Wil McCullough, on 13 February 2018 - 10:03 AM, said:
three arguments against this #statgate nonsense:
This will certainly be just as entertaining as the rest of this thread ~smiles~
Wil McCullough, on 13 February 2018 - 10:03 AM, said:
argument 1 -
a broken clock is right twice a day.
should broken clocks be used to tell time?
I'm not quite sure which exact fallacy this actually represents because in its rethorical question nature it actually fits the bill of several ... including false dilemma among others
Wil McCullough, on 13 February 2018 - 10:03 AM, said:
good ideas should be backed by good statistics. which is why tarogato's ideas are widely accepted as good.
Porblem is: "Good game stats" are unrelated to "good ideas" and without actual implementation and test you won't ever be able to actually determine whether or not an idea is truly "good" ...at least not in the sense of "good statistics" that you just proclaimed to be ultima ratio.
Wil McCullough, on 13 February 2018 - 10:03 AM, said:
because the guy does his research. bad players often throw around ideas that have no other objective other than to benefit them.
Research can be done without being a "good player". the "bad players often ... " part plays directly into argumentum ad populum territory and represents just another fallacy. One that ...
Wil McCullough, on 13 February 2018 - 10:03 AM, said:
which is why you get a lot of "ideas" like:
1) "nerf lasers because i keep dying to them" or
2) "nerf lurms because they're op" or
3) "remove airstrikes because they give free damage with no tonnage but have a cbill cost which makes it p2w. but let me keep my coolshots which also have all of the above because i rely on them"
... you just turn into a combination of strawman and false dilemma and attribute them to an anonymous "bad player".
Wil McCullough, on 13 February 2018 - 10:03 AM, said:
it's the same everywhere else. goods don't listen to bads. chefs don't take ideas from home cooks who burn an omelette once a week for 20 years. senators don't take political advice from guys sitting at the local barbershop bitching about the government and nascar (haha) drivers don't take driving ideas from soccer moms who fetch their kids to practice in a minivan.
... and here you're just broadening it into even worse comparisons.
Wil McCullough, on 13 February 2018 - 10:03 AM, said:
argument 2:
"stat shaming" is telling the other person that this is a discussion that he/she should not be involved in because he/she doesn't have the experience, knowledge and skill required to debate at a level that is required.
Which represents a form of ad hominem in conjunction with a certain amount of arrogance that ...
Wil McCullough, on 13 February 2018 - 10:03 AM, said:
then again, the same people who can't tell when they're punching above their weight also can't tell how bad they are. dunning kruger and all that.
... interestingly enough is also part that directly falls in the parts of Dunning-Kruger that you're trying to use as argument. But what's even worse: Just as usual people try to use Dunning-Kruger - a cognitive bias in context of
intellectual over-
and underestimation of individual
and peer group ability - in context with something that actually isn't related to intellectual abilities and of course just as always only part of the described effect is used as a (pseudo) argument against others => Fallacy territory once again.
Wil McCullough, on 13 February 2018 - 10:03 AM, said:
argument 3:
if someone demonstrates that they're right half the time, we award them with 50% of our attention. that's fair. they're a fair player.
if a bad is only right 3% of the time, then it's also only fair that everyone else award them with only 3% of their attention. can a bad be right half the time or more? sure. but if a bad is right 50% of the time, he wouldn't be a bad in the first place.
you can't have a firm grasp of the topic and be a complete amateur. that's like a language professor who can't spell. it's absurd.
On this particular one I'll just let you try to find the fitting fallacy yourself ...
TL;DR: Your "arguments" are actually fallacies of various types and a good reflection of what's typically going on in "discussions" like these. It's not so much about an intellectual exchange of ideas and opinions but rather about the literal exchange of opinions where you "allow" others to attend with their opinion but expect them to leave with yours without questioning.
Edited by Der Geisterbaer, 13 February 2018 - 10:45 AM.