Johnathan Tanner, on 10 February 2018 - 09:05 PM, said:
To be real, lasers are the baseline weapon in this game. When in doubt. Take lasers, Any hardcore nerf to lasers is actually a stealth nerf to everything else.
So you mean, we end up nerfing everything anyways? How so? Couldn't we just nerf the components -- say large-lasers? Or what about just lower the ghost-heat cap to curb alphas? Have the C-ERMLs hit GH at 5+ or 6+, or maybe link it so that GH is reached.
And it doesn't have to be hardcore nerfs, it just have to be nerfs. And even if it "nerfs" everything else, builds that are dependent on lasers more would be hit harder, and less dependent softer so it still achieves a NET boost in the position of weapons in the power-curve.
Johnathan Tanner, on 10 February 2018 - 09:05 PM, said:
So to reign in gauss vomit, You want to do it by nerfing lasers? K, laser vomit just got rekt. All hail gauss boat meta. Nerf gauss to counter this? K, Gauss just got rekt. All hail laser vomit meta. Now we just have gauss vomit 2.0. A slower crappy'er form of gauss vomit.
That's really exaggerated. Laser vomit doesn't have to get rekt, just put in line. Is any nerf really just going to destroy it? Or can we find a good compromise of nerf?
How would Gauss-Boats dominate again? Won't we have Autocannons to fill in the power-vacuum? What about SRMs?
Johnathan Tanner, on 10 February 2018 - 09:05 PM, said:
As for you saying poke and fade is boring meta. IDK man poke and fade has been the meta in EVERY fps since doom. You will never change that EVER.
It being boring is kind of subjective, i admit. However, it's irrelevant whether people have been doing this for so long, or if they were just doing this lately. If anything, people doing it over and over left it stale and unimaginative -- thus boring. I think what you mean is
it's effective therefore it's still being used.
And even so, current doom iteration -- the 2016 version, ditched the poke and fade for the push-forward combat. So yeah, just changed.
Johnathan Tanner, on 10 February 2018 - 09:05 PM, said:
But what can be done is make other weapons alternatives viable counters against the dominate one thu buffs. So while gauss vomit will always be king. He wont have so much control of the field that every other build type is screwed.
Reigning in the over-performing builds could also work, wouldn't it result of it being still a king because it works best but just less powerful that it doesn't screw other builds over? It's just a question of how much are we going to lower the throne and our target distance of effectiveness between builds. You answer hyperbolically as if what we (I) want is totally wreck the Vomits, no i don't, i want to curb it's power
Edited by The6thMessenger, 10 February 2018 - 09:35 PM.