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#1 Hummer 2


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Posted 27 January 2018 - 02:34 PM

Pronounced: [Lurm•a•pho•bi•a]

Noun: Irrational fear or hated of the use of Long Range Missile. Or those that do.

Verb: Lurmaphobic - One who harbors fear or resentment in an uncontrollable fashion which manifests itself in unwarranted or unsolicited advice on game plan.

Good evening all,
I recently spent some reflecting today on a verbal and written tirade level at me this morning while playing MWO. As I reflected on it, I have been experiencing an uptick in this sentiment.
I have put a name to it. Lurmaphobia. I listened to another player chastise me about losing the Quick Play match that we were in. He blamed me for e lose because I brought “Stupid F$&$ing LRM’s”
As I tried to chat with him, he became even more unreasonable. Disconnecting from the game I sat back and reviewed h snatch scores, kills, etc. and realized that his hatred (for lack of a better word) was greatly misplaced. I thought I would take a moment and explain to him my thoughts on the matter. As he was having none of that I supposed that opening up to the public may be the best course of action. So here it goes...

In my opinion his Luemaphobia comes from a place of ignorance. Not stupidity, but ignorance. As he told me that using LRM’s takes no skill I had to laugh internally. I asked him, in his opinion what took more skill to use, LRM’s, ER PPC’s, Lasers, AC’s, what? He said all took skill except for LRM’s.
I asked why did not running LRM’s take more skill. Here are his responses and my rebuttals (again my opinions).

  • He had choose a Mech that he could get into close combat with. Right weight class for his preferred method of combat. (Not the only method but his preferred). I told him that I had to do the exact same thing.
  • He said he had to configure his Mech correctly, heat management, ammo consumption, etc. I told him I did the same thing.
  • He said he had to manage his skill tree to ensure that his preferred Mech, configured for his preferred style of combat (not the only style) ran at optimum efficiency. I told him that I did the exact same thing.
  • He then told me that he has to position himself on the battlefield to make maximum use of terrain, weapon position on his Mech, angle of fire to inflict maximum damage on he enemy. I told him I did the exact same thing.
  • He then told me that his play style (close combat was the only way to win against the clans. I assured him that it is a very effective way, but not the only way. He told me I was wrong. I told him I appreciated his opinion.
[color="#000000"]I then asked him what makes him get angry during either Quick Play or Faction Play... his response was typical... everybody knows what to do but nobody did what he thought they should. I asked if he had taken command and he said no, other players should just know how to play the right way. I spoke to him about effective teamwork only happens with effective communication.
He then wanted to assure me that I was wrong, so we went into a bit of a history lesson. I asked him why in the history of combat does there exist catapults, spears, sling shots, bows and arrows, artillery, air power? Because sustained close combat generally results in mass casualties. I then informed him of why I choose to play using LRM’s...
  • Most units utilize an Anti Missile System. Clans are favoring the LAMS. By raining LRM’s (only 5 at a time) prior to a close quarters advance I cause the Clan mechs to overheat faster, thus depriving them of the ability to sustain combat operations or risk shutting down.
  • Clans HATE LRM’s. Typically they will focus fire or attention on my and thus allowing my teammates to focus fire and eliminate the enemy faster
  • I use LRM 5’s because of the previous statement, but also because of the overall psychological impact of listening to non stop “Incoming LRM’s”... if that, even for a second gets them out of their game plan, and it usually does, we stand a better chance of wing.
  • When utilized in a coordinated, well communicated game, they are very effective on any map
  • I would inform him to have a seek to understand attitude verses having a prepubescent melt down.

All that being said, I would tell him that his anger at losing and blaming it on LRM usage is misguided.
Communication, coordination, collaboration and trust are the best ways to win at this game. Remember it is still a game. The lack of these things causes confusion, anger, frustration and ultimately blame.
If he, or anyone still has Lurmaphobia after this then I can only paraphrase from Dylan Thomas’s “Do not general into that goodnight”

You should continue to “Rage, rage against the dying of the light!” Of that makes you feel better.

Edited by Hummer 2, 27 January 2018 - 03:28 PM.

#2 Eisenhorne


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Posted 27 January 2018 - 03:51 PM

Gr8 B8 M8.

#3 MovinTarget


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Posted 27 January 2018 - 04:30 PM

I like the part where he likes his own post.

#4 MovinTarget


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Posted 27 January 2018 - 04:42 PM

All I can say is that if you are using them as a team player, most people will be fine. it's the lrm60-80 sandbaggers that irk people.

#5 MisterSomaru


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Posted 27 January 2018 - 05:25 PM

Pirahnas are a great cure for lrms.

#6 Champion of Khorne Lord of Blood


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Posted 27 January 2018 - 05:57 PM

Are big letters this forum's equivalent to comic sans?

