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It's Time Pgi Should Stop Publishing Detailed Leaderboard Data. It's Been Utterly Abused.

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#21 Bombast


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Posted 09 February 2018 - 02:20 PM

View PostDont LRM me please, on 09 February 2018 - 02:11 PM, said:

I don't think the tier system is entirely inaccurate, have you been to a tier 4-5 game? Oh boy...

Tier 4 and 5 is the starter tier. It's filled with people that have every 'right' to be bad. Mechwarrior/Battletech has a lot of **** and its complicated, and its not like MWO does a good job explaining most things.

It's T2 and up where things get bad. Most people in T1/2 really should know better. T3 is mostly ok.

#22 The Lighthouse


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Posted 09 February 2018 - 02:50 PM

View PostChampion of Khorne Lord of Blood, on 09 February 2018 - 01:21 PM, said:

So your old retired account is your worst, your regular account is average, and your alt that got to farm in T5 a bit is highest score.

At least that's the conclusion people get from looking at said stats.

That and your suggestion is pretty insanely bad, like really bad. You start off kinda good saying that gauss and PPC wasn't even a problem until the nerfs to other weapons, but then you give the solution to this as having more than double the cooldown on PPCs and almost double cooldowns on gauss.

What does that do other than make PPCs and Gauss absolutely useless? Your post really makes it seem like you have little understanding of the meta, especially with the incorrect information about what was meta and when that someone else pointed out in a post.

So yeah, once again people really do not really read. I really have no idea how this "you give the solution to this as having more than double the cooldown on PPCs and almost double cooldowns on gauss." can come out from my post.

Most likely, just like many others, you only read first and final paragraph and wrote this nonsense. I guess I am just wasting my time at this point.

#23 Bilbo999


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Posted 09 February 2018 - 03:03 PM

View PostMystere, on 09 February 2018 - 02:13 PM, said:

**** stats and the associated e-peen. I use these to play:

Bite me! Posted Image

I want all of that. Unfortunately I have no place to actually put it in my apartment. I did finally break down and get one of these to sit on the arm of my recliner so I get more than two inches of horizontal travel with my mouse: http://www.corsair.c...aming-mouse-pad

#24 Eirik Eriksson


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Posted 09 February 2018 - 03:05 PM

View PostFleeb the Mad, on 09 February 2018 - 02:06 PM, said:

Then why do so many people display their tier badges?

Because we can. And one day maybe someone at PGI will reflect on just how messed up the tier system really is.

#25 Bombast


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Posted 09 February 2018 - 03:09 PM

View PostThe Lighthouse, on 09 February 2018 - 02:50 PM, said:

So yeah, once again people really do not really read. I really have no idea how this "you give the solution to this as having more than double the cooldown on PPCs and almost double cooldowns on gauss." can come out from my post.

Here. Lets me help you.

Reddit Post said:

Remove the ghost heat link entirely, nerf the cooldown of PPCs and Gauss Rifles to at least 8 seconds to 10 seconds, then see how it plays.

Resulting Increase In Cooldown (Percentage):

IS-PPC: 100-150%
IS-LPPC: 100-150%
IS-HPPC: 60-100%
IS-ERPPC: 100-150%
IS-SNPPC: 100-150%
IS-GR: 60-100%

C-ERPPC: 60-100%
C-GR: 60-100%

Edited by Bombast, 09 February 2018 - 03:12 PM.

#26 Champion of Khorne Lord of Blood


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Posted 09 February 2018 - 03:09 PM

View PostThe Lighthouse, on 09 February 2018 - 02:50 PM, said:

So yeah, once again people really do not really read. I really have no idea how this "you give the solution to this as having more than double the cooldown on PPCs and almost double cooldowns on gauss." can come out from my post.

Most likely, just like many others, you only read first and final paragraph and wrote this nonsense. I guess I am just wasting my time at this point.

>I talk about all of your paragraphs in my post
>You state "bring back brawling" in one paragraph as a "solution"
>Right afterwards you say to make gauss+PPC have super long cooldown but no ghost heat

Why is it that you think people didn't read your entire post if they are disagreeing with it? Maybe I'm the one wasting my time with you, maybe you're just really bad at properly articulating your idea. If multiple other people are reading out your full post and you just say that they didn't to disagree with them instead I can see why people just start blowing you off and bringing up your stats rather than engaging in a dialogue.

