison to price and tech balance.

#66 TechChris


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Posted 20 January 2018 - 05:18 AM

Ha..... I love patch notes.....

They've always been good for nice laugh for the last several years.

#67 Tordin


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Posted 20 January 2018 - 05:25 AM

Im happy with these changes. Really nice to see the left arm missile bug for the Nova get fixed.
Love the new cockpit items, the piranha stuff looks sweet. New colors of stars, love it! Now we only lack a yellow and orange star and make the existing one more red.

Im also very satisfied to see my favorite medium IS mech get soem love, the Shadow Hawk!
Also the Heavy gauss, yay!

The only kinda weird thing is to kinda nerf the ERPPC, just why? Its the only PPC the clans have. Sure it gives time to cool off and learn trigger dicipline. BUT as the patch note states, it sure gives close quarter mechs ample opportunity to pressure the PPC carrier. I think the CERPPC should get a slight help instead of cool down nerf. Maaaaybe a slight cut in the heat generated by it or something.


"Rest in peace Bruce, hardly knew you.
Only your ferocious love for ripping flesh
May you tear your prey apart in the afterlife"

Posted Image

Edited by Tordin, 20 January 2018 - 05:25 AM.

#68 Dago Red


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Posted 20 January 2018 - 05:51 AM

The medium pulse range nerf feels a little harsh but overall not a lot to complain about.

#69 lazorbeamz


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Posted 20 January 2018 - 05:54 AM

Not bad. When you nerf clan lasers just make sure that they are still enhanced versions of IS ones. For flavor.

#70 Darren Marik


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Posted 20 January 2018 - 05:57 AM

View PostMeppoy, on 19 January 2018 - 09:30 PM, said:

OK, guys, what about to buff the most devastating weapon system in the game? - Sure! And just for a case if an opposite side would try to resist, made their weapon worse. Again.

Nice patch, good job (no).


And just because I'm curious. Double HGR can make ~40 damage up to 600 meters now, pinpoint, with great velocity. Double AC-20 can make 40 damage on 270 meters. Pinpoint, velocity is close to a fluffy snowball.

2 HGR have no penalty, 2 AC-20 have a huge heat-penalty.

I just wanna say HGRs are overperforming AC-20s AF right now and they gonna be even better. I can see no logic in this change. As I see it, this patch is gonna make the game-balance palpably worse.

WHAT HE SAID. HGR is my favorite weapon right now...because it is devastating and the most powerful in game, thanks for making it even better!

#71 lazorbeamz


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Posted 20 January 2018 - 05:59 AM

View PostMeppoy, on 19 January 2018 - 09:30 PM, said:

OK, guys, what about to buff the most devastating weapon system in the game? - Sure! And just for a case if an opposite side would try to resist, made their weapon worse. Again.

Nice patch, good job (no).


And just because I'm curious. Double HGR can make ~40 damage up to 600 meters now, pinpoint, with great velocity. Double AC-20 can make 40 damage on 270 meters. Pinpoint, velocity is close to a fluffy snowball.

2 HGR have no penalty, 2 AC-20 have a huge heat-penalty.

I just wanna say HGRs are overperforming AC-20s AF right now and they gonna be even better. I can see no logic in this change. As I see it, this patch is gonna make the game-balance palpably worse.

autocannons are trash :(

#72 Appogee


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Posted 20 January 2018 - 06:04 AM

View PostArkhangel, on 19 January 2018 - 10:23 PM, said:

they're probably saving the really big stuff for the March patch when Solaris hits.

It's more likely there's actually no 'big stuff' other than Solaris.

View PostJohnathan Tanner, on 20 January 2018 - 05:10 AM, said:

Wait...They buffed heavy gauss?
Yeah, I WTFed at that one, too. Maybe the good players are trolling PGI on balance. Boating Heavy Gauss is already flavor of the month in FP.

#73 Bud Crue


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Posted 20 January 2018 - 06:16 AM

All us 12 mans running Hunchbros, and Crabpeople, throwing off the ole metrics Chris? Shadow Hawk "under perfoming" as a result? Well, thanks for the buffs. Hawkbros? Shadow people? I wonder how I can sell this for theme night.

And the Clan ERPPC nerf...really? What is it outperforming these days? IS PPC? ISERPPC? It can't be those since no one uses them any more. And the nonsense about giving a longer window to close with clan ERPPC carriers....that's nonsense. But whatever.

The Clan MPL nerf. Come now, admit it, you did that cuz I just finished switching out H and ER laser builds with the damn things didn't ya?

And the Light Gauss buff...Sweet! I currently run a single mech with the thing. Now perhaps I will try another.

Edited by Bud Crue, 20 January 2018 - 06:17 AM.

#74 Delta1262 Scorch


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Posted 20 January 2018 - 06:26 AM

Oh well, with every patch there's harder and harder to see the reasoning in so called explanation behind every nerf...oh, i mean balancing process...

