Dont LRM me please, on 23 January 2018 - 09:08 AM, said:
Hello everyone, I have a friend of mine who has recently gotten into MW:O and he really likes how the supernova looks like so he's playing matches and earning enough C-Bills for one. I know for a fact that the supernova is a great weapons platform but I'm very ignorant when it comes to building clan mechs, so I was wondering what you guys are running on any of your supernovas (except the premium one) or what you think would be new player friendly and still be effective.
He's been using a laser vomit Uziel I made for him and he does very good at his tier with it (81kph, 2 LL, 4 ERMLS), and also I'd like to avoid any supernova builds that have LRMs or ATMs for now.
The best Supernova builds I've found are kinda like this:
1) Laservomit Brawler: Largest CXL engine, as much CMPL as you can fit, with heat menagement above 1,25. (1,3 is optimal)
2) Sniper: 6 ERLL
3) LRM boat - Only possible on SNV-A, stick either 2xLRM20A+2xLRM15A, or 4 LRM20, 12-13 tons of LRM ammo, and 4xCERSL. Also, largest CXL. NOTE: This build is easily the best LRM boat in the game right now, seconded only by the MadCat II - 4.
SNV-A has torso-hight LRM hardpoints, which won't get shot off easily, but the MCII-4 has LRMs higher up, which makes it easier to hill hump and shoot over cover, but also makes it a much easier target to shoot off when you think you're in cover but you bunny ear LRM boxes are sticking out.
Skill up for full survival, 2 cool shots and appropriate weapon nodes (Missile and Range on SNV-A, Lasers and cooldown on laser variants)
Edited by Vellron2005, 24 January 2018 - 12:54 AM.