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Boring Balance Or The Un-Funning Of Mechwarrior Online

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#181 Kin3ticX


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Posted 29 January 2018 - 01:42 AM

View PostOZHomerOZ, on 29 January 2018 - 01:33 AM, said:

About Skill tree
I like the skill tree, much better than the old one, it lets you tune skills with a fine touch. Forces players to own their choices.
If team mates mechs are not ready, tell them don't join the group, kick them
But why change the skill tree.

I'm not as critical as Dane is on the skill tree. I don't really mind it much. For me the sad part was all the fuss over the refund process which ultimately screwed me out of ~600+ million cbills. If we had a working Fraction Play mode I would have needed that for a dropship or something.

But srs, my main concern with the Skill Tree is the lack of tweaks after launch. I think there is a big disconnect between what we think it was meant to do and that its doing everything PGI wanted (indicated by lack of tweaks). Which is what leads me to believe it was more about gating players than some kind of grander balance. The fact its almost universal, at least point wise, shows us that they didn't plan to fiddle with it patch to patch mech to mech.

#182 General Solo


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Posted 29 January 2018 - 02:01 AM

Sorry to hear about the 600 millions.
My personal experience with that was a good one.
Made 400 mill and could skill out all my mechs with HSP

Guess not everyone was as lucky

I also liked only having to skill one mech I thought that was ace as well.

Yes PGI have make mistakes, but in my view MWO is OK for a 5 year old game.
I doubt MWO is going to change much at this stage.

But strangely looking forward to Solaris

Edited by OZHomerOZ, 29 January 2018 - 02:04 AM.

#183 Burke IV


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Posted 29 January 2018 - 02:04 AM

Why do the people that support the tree want any kind of skill tree in the game at all? I know there was an old tree of sorts but that was like PGIs punishment inflicted upon the player and once it was done it became invisible so you just got on with it. Everybodys mech leveled to the exact same abilitys. That bit is important.

Replacing the current tree with another set of gates is pointless and if you let PGI do that i bet nobody will be happy.

Edited by Burke IV, 29 January 2018 - 02:04 AM.

#184 Kin3ticX


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Posted 29 January 2018 - 02:06 AM

View PostOZHomerOZ, on 29 January 2018 - 02:01 AM, said:

Sorry to hear about the 600 millions.
My personal experience with that was a good one.
Made 400 mill and could skill out all my mechs with HSP

Guess not everyone was as lucky

I also liked only having to skill one mech I thought that was ace as well.

Yes PGI have make mistakes, but in my view MWO is OK for a 5 year old game.
I doubt MWO is going to change much at this stage.

But strangely looking forward to Solaris

I had over a billion in mods so what i did was sell half of them before the patch. The only reason I went ham on mods was for CW dropdecks.

#185 General Solo


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Posted 29 January 2018 - 02:16 AM

View PostBurke IV, on 29 January 2018 - 02:04 AM, said:

Why do the people that support the tree want any kind of skill tree in the game at all?

I wouldn't support it if I didn't want a skill tree. I thought that was obvious. Posted Image

View PostBurke IV, on 29 January 2018 - 02:04 AM, said:

I know there was an old tree of sorts but that was like PGIs punishment inflicted upon the player and once it was done it became invisible so you just got on with it. Everybodys mech leveled to the exact same abilitys. That bit is important.

The old skill tree was not a skill tree all, as everyone clicked exactly the same buttons aka: skills
It was more of a skill Progression.

Because a skill tree has a tree, players have to choose which branch of skills they want.
Choice is what makes a skill tree.

Because you can't have it all unlike the old skill system

Edited by OZHomerOZ, 29 January 2018 - 02:18 AM.

#186 Burke IV


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Posted 29 January 2018 - 02:26 AM

So talant and practice gets replaced by filling your skills in a tree that pads your mech in various ways. Its like you make your mech build and then you have to create this build on top.