#27 C E Dwyer


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Posted 09 February 2018 - 03:14 PM

Well this kind of ******** is why I was against stats being published in the first place

#28 Bud Crue


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Posted 09 February 2018 - 03:17 PM

View PostMystere, on 09 February 2018 - 02:13 PM, said:

**** stats and the associated e-peen. I use these to play:
Bite me! Posted Image

I play on a laptop with a 3 button mouse. Meh.
Not sure what your post had to do with what I wrote, but yes,****stats and the associated e-peen.

#29 whiskeyblue


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Posted 09 February 2018 - 03:18 PM

What happens to missiles if you remove the heat link??? Even as a noob, it doesnt take a lot of intelligence that you use missiles or your dead. Getting good means getting good with spamming missiles from long range.. I personally feel like the over all meta that i perceive, is forcing me into a type of play and play style, I dont like or want.. Three rounds of missiles and my EBJ is slag on the ground.. This is combat, only in the loosest sense..

#30 EnochsBook


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Posted 09 February 2018 - 03:28 PM

View PostMystere, on 09 February 2018 - 02:16 PM, said:

In that case, make the leaderboard have a public/private toggle. The e-peen wielding players can then wave their e-peens to their hearts' delight.

That's a very sound compromise.

I honestly don't think we even need a compromise.

If "stats and the associated e-peen" are such a problem, why not just ignore the people who throw them around all the time? Why call for PGI to stop putting out leaderboard data?

#31 Champion of Khorne Lord of Blood


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Posted 09 February 2018 - 03:53 PM

View Postwhiskeyblue, on 09 February 2018 - 03:18 PM, said:

What happens to missiles if you remove the heat link??? Even as a noob, it doesnt take a lot of intelligence that you use missiles or your dead. Getting good means getting good with spamming missiles from long range.. I personally feel like the over all meta that i perceive, is forcing me into a type of play and play style, I dont like or want.. Three rounds of missiles and my EBJ is slag on the ground.. This is combat, only in the loosest sense..

Jarls list also lets you see if someone is trolling with a post like this or legit, its like the most helpful tool in doing that.

Anyway guy, missiles, especially LRMs, are a total joke in the meta, basically entirely useless and never seen in competitive play because they are the easiest to counter weapon system in the entire game. ECM, AMS, any sort of cover, you even get a warning seconds before they get to you. Most of the time missiles are mostly unaffected by ghost heat, many missile boats don't even hit it.

Just learn some of the counters to LRMs and learn proper positioning and you'll start doing a lot better. I'd also recommend not using the assault class much at all, especially not maining it as the stats show you were doing, until you've learned how to position yourself properly, assaults can be the hardest class to play, as you will be focus fired down the most and you are the slowest, so if you don't know what you're doing you'll just get absolutely demolished. In something like a medium, especially one that has ECM or AMS on it, you'll be targeted much less by missiles and enemies in general and should be able to move into cover faster if you need to.

#32 The Lighthouse


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Posted 09 February 2018 - 03:54 PM

View PostBombast, on 09 February 2018 - 03:09 PM, said:

Here. Lets me help you.

Resulting Increase In Cooldown (Percentage):

IS-PPC: 100-150%
IS-LPPC: 100-150%
IS-HPPC: 60-100%
IS-ERPPC: 100-150%
IS-SNPPC: 100-150%
IS-GR: 60-100%

C-ERPPC: 60-100%
C-GR: 60-100%

View PostChampion of Khorne Lord of Blood, on 09 February 2018 - 03:09 PM, said:

>I talk about all of your paragraphs in my post
>You state "bring back brawling" in one paragraph as a "solution"
>Right afterwards you say to make gauss+PPC have super long cooldown but no ghost heat

Why is it that you think people didn't read your entire post if they are disagreeing with it? Maybe I'm the one wasting my time with you, maybe you're just really bad at properly articulating your idea. If multiple other people are reading out your full post and you just say that they didn't to disagree with them instead I can see why people just start blowing you off and bringing up your stats rather than engaging in a dialogue.



