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Unfair Light Mechs

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#21 Alexandra Hekmatyar


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Posted 21 January 2018 - 06:03 AM

Just wait till the Piranha is game.

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#22 Daggett


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Posted 21 January 2018 - 06:13 AM

View PostTerminus C54, on 21 January 2018 - 03:57 AM, said:

I am very angry about the unfair Light Mech speed . A single Assault have no chance against these Mechs. That means go alone with Assault and you will be killed by a Mech witch cost lower than the half of your Mech.
This realy idiotic game mechanic kill a lot of fun in the game and a lot of tactical oportunitys in game.

I wish me a fair play , slow down the light Mech speed that they cant run faster as the turning speed of other Mech.
Or give us the oportunity to vote out light Mech from Matches.

You are trolling, right?

View PostTerminus C54, on 21 January 2018 - 04:33 AM, said:

I test all Weapon against Light Mechs . But all Weapons are useless when you are to slow to reach a shoting Position.
For the other Answer. That is that what i mean, it takes out a lot of tactical opportunitys when the bigger mechs are forced to stay in Groups. Many Times i was blocked from Teammates in Group and cant fight or move fast away from Enemy fire. Thats the result of the forced Group for the bigger Mechs.
And i realy think thats the Game will be better when the bigger mechs have a chance against light.

Wait, you are not trolling?
Maybe you should start to actually play lights instead of testing weapons to see that they are not as unfair as you think?

It's basic tactical knowledge that slow and powerful assets like assaults need to be protected and this game simply resembles this warfare 101. No one would send a tank alone into a city, they always have company to protect them from threats they can't handle. The same is true for big ships like carriers. It's never a tactical option to send them alone without a whole fleet protecting them.

And that's the same in MWO. Even if lights would be nerfed to enable you to fight off one, you would still die to two of them. Do you want to nerf them even harder so you can destroy two of them alone? No, because then you would be OP and lights irrelevant.

Assaults only have one weakness and that's mobiltiy. Without elements to exploit this weakness like lights do, no one would ever play anything else.

You have lots of tactical options without needing to run off alone. And if you drive foresightful you won't get cut off your team either or block each other that much. If you want to deny basic tactical knowledge you do it on your own risk. Lights are not to blame if you get caught doing risky things, it's their job to punish this.

Edit: If you really want to wander off alone and forsake your team then at least use a more mobile assault with arm-mounted weapons like the MCII-B. Those have much less problems hitting lights.

But if you run a mech with most of it's firepower in the torsos while going <58 kph it's no wonder that even a medium piloted by a granny could outmaneuver you.

When doing stupid things at least do them smart. And if you can't kill lights in a MCII-B or similar then you are simply not good enough to leave the herd.

To make it crystal clear: If you want more tactical options like wandering off alone simply play lights or really fast mediums. Only those are designed to do this style of gameplay.

Edited by Daggett, 21 January 2018 - 06:42 AM.

#23 Koniving

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Posted 21 January 2018 - 06:21 AM

View PostTerminus C54, on 21 January 2018 - 03:57 AM, said:

I am very angry about the unfair Light Mech speed . A single Assault have no chance against these Mechs. That means go alone with Assault and you will be killed by a Mech witch cost lower than the half of your Mech.
This realy idiotic game mechanic kill a lot of fun in the game and a lot of tactical oportunitys in game.

I wish me a fair play , slow down the light Mech speed that they cant run faster as the turning speed of other Mech.
Or give us the oportunity to vote out light Mech from Matches.

It is time for you to learn how to defend yourself against the light mech.

First and foremost.... Is your light mech threat circling you? Or is it doing the "Pop out and disappear" tactic?

If it is doing the latter, the best course of action is to not engage and simply move away from such silliness.

If it is trying to circle you, your best option is to enter reverse at 1/4th speed or 1/2 speed. 1/4th is better as you turn faster in this state. Turn against the enemy's circle, so he will run in front of you. Shoot the light mech in the legs.
Laugh maniacally and repeat as necessary.
Once leg is broken, shoot the light mech to death.

