My 2 cents on the update:
1) I don't like that the document was made by a IS-centric group. GOON are Kuritas AFAIK, ISEN are Rasaulhague. Why don't you come and ask Kcom for example? They recently switched to IS for SOME UNKNOWN REASON; Pretty sure they will tell you that your proposal is wrong in many ways.
2) You are making the same mistake as PGI - you are making TOO much changes in a single proposal. This will never work. You aren't even making any real math, just proposing some random numbers because some random people in community want them to be such.
3) Regarding the changes you propose:
Starting with ballistics, I'm pretty sure you underestimate the power of LBX. It is a very powerful 1 vs 1 weapon. LBX10 && LBX 20 for sure. Muromets/NTG with 3 LBX-10 and some secondary stuff have insane DPS, alpha and sustain. LBX20 is even more a beast. I recently watched a PVP of 2 HG WH(piloted by a top 50 pilot) vs 2LBX20 WH(piloted by a pilot not even in a top 10000). 2 fights of 2 LBX20 WH won(the third one was LBX20 WH vs NTG with 3 LBX-10, where NTG easily won.
Gauss rifle buff for IS? It is already buffed: it has double the health of a clan one, It might even not explode when destroyed. Why are you using the machine guns as an excuse for buffing them? They are long range weapons, you are [color=#222222]not[/color] supposed to meet clan MG boats while using them. If you do - then you must be doing something wrong.
HG is a very powerful weapon ATM, it is quite universal and allows for some nice alphas, you can easily oneshot most(exept the tricky ones) of those MG boats without any real problems. MGs are not really excuse here too.
Machine guns, both clan and IS. This is where I understood that you completely don't understand what you are proposing. You basically want to have the same beasty MG boats for IS. But tell me: is it fine, that a 20t machine gun boat can take down a 100t without any real issues? I hope that the answer is "NO". In that case, you actually need to NERF ALL MG, by nullifing their structural damage.
In case you haven't noticed, there were a LOT of clan energy nerfs the few previous patches. Aaaaaaand you want to nerf it even further OR buff IS counterparts. Where is logic? All those 70+alphas on clanners are spread over the mechs, since in most cases you don't have that nice torso twisting mobility(so cant aim properly, if a mech is mobile and torso twisting) (with a few mediocre mechs as exception) and that short duration. I'll show you my stats of my BNC-3M (alpha 60) and EXE-A (alpha 71) to illustrate that:
BNC-3M: W/L 5.21, K/D 4.93
EXE-A: W/L 2.36 K/D 3.35
You may say: but dude, it just means that you are better with BNC then EXE, nothing more. Maybe, but since I am a member of a community, you shouldn't ignore my experience. Pretty sure there are other people like me.
Clan MPL is much much worser than IS counterpart ATM. Just recently PGI decided to normalize range with IS one, but they forgot to normalize duration and/or DPH. Hence, it actually requires a boost.
Clan HML doesn't really give much benefits for its users, other than high alpha. There is no real reason to go for it, except the situations, when you cannot allow atl 5 MPL or ERML. You get into IS "high alpha" territory, where those 40 dmg don't help much. Hence, no actual need to change it (only your wish to do so).
PPCs changes are definitely IS-centric, you are basically ignoring the fact, that those weapons are actually quite vialible in right hands. IS snub+AC20 combo rocks on many mechs, HPPC is a beast in right hands(below are stats of my HPPC GHP, and I'm NOT a TOP DOG). ERPPC and LPPC could use some boost, but you have to think carefully of what you are doing, not just some random numbers.
GHP-5J W/L: 2.94, K/D 5.28
MRM spread reduction????? Please don't, there are a lot of mechs with MRM80 that can kill you in a single volley if played correctly (CAT-4C, Archer, QKD). And you are proposing to buff them EVEN FURTHER? Sounds like: " We don't want clan high laser alpha, but we want to oneshot ALOT OF CLANNERS thanks to EVEN SUPERIOR ALPHAS AND SUSTAIN". Gross.
I don't see any necessity to nerf ATMs, since they are countered quite nicely with AMS and ECM. 3-4 mechs with AMS can disable 2-3 unsynced ATM mechs. Not even talking about ECM, because LOL, try playing against GRINNER with some ATM mech.
As for LRMs, I feel that they should be simply redone, According to Sarna, clan LRM don't fire ballistic trajectories - hence cannot fire indirectly. So why not try this mechanic to differentiate LRMs?
In it's current state, I hope this will never reach PGI, or we will see IS simply annihilating clanners on a permanent basis.
Edited by GweNTLeR, 08 February 2018 - 10:11 AM.