#187 Jiang Wei


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Posted 29 January 2018 - 02:36 AM

View PostTerrorsdawn, on 28 January 2018 - 06:51 PM, said:

There are a large number of people that are taking a break waiting ........ hoping ......... some even praying, that PGI will at some point start listening and make MWO what it could be.

The clock is ticking perhaps but I feel there is time to turn things around and deliver more then what we have.

Wow... you really dont get it do you. They are using the profits from this game to make other games, and this game is really old now. You really think they are going to spend more money on this game when they dont have to?

View PostCruxs, on 28 January 2018 - 07:47 PM, said:

Yes a deep dark video game forum secret, that would up root the world and destroy your life if people found out about your other video game name. Most likely massive potato who doesn't want to be discounted in a video game forum because... potato.

Craven sounds about right. lol

Lets just say I would like to keep posting. Craven has nothing to do with it. I could brag about my past high pixel scores for you, but that wouldnt make any difference to the things Ive said. The last time someone wanted to see my scores because they were talking smack, they saw it and they shut up real quick.

Edited by Jiang Wei, 29 January 2018 - 02:45 AM.

#188 sycocys


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Posted 29 January 2018 - 02:52 AM

View PostMech The Dane, on 28 January 2018 - 09:32 PM, said:

As I state in my video I want a Skill Tree re-work. A consolidation of nodes and a way to break the skill tree meta, something I think you're trying to do here.. but I fear its the sort of back end thing that PGI just will not be willing to do. However, I'll leave it to Tarogato to respond in full.

There is only one way to fix the skill tree -

It has to be zero-sum.

#189 General Solo


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Posted 29 January 2018 - 02:58 AM

View PostBurke IV, on 29 January 2018 - 02:26 AM, said:

So talant and practice gets replaced by filling your skills in a tree that pads your mech in various ways.

No, the skill tree does not affect your aim.
Besides nothing stopping you padding your mech with the same skills like twins.

View PostBurke IV, on 29 January 2018 - 02:26 AM, said:

Its like you make your mech build and then you have to create this build on top.

The skill tree allows you to create a build and tune it to suit your play style, without creating an OP monster.
If I wanna take my ATM48 Supernova and jump on top of the citadel, I can.
Thanks Skill Tree.

Edited by OZHomerOZ, 29 January 2018 - 02:59 AM.

#190 The Lighthouse


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Posted 29 January 2018 - 02:59 AM

View PostJiang Wei, on 29 January 2018 - 02:36 AM, said:

Wow... you really dont get it do you. They are using the profits from this game to make other games, and this game is really old now. You really think they are going to spend more money on this game when they dont have to?

Lets just say I would like to keep posting. Craven has nothing to do with it. I could brag about my past high pixel scores for you, but that wouldnt make any difference to the things Ive said. The last time someone wanted to see my scores because they were talking smack, they saw it and they shut up real quick.

Player skill (High score) does not mean much for balancing skill. If you have checked Chris's personal account (which he usually plays rather than his corporate account), he is a very decent player.

I mean, look at David Kim, who single-handedly destroyed three major franchises (Dawn of War, Company of Heroes, Starcraft 2), I even played against him back in DoW era, and he was/is really, really good player. Hell, he is GM in Starcraft 2. Look at the SF2 balance, which is in utter shambles, does that reflect his skill?

Being good at this game is just one of several crucial requirements for being a good balancer. Actually, my experience as a member of balancing team for Heroes of Newerth tells that listening is the most important skill.

David Kim severely lacks that skill. Chris also lacks that skill, thus those two are really bad balancers regardless of their playing skills.

And based on how you have reacted on criticisms, I can confidently say, regardless of your match score, you will be a really, really bad balancer as well.

Edited by The Lighthouse, 29 January 2018 - 03:03 AM.

#191 C E Dwyer


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Posted 29 January 2018 - 03:11 AM

View PostKin3ticX, on 28 January 2018 - 01:38 PM, said:

I like lore like the next person but this game is bogged down by sacred cows. From what ive gathered, the balance guy is more a lore gatekeeper than pure design. Without the sacred cows I think progress could be 10x faster at the expense of a vocal minority of lore purist whales.

