MadBadger, on 14 February 2018 - 05:07 AM, said:
When you envision a change to the game, the first thing you should do is ask "Does this add to the complexity/delay factors and/or reduce the ease/convenience factors"; in this case, of starting a match.
Complexity: Increases, as you now have to put a deck together instead of select one mech.
Delay: Increases, as you now go through a mech selection stage - on a match startup process that already lasts half as long as many matches.
Ease/Convenience: Decreases.
If these problems were offset by "Yes, more complexity, more delay, less ease, but it is 5X as much fun!" it would be worth going for.
I've supported some versions of this in the past, but I now agree that you'd see the same mechs on the same maps over and over. More extreme builds as people no longer build mechs to confront a variety of conditions, but tune them to various maps. This isn't so bad in itself but would cut down match diversity a lot and further reduce TTK.
Issues with team makeup. Some proposals allow for teams of all assaults, all LRM with NARC support, all stealth/ECM, all poke, all wolfpack lights and meds etc. Give people a choice and they will find the 'broken' combinations.
Problem with '3 of each class' solutions are the same as before - people don't play classes equally leading to long match delays.
Most interesting variety is 'pick chassis, start QP, select version of that chassis while 'Ready' menu is up'. This would cut down on map-tuning, reduce delay, maintain most diversity, and encourage the sale of more than 1-2 variants per chassis. It also wouldn't handicap people who don't have a full stable of mechs.
Another option would be 'Dropdeck of 2, with respawn, pick which mech you start with', although this would have to be a separate 'Dropdeck QP' match queue, which splits an already small queue population and may lead to longer and more frustrating matches.
Why would it be to complex. If you want only one choice just leave the other three as trial mechs.
As to the delay......seriously 5 seconds more every match would be a very small price to pay to never get rock paper scissored by map selection ever again.
The ease/conveniance complaint does not fly for me as it is basicly a variation on the complexity....which you can ignore but simply ignoring the other three slots as trial mechs.
We allready see basicly the same mechs every match. If anything this might add variety because when a odd ball map pops up you might see people take a more niche mech instead of the typical meta.
As to the match delay complaint "shrug" play something other than a heavy. Allthough they could relax that slightly and allow up to 4 of a weight class to lock in however I think that would comprimise match balance if one team decided to go 4/3/3/2 and the other went 2/3/3/4. It might work and could be worth trying.
I am confused as to how you would find the same concept more interesting if you choose a chassis and could pick which one you wanted before drop. Alot of chassis do not have that great of variety in builds (some do). Not to mention that getting people away from having to own multiples of the same mech was a big deal. The chassis might be interesting to those of us with 200 mechs but not for the new guy. He would likely much rather have a choice between 4 distinctly different mechs. If anything I think a chassis deck would be far more restrictive to a new player.
No to respawns in QP. Match time is fine where it is.
justcallme A S H, on 14 February 2018 - 02:02 PM, said:
Nothing good will come from this. Hence it will never happen.
It will further punish those with limited mechs, builds and weaponry loads outs in the game while enhancing the better players with properly equipped mechs.
So no - do not want.
As for QP with dropdecks - Again won't happen. You cannot balance it.
What happens if 8 players pick Heavy/Assaults and the other 8 pick Med/Light.
You've just broken the game. Sorry but the idea is shortsighted, doesn't account for any issues and just creates a bunch of stuff that will not work.
Sorry but the entire PGI's entire approach to making money, in fact the entire approach to making money for any f2p game is to encourage people to buy more stuff. It is not pay to win but it is pay to have variety. If you want to play the game with 4 mechs that is your choice. Having a system in the game that encourages people to own more mech bays and more mechs is actually good for the game. I am personally on board for PGI finding ways to make money other than just mechpacks so that MAYBE they will develop something beyond an arena shooter.
Maybe actually read the thread before saying that it won't happen because it cannot be balanced. I suggested a way that would balance the matches and would be far closer than the current method that has at times given one team a 300+ ton advantage. The way I suggested could never give a team more than a 195 ton advantage and that would require every single player on one team choosing the lightest option for their class and the other team having every single player choosing the heaviest option for their class. A highly unlikely senario.
It has not broken the game. Has been thought out, and does account for many issues to create a much more balanced way of making matches. At least as far as the equipment goes. Players......thats a bit to random to ever fix.