You have successfully defended yourself against the weak, meager, and pathetic light mech.

Congratulations, you now know how to defend yourself and pretty much humiliate any light mech you encounter in the future.

If you need any further advice, I highly recommend you come over to the new player thread and ask for help... 'cause you clearly need it. :)

If for some reason you only have full speed or full stop (like my grand mother's driving), then you need to use the numberpad to set your speed. Otherwise switch "Throttle decay" to off.



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Posted 21 January 2018 - 06:28 AM

View PostLady Alexandra Cousland, on 21 January 2018 - 06:03 AM, said:

Just wait till the Piranha is game.

And by Wednesday I predict, IS Streak OP! posts.


#25 Der Geisterbaer


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Posted 21 January 2018 - 06:37 AM

View PostTWIAFU, on 21 January 2018 - 06:28 AM, said:

And by Wednesday I predict, IS Streak OP! posts.

Posted Image

And then we just have to wait for 4 AMS OP! threads Posted Image

#26 Davegt27


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Posted 21 January 2018 - 06:48 AM

View PostTerminus C54, on 21 January 2018 - 03:57 AM, said:

I am very angry about the unfair Light Mech speed . A single Assault have no chance against these Mechs. That means go alone with Assault and you will be killed by a Mech witch cost lower than the half of your Mech.
This realy idiotic game mechanic kill a lot of fun in the game and a lot of tactical oportunitys in game.

I wish me a fair play , slow down the light Mech speed that they cant run faster as the turning speed of other Mech.
Or give us the oportunity to vote out light Mech from Matches.


he left the game years ago

#27 Asym


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Posted 21 January 2018 - 07:29 AM

OP, first off, this forum will find you at fault first and formost... It's because they older players think they know everything and they are the pillars of all things MWO... You can not avoid this in a F2P game.....

Having said that, and before the old pilots tell me I'm a potato for the 10,000 time, they also have a lot of good and reasonable indeas; and, you should ask to drop with them and have them SHOW YOU not tell you how to limit light mech advantage! Many will in fact help you !

MWO is at a paradigm shift point, a place where what we were is not where we are going. The game started as a team centric game where being a team was success. Now, we're going the other way where indivifual accomplishments will be the rule. There is a lot of confusion because of this fact. In the old days, pre skill tree change, assualts needed to be with others to not "die by light"........ Now, with Solaris right around the corner, you'll be on your own as an assault 1x1/2x2 with only other assualts and you'll not need anyone else to "keep lights at bay". PGI could add "teams" to Solaris: but I suspect, not any time in the very near future and that isn't going to happen till the individual play self destructs. Then, many of these very same forum pundits, will start complaining "it's not fair" or "get GuD" now becomes something we say to them, because many potatoes out there are actually better at twitch shooting and there will be no team to blame. This will happen. OP, be patient, things are changing.........

Edited by Asym, 21 January 2018 - 07:35 AM.

#28 Juju Shinobi


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Posted 21 January 2018 - 07:50 AM


Edited by draiocht, 21 January 2018 - 12:14 PM.
name & shame

#29 Deathlike


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Posted 21 January 2018 - 08:01 AM

This is what happens when people don't regularly practice against Light mechs. Light mechs are already the super minority in the queues, and apparently nothing less that a total wipeout is good enough for bad players/pilots.

Streaks are Lostech right?

#30 Adalicia


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Posted 21 January 2018 - 08:04 AM

View PostTerminus C54, on 21 January 2018 - 03:57 AM, said:

I am very angry about the unfair Light Mech speed . A single Assault have no chance against these Mechs. That means go alone with Assault and you will be killed by a Mech witch cost lower than the half of your Mech.
This realy idiotic game mechanic kill a lot of fun in the game and a lot of tactical oportunitys in game.

I wish me a fair play , slow down the light Mech speed that they cant run faster as the turning speed of other Mech.
Or give us the oportunity to vote out light Mech from Matches.