#7 SuperFunkTron


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Posted 27 January 2018 - 06:00 PM

There have been people complaining about LRMs since the beginning of the game and will continue to hate them as fanatics. There is some fair source for their gross over reaction, but new players who are still figuring out how LRMs work or players who intentionally avoid contact by using LRMs are hardly a fair way to regard how all players will use them. No matter what you hear, the only important factor is whether or not you can effectively use the armament in a way that helps you and ideally would contribute to your team's overall benefit.

#8 Kirito Kerenksy


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Posted 27 January 2018 - 06:06 PM

A few questions:
  • How much damage do you typically get in your LRM boat?
  • How much damage do you take?
  • How close are you to your other team mates?

#9 justcallme A S H


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Posted 27 January 2018 - 06:06 PM

If I laugh any harder I'm gonna give myself a hernia.

If you wanna improve your in-game performance Hummer, let me know. You could use the training more than most as you've been brainwashed.

#10 The6thMessenger


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Posted 27 January 2018 - 06:13 PM

Lol, you shouldn't pattern your term to another stupid term. It's not pointing out bigotry, it's just silencing dissent, even those that are legitimate.


Edited by The6thMessenger, 27 January 2018 - 07:30 PM.

#11 Johnathan Tanner


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Posted 27 January 2018 - 06:45 PM

What is this thread?

#12 ccrider


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Posted 27 January 2018 - 06:48 PM

View PostJohnathan Tanner, on 27 January 2018 - 06:45 PM, said:

What is this thread?
not a spider man thread. Yet, hint,hint.

#13 Domenoth


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Posted 27 January 2018 - 10:54 PM

View PostHummer 2, on 27 January 2018 - 02:34 PM, said:

As he was having none of that I supposed that opening up to the public may be the best course of action. So here it goes...

Thank you concerned citizen. You did the right thing. I do believe this is the first report we've had on these forums about an LRM dispute.

As you stated in your report, this sort of behavior has just started recently so I hope you can understand when I say our infrastructure is simply not ready to ameliorate your situation.

Do know that your case has been escalated to the highest level currently available.

And always remember:

If You See Something, Say Something

#14 VeeOt Dragon


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Posted 28 January 2018 - 12:44 AM

actually I have to agree in a way with the OP here (though the use of the large font is perhaps a little overboard). any weapon is only as good as the player using it. in QP I can easily get damage scores in the top 25% or so with my LRM mech (I use a Hunchback with twin LRM10s and 3-4 MLs). its all about positioning and teamwork. though some maps are far harder than others in getting a good angle. you also have to learn the maps more than you do for direct fire weapons as you have to know if your target might be behind cover that will block your shots. mind you I really haven't used that mech in a hile since I have been messing with others lately.

the only problem I see with LRM boats are those that stay at near maximum range for them. that or they load Assaults down with them and use no secondary backup weapons. the tactic I use is to stay towards the back of the pack but close enough to support with laser fire if I have to while raining LRM down on those that I can. this works even better when your team is concentrating fire or at least calling shots. there is definitely a steeper learning curve to proper LRM usage that some don't see. As an Ex-Army Artilleryman (13-Mike MLRS operator) I have a soft spot for indirect fire even if the tactics used for it here are a little different because of limited ranges and map size.

from what I have read though this hatred of LRM has been going on almost since the beginning and the biggest offenders are the Meta-of-the-day-try-hards.

Edited by VeeOt Dragon, 28 January 2018 - 12:49 AM.

#15 General Solo


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Posted 28 January 2018 - 02:42 AM

I get tired of other peoples opinions in game
I like the mute function
Posted Image

Some Lermers are good
The bad ones make great meat shields
yet people still over extend

Posted Image Guilty

Edited by OZHomerOZ, 28 January 2018 - 02:49 AM.

#16 sub2000


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Posted 28 January 2018 - 04:50 AM

dude, i never seen any decent "clan" player using LAMS. Actually I didn't see many using any ams at all.
LRMs 5 are nerfed, and ams are next to useless against heavy types boated by dogs and supernovas, or stalkers, archers on IS side.
AMS are used by IS players as necessary protection against ATMs.

Now the main complain about LRMs. They are not focus fire, so you can not target red legs of that tbr and if he doesn't run all your rockets will fall on his ST and CT. Spread. They are slow, if you don't use them as intended (200-400m) flight time takes 3+ seconds and targeted mech has time to break LOS or hide under some brick. Your participation while more prompt is slow and weak.
What it means in real life: you collect damage and probably few kills (lrms5 tend to do that last 1 damage) only if you are surrounded by good players, who actually carry you. If you have weak team and it breaks you loose and collect damage (though no kills) only if opposite team is just as bad. .
I like lrms, before lrm5 nerf mine Cutepult C4 was favorite "relax" mech and if to use it as intended (see
) it is rather useful team addition. Few mechs while weak (supernova A, maddog prime, archers, stalkers, hbk j probably) are still useful.... against average teams, which are more norm in QP than in FW.
Main feature of MWO is focus fire. LRM provides some crude version of it sometimes on some maps when boated in big numbers.