When PGI takes variants and copypastas them from lore specs almost directly, thats not design, thats just translating and seeing what happens. Sometimes it works, sometimes it flops, sometimes it makes something broken OP.

I disagree, over your variant comment, many of the balance issues have been caused by P.G.I's take on the variants your being critical of, not the variants themselves.

Also P.G.I inflate the hard points of many I.S mechs (though these extra hardpoints are usually in terrible locations)

I'll give you four examples.

Kodiak and i'll focus on the KDK-3 and 4 but it also had impacts on all the other variants.

It you look at all the canon art work prior to P.G.I's version the highest ballistic mount on the Kodiak is slightly lower, than the lowest mount, P.G.I's design team then stuffed the second ballistic on top of the first mount, above a spot that already allowed it to be an extremely powerful double Gauss ERPPC build.

P.G.I could have easily added these second Ballistic points under the first, but they didn't.

Had they done so it wouldn't have been nerfed into the ground.

Maurader II

Whilst this is of course bulkier, and larger than the I.S heavy, the pilots seat is placed better on what is already a good design in comparison, there are less bits poking out, which makes it harder to engage.

Madcat 2

P.G.I's model is narrower, and has far less baulky missile pods than any model or art work prior on what would have been a good design.

Nightstar,If you ignore its terrible convergence, the design team put massive pods on the back of the mech making sure it would be terrible at hill humping.

Pods that NO, art or model had shown prior to P.G.I's design.

The Nightstar should by rights and lore, been a much better hill humper than either the MAD 2 or the MadCat 2 and been comparable to the Kodiak. (would still have bad convergence)

It is in fact far far worse. they then tried to drop the arms ensuring it would be even worse at everything, for a minor improvement to convergence which would still have been bad.

It launched with comparable quirks to the mad cat 2 and worse ones than the Mad 2, both clearly far superior designs.

Lore and canon has had little effect on the later model and designs, what has had an impact on balance has been P.G.I's mech design team to do the right thing for the game, in favour of their own mech favourites.

This is then exasperated by the balance crew refusing to do the obvious, like added armour quirks to the Uziel side torso.

The failings of balance has very little to do with old canon, and P.G.I have demonstrated a willingness to walk over it when they need to.

Including massive nerfs to the performance of clan weapons,

Throwing away clan stars.

If you look at it on balance there are far more times where P.G.i have ignored lore, than used it as an excuse not to change something.

The only thing P.G.I have shown a complete lack of willingness to do, is mixed tech. and unlock internals on omni mechs.

Mixed tech would almost certainly make balancing easier.

unlocking clan endo and ferro and engines on Onmi mechs would make it harder

#192 Burke IV


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Posted 29 January 2018 - 03:13 AM

View PostOZHomerOZ, on 29 January 2018 - 02:58 AM, said:

No, the skill tree does not affect your aim.

But it definately affects the weapons of the people shooting at you. And, if you choose to stack survival traits suddenly the person shooing at you needs to carry more ammo to get the job done. Its stupid.

#193 Jiang Wei


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Posted 29 January 2018 - 03:20 AM

View PostThe Lighthouse, on 29 January 2018 - 02:59 AM, said:

And based on how you have reacted on criticisms, I can confidently say, regardless of your match score, you will be a really, really bad balancer as well.

I havent gotten any criticisms to react to. Only a couple responses to trolling stat ******. I can confidently say, you are a poor judge of such things.

I gave up on PGI listening a long time ago. They have tunnel vision and nothing sways them from that.

I mean i know what they did in regards to feedback. They looked at a popular team of players/streamers and decided to take only their suggestions and ignore everyone else. So part of the reason things got so messed up was because of those select few players bad ideas. And even if the general populous did post great ideas and balance changes, they were ignored because it would have meant re writing much of the game to do. So all we get are number tweeks, but the core problems remain the same forever. Im sure PGI is aware of some of those mistakes in listening to only a select few people, but they wont go backwards now. They will just be sitting back, taking what profits they can until the game dies, and developing other games.