I have to agree with you, OP. The other day, I ran into an Osiris with a yellow, square decal on it in my KGC. It immediately blasted me with a shrill banshee shriek unlike anything I have ever heard before! Stunned and shaking, I barely managed to scratch it with my machine guns before it destroyed my side torso, killing me. Bleeding out and barely alive, the last thing I heard before losing consciousness was that unholy phrase - the calling card of the Singaporean devil: "...what a muppet!"

Edited by Adalicia, 21 January 2018 - 03:12 PM.

#31 Helsbane


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Posted 21 January 2018 - 08:05 AM

1. Learn to torso twist and be mindful of terrain.

2. Get back under your bridge.

#32 Mcgral18


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Posted 21 January 2018 - 08:15 AM


Oh, look at that
He hasn't played any Lights.


#33 Luminis


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Posted 21 January 2018 - 08:26 AM

View PostMcgral18, on 21 January 2018 - 08:15 AM, said:


Oh, look at that
He hasn't played any Lights.


Posted Image

What did you expect?

#34 SneekiBreeki


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Posted 21 January 2018 - 08:27 AM

View PostAdalicia, on 21 January 2018 - 08:04 AM, said:

The other day, I ran into an Osiris with a yellow, square decal on it in my KGC. It blasted me with a shrill banshee shriek unlike anything I have ever heard before. Stunned and shaking, I barely managed to scratch it with my machine guns before it destroyed my side torso, killing me. Bleeding out and barely alive, the last thing I heard before losing consciousness was that unholy phrase - the calling card of the Singaporean devil! "...what a muppet!"


Edited by SneekiBreeki, 21 January 2018 - 08:28 AM.

#35 IK4MS


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Posted 21 January 2018 - 08:40 AM

I have to agree with you, OP. The other day, I ran into an Osiris with a big, beautiful, bright yellow, square decal on its magnificent bow in my AS7-S. It blasted all over me with a shrill banshee shriek unlike anything I had ever heard within my short existence. Stunned, shaking, and thoroughly scared for my life, I manage to shoot it once with my machine guns before it pummels my side torso, ending my pitiful existence. Dying in a blaze of glory for helping my team, the last thing I heard before losing consciousness was that unholy phrase - the calling card of the Singaporean devil! "...what a muppet!"

Edited by IK4MS, 21 January 2018 - 08:41 AM.

#36 Mole


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Posted 21 January 2018 - 08:46 AM

I feel like lights are caught in the same catch-22 that LRMs are. They buff them, the underhive complains about how OP they are. They nerf them, the players with actual skill complain about how useless they are. Thus they are kind of stuck in a strange area of mediocrity, useful neither to potatos nor skilled players, because if they go one direction or the other one side gets upset.

#37 Cyborne Elemental


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Posted 21 January 2018 - 08:53 AM

Its hitreg.

And its not just lights.

But nobody will accept that this game does not have the netcode Dialed in to handle hitbox synchronization to the model of the mech when its in motion.

Low Tickrates for positional data updates between client and server, and handing off interp to HSR and keeping it all server side calculated is not helping either.

Ok, server side hit interp is great for stopping cheaters, but its not that great at keeping track of hit/miss data under the circumstances, as well as trying to update so many things when its running at low bandwidth transactions and low tick updates.

So ... whatever.

#38 Lykaon


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Posted 21 January 2018 - 08:57 AM

View PostTerminus C54, on 21 January 2018 - 03:57 AM, said:

I am very angry about the unfair Light Mech speed . A single Assault have no chance against these Mechs. That means go alone with Assault and you will be killed by a Mech witch cost lower than the half of your Mech.
This realy idiotic game mechanic kill a lot of fun in the game and a lot of tactical oportunitys in game.

I wish me a fair play , slow down the light Mech speed that they cant run faster as the turning speed of other Mech.
Or give us the oportunity to vote out light Mech from Matches.

I think you view of "fair" is more like "make it easier for me and screw those players who like to pilot light mechs"

What you are missing is it's not a mech you are fighting it's another player and any one player should be roughly equal to any other regardless of mech weight class.

You lost to another player piloting a light mech not a light mech alone. The agility and speed are the strengths of the weight class. It's not armor or firepower it's is the ability to out manuver an enemy that is the primary ability of the light mech class.