Edited by sub2000, 28 January 2018 - 05:07 AM.

#17 GweNTLeR


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Posted 28 January 2018 - 09:05 AM

I'm fine with lurmers in my team ONLY if they actually share their armor. Tired of those 100% health till the end supernovas and stalkers.
Dont get me wrong, if a lurm carrier takes ECM and shares it with team - I'm fine with him, he does support his team. If a lurm carrier takes double AMS- I'm also fine, he counters other team's LRM. If he uses NARC to spot target for himself- it is also great, he gives a heck of an intel for his team. If you dont do anything mentioned above-sorry, you are useless for your team.
BTW, not surprising that topic starter is Davion and has an Archer collectors LOL

Edited by GweNTLeR, 28 January 2018 - 10:38 AM.

#18 The Basilisk


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Posted 28 January 2018 - 10:06 AM

View PostHummer 2, on 27 January 2018 - 02:34 PM, said:

[...lots of BS....]

Lets rather talk about the quite common LURMATIC.

Lurmatics are a quite common subspecies of the even more common Noob or Boon that developed a raving delusion of the awsomeness of the, from base up, defective LRM weaponsystem in MWO.

While the common Noob or Boon will tend to see reason, draw the right conclusions from basic stats, see reason from reading the multitude of well written and quite logical threads that explain in great detail why the LRM weaponsystem is not only suboptimal performing but rather outright toxic to the team succes in all but most cases, the Lurmatic has been swamped by himself or other Lurmatics with misleading informations and outright wrong conclusions about their own worth on the battlefield while using LRMs.
Like paranoia induced concpirancy theorists, this state of mind is not only selfinflicted but rather selfsustaining and selfinforcing so even the slightest and most gentle attemp to show the Lurmatic the error of his ways is often anwered with even more determination to show the world the nonexistent awsomeness of LRMs often leading to mass spreads of their wrong informations and for Noobs and Boons outright hazardous gameplay behaviors.

#19 MovinTarget


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Posted 28 January 2018 - 01:25 PM

View PostThe Basilisk, on 28 January 2018 - 10:06 AM, said:

Lets rather talk about the quite common LURMATIC.

Lurmatics are a quite common subspecies of the even more common Noob or Boon that developed a raving delusion of the awsomeness of the, from base up, defective LRM weaponsystem in MWO.

While the common Noob or Boon will tend to see reason, draw the right conclusions from basic stats, see reason from reading the multitude of well written and quite logical threads that explain in great detail why the LRM weaponsystem is not only suboptimal performing but rather outright toxic to the team succes in all but most cases, the Lurmatic has been swamped by himself or other Lurmatics with misleading informations and outright wrong conclusions about their own worth on the battlefield while using LRMs.
Like paranoia induced concpirancy theorists, this state of mind is not only selfinflicted but rather selfsustaining and selfinforcing so even the slightest and most gentle attemp to show the Lurmatic the error of his ways is often anwered with even more determination to show the world the nonexistent awsomeness of LRMs often leading to mass spreads of their wrong informations and for Noobs and Boons outright hazardous gameplay behaviors.

B-b-b-b-but I have an 80 DMG alpha *up to 1000m* away!!! It *must* be OP!

as long as no one brings ECM, AMS, and invests in radar deprevation and my team spots for me and brings NARC, TAG, and Active Probes even when they don't benefit their own builds...

Edited by MovinTarget, 28 January 2018 - 01:25 PM.

#20 Pain G0D


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Posted 28 January 2018 - 03:46 PM

Sad fact is everyone here lover or hater has been crippled and destroyed by lurms . Everyone here has been in matches where multiple lurm boats focusing has carried the game .

Lurms are inefficient terror weapons and they are very good at their job . While you utilizing your all your tricks to counter them , perhaps some brawlers or snipers are taking pot shots at you. Nobody stands still under that rain .

Any noob can use em ? Brawling needs more skills ? Yes and why not ? The person who just started playing ends up emptying his lurm ammo probably means he helped Far more than smashing his face into a group of bots. In time you can learn a few extra tricks and add some Artemis, max your skill tree and yes it's possible to dish out a 1000 plus damage .

They do little damage and it's a slow bleed ? Did you want the opposite ? The guy hiding behind cover from maximum range doing maximum damage ?

Ahh yes my favorite don't lurm assaults ? Don't shoot the slowest mechs with the widest chasis .......

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