Everyone posting about issues on this forum are just wasting their effort.

Edited by Jiang Wei, 29 January 2018 - 03:30 AM.

#194 Kin3ticX


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Posted 29 January 2018 - 03:23 AM

View PostCathy, on 29 January 2018 - 03:11 AM, said:

I disagree, over your variant comment, many of the balance issues have been caused by P.G.I's take on the variants your being critical of, not the variants themselves.

Also P.G.I inflate the hard points of many I.S mechs (though these extra hardpoints are usually in terrible locations)

I'll give you four examples.

Kodiak and i'll focus on the KDK-3 and 4 but it also had impacts on all the other variants.

It you look at all the canon art work prior to P.G.I's version the highest ballistic mount on the Kodiak is slightly lower, than the lowest mount, P.G.I's design team then stuffed the second ballistic on top of the first mount, above a spot that already allowed it to be an extremely powerful double Gauss ERPPC build.

P.G.I could have easily added these second Ballistic points under the first, but they didn't.

Had they done so it wouldn't have been nerfed into the ground.

Maurader II

Whilst this is of course bulkier, and larger than the I.S heavy, the pilots seat is placed better on what is already a good design in comparison, there are less bits poking out, which makes it harder to engage.

Madcat 2

P.G.I's model is narrower, and has far less baulky missile pods than any model or art work prior on what would have been a good design.

Nightstar,If you ignore its terrible convergence, the design team put massive pods on the back of the mech making sure it would be terrible at hill humping.

Pods that NO, art or model had shown prior to P.G.I's design.

The Nightstar should by rights and lore, been a much better hill humper than either the MAD 2 or the MadCat 2 and been comparable to the Kodiak. (would still have bad convergence)

It is in fact far far worse. they then tried to drop the arms ensuring it would be even worse at everything, for a minor improvement to convergence which would still have been bad.

It launched with comparable quirks to the mad cat 2 and worse ones than the Mad 2, both clearly far superior designs.

Lore and canon has had little effect on the later model and designs, what has had an impact on balance has been P.G.I's mech design team to do the right thing for the game, in favour of their own mech favourites.

This is then exasperated by the balance crew refusing to do the obvious, like added armour quirks to the Uziel side torso.

The failings of balance has very little to do with old canon, and P.G.I have demonstrated a willingness to walk over it when they need to.

Including massive nerfs to the performance of clan weapons,

Throwing away clan stars.

If you look at it on balance there are far more times where P.G.i have ignored lore, than used it as an excuse not to change something.

The only thing P.G.I have shown a complete lack of willingness to do, is mixed tech. and unlock internals on omni mechs.

Mixed tech would almost certainly make balancing easier.

unlocking clan endo and ferro and engines on Onmi mechs would make it harder

They sometimes add an extra hardpoint in that same location but they are always based on stock weapons always. And remember, PGI thought the KDK-1 would be the OP one so they were apparently blindsided by the -3, or maybe it was intentional, who knows.

Say for example the Spider 5V, they literally dont know what to do with it because all its stock hardpoints are already CT and by some rule on high its sacrilege to throw a couple more hardpoints in the side torsos or something.

Edited by Kin3ticX, 29 January 2018 - 03:24 AM.

#195 sycocys


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Posted 29 January 2018 - 03:25 AM

View PostBurke IV, on 29 January 2018 - 03:13 AM, said:

But it definately affects the weapons of the people shooting at you. And, if you choose to stack survival traits suddenly the person shooing at you needs to carry more ammo to get the job done. Its stupid.

Being able to tack on more armor in itself isn't a problem - the problem is that there is no meaningful offset, like slower gyros as a result of the extra armor allotment.

Same exact problem with the rest of the system, boosts to weapons should be offset with heat, lesser damage, cd. Boosts to sensors should directly impact available power (heat cap, mobility stats and such).

All across the board. The biggest problem with the system is that it creates a substantial imbalance in the game that is never taken into account at any point of the game's design or matchmaking.

