A double Escort mode might be quite a challenge to the players with the current AI abilities of the VIP. I like the idea of adding another play mode, but I think some fundamental things need to be addressed in the current Escort mode first.
The VIP in the current Escort mode is just dumber than a post. He will walk right into the middle of the enemy team and bulldoze his protectors out of the way to do it.
We need a way to influence the direction/path that the VIP takes. We don't need to have a 'Mech tied up directing his every step, but we do need a way to set a way-point for him to travel to and then maybe another way-point to keep him going in the right direction. The AI would take over after setting the way-point and take him to the designated area. Then once there, it would put him on a path to get him to the pickup zone or maybe have the pickup zone adjust a little to give him a new, direct route to it.
Maybe it could work something like this:
1> A friendly 'Mech would need to get within 20 meters of the VIP in order to have the ability to direct him.
2> Once in 20 meter range, a small button on the HUD would appear/activate to allow that 'Mech to set a way-point for the VIP.
3> Once the friendly 'Mech set the way-point, the AI would take over and navigate the VIP in the new direction until he reaches the new way-point.
4> After the VIP reaches the set way-point, the AI plots a new route to the pickup zone. If he starts moving toward the enemy, then he could again be directed to yet another way-point.
5> There could be a bonus rewarded to the player directing the VIP. Might be called an "VIP Out of Harms Way" bonus.
An example:
Crimson Strait the VIP usually starts E8/D8 and he travels either through the tunnel or over the saddle. With this feature added, a team player could get within 20 meters of the VIP and set a way-point in say C7/C8. Once he reaches this location, he could then be directed to B5/B4. Then the pickup zone could adjust to C3 or maybe he could travel on to the island at E3 and be picked up there. Having this ability would make the game mode more enjoyable and sensible. Just being able to direct him to the saddle or tunnel would be of a big help to keep him from wading into the entire enemy team. Even just being able to direct him to "hold position" would be of a big help sometimes.
I think something like this really needs to be done to help the Escort mode. Once this is in place and working, then they could add a Double Escort mode with maybe some VTOLs on each team to aid in spotting and for each team to shoot down before they spot their VIP.
Just some ideas...
Edited by Captain Grayson Lighthorse, 07 March 2018 - 03:13 PM.