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Dps, What It Means

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#1 Hit the Deck


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Posted 21 January 2018 - 09:26 AM

It literally means "damage per second", which all weapons have, and doesn't necessarily mean continuous/sustained fire. The "second" could be other unit of time but second is usually the most convenient.

I propose that people use other terms rather than "DPS" when talking about weapons which are designed to provide sustained damage/fire to the enemy or something related to it. Also, because the meaning has been skewed one should be careful to interpret what somebody means when he's talking about DPS.

Thank you for your attention!

#2 Sjorpha


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Posted 21 January 2018 - 09:30 AM

Simply say "dps" for dps and "sustained dps" for sustained dps, most people do this distinction already.

#3 CuriousCabbitBlue


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Posted 21 January 2018 - 09:35 AM

or you can use I dunno "Burst Damage/alpha vs DoT(damage over time)

#4 sycocys


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Posted 21 January 2018 - 10:06 AM

Usually its pretty clear in the context and/or loadouts as to what they are indicating.

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