#196 The Lighthouse


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Posted 29 January 2018 - 03:26 AM

View PostJiang Wei, on 29 January 2018 - 03:20 AM, said:

I havent gotten any criticisms to react to. Only a couple responses to trolling stat ******. I can confidently say, you are a poor judge of such things.

I gave up on PGI listening a long time ago. They have tunnel vision and nothing sways them from that.

I mean, these are what have you been saying:

"Dane sucks at balancing!"

"Durr Hurr I am better than him!"

"Du di du my real account is secret and cannot be revealed! It's too important to hide that!"

"But I can say if you guys actually see my account, you will all shut up!"

I mean, this is not like we are asking you to show your tax paper, right? (unless you are Donald Trump, that is, I guess...) People did troll you, but so far no one has trolled as hard as you did on this thread in the first place.

#197 General Solo


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Posted 29 January 2018 - 03:31 AM

View Postsycocys, on 29 January 2018 - 03:25 AM, said:

Being able to tack on more armor in itself isn't a problem - the problem is that there is no meaningful offset, like slower gyros as a result of the extra armor allotment.

Same exact problem with the rest of the system, boosts to weapons should be offset with heat, lesser damage, cd. Boosts to sensors should directly impact available power (heat cap, mobility stats and such).

The offset is all the skills you did not choose.

#198 Burke IV


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Posted 29 January 2018 - 03:37 AM

View Postsycocys, on 29 January 2018 - 03:25 AM, said:

Being able to tack on more armor in itself isn't a problem - the problem is that there is no meaningful offset, like slower gyros as a result of the extra armor allotment.

Same exact problem with the rest of the system, boosts to weapons should be offset with heat, lesser damage, cd. Boosts to sensors should directly impact available power (heat cap, mobility stats and such).

All across the board. The biggest problem with the system is that it creates a substantial imbalance in the game that is never taken into account at any point of the game's design or matchmaking.

Mostly agree, but... fiddling with the electrics is one thing but i still dont see why anybody should be able to spawn extra armour.

If you nerf mobility in exchange for a buff elsewhere, engines cost weight. My first reaction is that its dodgy ground to be on. Could be wrong.

#199 Jiang Wei


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Posted 29 January 2018 - 03:37 AM

View PostThe Lighthouse, on 29 January 2018 - 03:26 AM, said:

I mean, these are what have you been saying:

"Dane sucks at balancing!"

"Durr Hurr I am better than him!"

"Du di du my real account is secret and cannot be revealed! It's too important to hide that!"

"But I can say if you guys actually see my account, you will all shut up!"

I mean, this is not like we are asking you to show your tax paper, right? (unless you are Donald Trump, that is, I guess...) People did troll you, but so far no one has trolled as hard as you did on this thread in the first place.

1. I wasnt aware that dane was a balancer for this game. Just seems like another player complaining about things that will never change to me.(This is the only thing that is remotely a criticism.) I judged his video based on his words, not his stats. Stats mean nothing in regards to opinion.

2. I didnt say I was better than him. I just said he was better than average, based on the stats that were posted.

3. That wasnt a criticism.

4. Not a criticism. Just defending myself against the stat w hores.

What some of you are saying is "hurrr derr... he is special because stats!"

Yes, I am not revealing my stats because my lawyer told me to wait for the audit to be complete. And I dont have to show them anyway. Im still president, so suck it btzes!!!

Edited by Jiang Wei, 29 January 2018 - 03:45 AM.

#200 General Solo


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Posted 29 January 2018 - 03:38 AM

View PostBurke IV, on 29 January 2018 - 03:13 AM, said:

But it definately affects the weapons of the people shooting at you. And, if you choose to stack survival traits suddenly the person shooing at you needs to carry more ammo to get the job done. Its stupid.

You could choose the moar ammo skill, which I think is clever.
Edit: Or choose mobility and get in his back .

Edited by OZHomerOZ, 29 January 2018 - 03:40 AM.

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