So if you take that away what do we have? an easily hit target that has a fraction of the firepower and defense of every other weight class. So why would any player opt to use a light mech?

Now that I have explained why I feel you argument if flawed I will now let you in on some tactical gems of assault piloting.

1) NEVER be alone! Assault mechs more than ANY OTHER weight class are dependent upon team support to be utilized to their full potentials. You are not fast enough to out mauver an enemy, To slow to get out of a bad spot and way to large of a target to be missed by the focused fire that will be utilized against you. team's support is mandatory to survive long enough to be effective.

2) NEVER try to out perform an enemy's strength if you do not have the capacity to also excel at that particular strength. This means do not try to out manuver a faster mech or out shoot a mech with superior firepower or slug it out with a mech with superior defenses. ALWAYS leverage your strengths you will never be faster than a light mech when piloting an assault mech so don't even try.

3) "fair" fights are for suckers! You are a member of a team and that team is depending on you to perform at a certain level. So to maximize our potential avoid one on one fights with equal skilled enemy mechs. Those sorts of engagments are a 50/50 at best and take to long to be resolved. ALWAYS leverage superior force against targets.

4) micro manuvering is your friend. What I mean by this is your ability to cross vast distances is second only to a boulder.It's not what an assault mech does so don't sweat it. You will never be the fastest mech on a battlefield while using assaults.
BUT...Micro manuvers that can save your bacon.
Know the timing of your weapon cooldowns so you can fire and then present a different angle to the enemy to spread damage across multiple body segments before swiveling back forward to fire again. Torso twisting will exstend you mech's longevity under fire dramaticly.

And now for some specific tips to fighting light mechs.

Do not try to chase a faster mech by following it's trajectory . If a light mech is running a clockwise circle around you don't waste time by also trying to spin clockwise to catch it...you never will.

Instead picture the circle the enemy mech is tracing around you. Your mech would be in the middle the light mech will be running the outer edge. Now why whould you want to be in the middle of that? You don't so don't stand for it...literally don't just stand there and pivot chasing a mech you can't catch.

Try reversing and pivoting in the reverse direction of the light mech's trajectory. If they are running counter clockwise you should reverse (to back out of the center of the circle) and pivot clockwise to intercept the light mech as it passes your firing arc and blast em.

Look for good cover to block avenues of approach towards your mech to limit the light mech's options. if the only path to you is through your fire arc then you did it right.

Utilize UAVs to track a light mechs positioning relative to yours so you can be pointed in the right direction when they do pop into view again.

If you have a microphone do not be shy about requesting back up. When calling for back up be concise you should ALWAYS say your current grid (using the military phonetic alphabet) and the current situation.
ie. "need assist with a light mech in GOLF FOUR"

This is also a good point to deploy a UAV you will know where the light mech is and so will your back up and maybe even a friendly LRM carrier.

And above all DON"T PANIC! keep a level head and meticulously aim. Your mech's firepower is devastating to light mechs.
You have heard to aim for the legs but more precisely aim for the hips. This will reduce the amount of missed damage that passes through the mech's legs it will at least be spread across the mech's armor and not missed and worthless.

Hope this helps.

Edited by Lykaon, 21 January 2018 - 09:02 AM.

#39 ApolloKaras


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Posted 21 January 2018 - 08:59 AM

As a light pilot (predominantly)... I would have to say that many many kills were a result of an assault that had bad positioning. However there are many many pilots that could pluck a pimento out of an olive from 1200m with a gauss rifle, and will have no issues blowing me up if I make a mistake.

I would work on Positioning, and Aim.

To McGral's point you should really take out a few lights, get a view from the other side.

Edited by ApolloKaras, 21 January 2018 - 09:02 AM.

#40 ThreeStooges


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Posted 21 January 2018 - 09:32 AM

HAHA Did your 14 ton ac 20 plus 4-5 tons ammo miss a mere 20 ton light with only 138 total armor? If you think lights are hard wait til you start fighting srm4/6 line barfers and dual heavy guass anis.

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