Its been so powerful that I was holding a corner on bog overwatching around the middle we all camp on, some mediums try to peek around, kill one, other runs back off then comes back with backup, a couple Dire Wolves, a heavy, and the medium. I open fire and just delete the Dire Wolf and move onto attacking the rest while backing up a bit to get to a better position while calling that they're pushing on the comms. We quickly kill all of them that pushed and I call for us to do a counter push, people are a bit slow standing there so I say to let me lead, I move around the corner and rack up two kills quickly, and we're down to just wiping out the last enemies.
In other matches I'll be defending an area where people commonly peek over, I had 3 different Dire Wolves all attempt it in the same area and 3 KMDD that match.
In celebration for my victories and total dominance over the Clan's premiere slow ballistic spam mech I have named my Annihilator WolfBane, may its glory forever continue.
Wolfbane: Destroyer of Dire Wolves, Scourge of the assault lance, Ravager of the Clans, Master of DPS