- The Heat gen nodes...a lot of time have passed since times when IS heatsinks had better capacity, and Clan had better dissipation, numbers are equal for long since then, DHS with 1,5/0,15 and SingleHS with 1,2/0,12 on both sides. And all the Clantech weaponry in the game has more heat gen. values then IS counterparts. So if use some analogical templates of loadouts where Clans are taking more weaponry, as reasoning - maybe i'm wrong, but more weapons with more heat gen. each of them - means...much more heat, right? Then increasing that difference in heat values is quite a creative way to bring them to equal numbersPosted Image

I'm not even going to go into details of ER-PPCs now with even more bigger cooldown, more hot, shoots less often, flies much slower, true signs of Hi-tech...Posted Image

Clan medpusles max. range gonna be nerfed "Due to the 50% extra Optimal Range over the IS", let's see.
IS max. ranges on pulses all are going x2 from the optimal:
Small: 110-220
Med: 220-440
Large: 450-900

And then Clan:
Small: 165-297(almos exact)
Med: 330-561(already nerfed a lot from 660)
Large: 600-840(even lesser then x1.5 times that should have been 900 and already lesser then IS counterpart).

And you want to nerf Clan medpulse max. range to be also even less then x1.5 times then optimal? By saying that it already has better damage diapazone...which is not. The only better part it has is bigger initial optimal range, and 1 point of damage, for wich it already pays off with more heat, cooldown, burn time(because it's OP clantech technologies, yeah, we know), however in the end it still has almost identical dps 1.79 with IS 1.76Posted Image

#75 lazorbeamz


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Posted 20 January 2018 - 06:33 AM

View Postclan hope, on 20 January 2018 - 04:00 AM, said:

Heat Gen Node

IS and Clan Heat Gen Nodes now have separate values in the Firepower Tree.

Inner Sphere values remain unchanged.

• -0.75% per Node.

• -10.5% total.

Clan values have been adjusted to the following

• -0.6% per Node (down from -0.75%).

• -8.4% total.

[color=#3073f3]Heat Gen Design Notes:[/color][color="#3073f3"] After reviewing the net benefit provided by the Heat Gen Nodes within the Firepower Tree, we have determined that the original values were providing inflated benefits on the Clan side compared to the benefits offered for IS 'Mechs. This change is therefore aimed at bringing the net benefits between the two factions closer in line, accounting for a typical Clan Loadout and a typical Inner Sphere Loadout.

[ARE YOU JOKING ME!!!!! giving us more heat

tried using something other then the lasers? :D

#76 Sucy Manbavaran


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Posted 20 January 2018 - 06:38 AM

View Postlazorbeamz, on 20 January 2018 - 06:33 AM, said:

tried using something other then the lasers? Posted Image

Like what ?

C-AC : Useless since D1
C-UAC : Useless
C-Gauss : Yeah it can be
L-BX : Meh, can be too

C-SRM : paired with ?
C-LRM : ...
C-ATM : damn hot

So DualGauss Dual ATM12 maybe ...
i dream about their Damn "Stats" given to us, to understand why Clan is so OP in QP

#77 lazorbeamz


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Posted 20 January 2018 - 06:49 AM

View PostSucy Manbavaran, on 20 January 2018 - 06:38 AM, said:

Like what ?

C-AC : Useless since D1
C-UAC : Useless
C-Gauss : Yeah it can be
L-BX : Meh, can be too

C-SRM : paired with ?
C-LRM : ...
C-ATM : damn hot

So DualGauss Dual ATM12 maybe ...
i dream about their Damn "Stats" given to us, to understand why Clan is so OP in QP

Thee you go

Clan vs. Inner Sphere
Number of each tech base per side.

Winning team: 40% IS, 60% Clan.
Losing team: 48% IS, 52% Clan
The winning team had 15% more clan mechs on average.

Edited by lazorbeamz, 20 January 2018 - 06:50 AM.

#78 RustyBolts


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Posted 20 January 2018 - 06:50 AM

This patch can be summed up simply as: Blah, blah, blah, Clan Weapons nerf.

#79 Luminis


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Posted 20 January 2018 - 06:56 AM

View PostSucy Manbavaran, on 20 January 2018 - 06:38 AM, said:

i dream about their Damn "Stats" given to us, to understand why Clan is so OP in QP

Because damage output > durability quirks?

And lighter, smaller equipment + higher damage + more range + non-explodey XL engines + smaller Endo / Ferro + 2-slot DHS = more damage output?

#80 Dee Eight


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Posted 20 January 2018 - 06:57 AM

View PostAlcom Isst, on 19 January 2018 - 09:51 PM, said:

...yes. Posted Image
Like not even. A slight reduction in durability is not worth the +4 tons for only +2 missiles.

Failed at the math again eh ? 4 x 3 tons per launcher vs 3 x 4 tons per launcher.... where is this +4 tons coming from ? Its the same weight to get 6 less missiles per volley, but with much tighter spread with all three launchers being in the same side torso.

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