If you still want to worry about that evil 50 pinpoint damage coming to your mech, then it is time to make Gauss and PPCs as real, slow-firing but long-range firing weapons. Anybody who played previous mechwarrior games would understand; current cooldown for PPCs and Gauss is way too short. If you translate cooldown time from MW3 to here, PPCs, for instance should have at least 8 seconds to 12 seconds. Not abomination that is 4 seconds. Developers of previous Mechwarrior games did not unintentionally made Gauss and PPCs fire slowly for nothing.

I said only long cooldown if you want to worry, I never said you have to worry about it, right?

want =/= have to.

But yeah, I understand I am not so free from this. I will try write more direct and less wordy next time to clearly present my idea. Sorry for creating confusion.

#33 ocular tb


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Posted 09 February 2018 - 04:22 PM

I don't mind stats and I look them up quite often- especially if I think someone is making an audacious claim (I don't publicly stat shame though). Maybe it would be better if we had never been given the leaderboards in the first place, but since we have them now I don't think we should just get rid of them. Solo and group queues do need to be separated for sure.

When it comes down to it, I don't mind having the not-so-good players on my team as long as they're not being jerks.

#34 Yosharian


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Posted 09 February 2018 - 04:44 PM

So the game should be balanced around people who aren't very good at it?

This is like saying we should elect the village idiot to the position of mayor

Another example: I am complete **** at Starcraft, never been able to get motivated to improve. I'm terribly slow at doing anything, have virtually no macro skills, have no idea what units to build at any given moment, lacking in experience, never expand at the right time, etc.

Would you trust me to make balance changes to Starcraft? If you would, you're an idiot. If I went into a Starcraft balance thread and started throwing around suggestions then it would be completely natural for people to look up my ranking as an indicator of whether I really knew what I was talking about.

I'm not saying that you have to be in the top 10 globally to have a say, but if your stats are really poor then it might show that you're lacking in the knowledge required to balance the game correctly.

When ranking first came in and I didn't get Tier 1 (IIRC I was very high tier 3), I was terribly disappointed, but I accepted that I had some growing to do as a pilot. (I still do)

If your stats are ****, accept that and move on.

Edited by Yosharian, 09 February 2018 - 04:48 PM.

#35 Bilbo999


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Posted 09 February 2018 - 04:56 PM

View PostYosharian, on 09 February 2018 - 04:44 PM, said:

So the game should be balanced around people aren't very good at it?

This is like saying we should elect the village idiot to the position of mayor

Another example: I am complete **** at Starcraft, never been able to get motivated to improve. I'm terribly slow at doing anything, have virtually no macro skills, have no idea what units to build at any given moment, lacking in experience, never expand at the right time, etc.

Would you trust me to make balance changes to Starcraft? If you would, you're an idiot.

I'm not saying that you have to be in the top 10 globally to have a say, but if your stats are really poor then it might show that you're lacking in the knowledge required to balance the game correctly.

The game shouldn't be balanced around them, but it should definitely be balanced with them in mind. They have a completely different experience in game than you do. If all the things are balanced at one end of the spectrum, something is going to be broken at the other. Input at all levels is required, which means nobody can have their cake and eat it too.

#36 Palfatreos


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Posted 09 February 2018 - 04:59 PM

View PostDont LRM me please, on 09 February 2018 - 02:11 PM, said:

I don't think the tier system is entirely inaccurate, have you been to a tier 4-5 game? Oh boy...

everybody know the tier system basicly a exp which better player reach tier 1 faster then worse players.
ofcourse tier 4-5 totaly different these are fresh players probably running trails/stock mech. trying to even grasp basic of basics.

#37 Dee Eight


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Posted 09 February 2018 - 05:04 PM

View PostThe Lighthouse, on 09 February 2018 - 12:52 PM, said:

And this is not the first time I was attacked (well, almost always people are trying to bring stat. Though I noticed I don't get attacks here because they are bringing correct stat for my current play ID here).

More likely the people shaming you on reddit have had sooooo many suspensions here already that even a single report of another shaming here on these forums will leave them without forum access for a month.

#38 UnofficialOperator


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Posted 09 February 2018 - 05:13 PM

I'm curious though if a pilot has never worked his way up from being bad to good, how can he comment on balance?

Bads will always see the skewed impressions from the losing side of the battle.

#39 Novakaine


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Posted 09 February 2018 - 05:29 PM

Who watches their stats?

#40 Nightbird


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Posted 09 February 2018 - 05:43 PM

Inferiority complex people? I suck, I don't care :whatever:

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