Atlas 5E 2B and 2M which is one more energy point than an AS7 D,
Griffin 4E 2M which is the same as the GRF 1S so nothing new
Rifleman 5E 3B one more energy and one less ballistic than a RFL 3C
Urbanmech 3E 2B one less ballistic than the UMR63
Firestarter 4B 4E so an Ember but with a worse hardpoint setup
Banshee 4E 2B 1M it is practically a BNC 3S but you can't strip the arms, bonus for hoverjets though
Maddog is good, I like what you did with CT lasers, to bad I don't want one.
You had a chance to do some really unique things but the AS7, GRF, RFL, UM, and FS9 are pretty much already available in some form.
The Banshee could have been a rather unique ride but the only thing it has is jump jets, the hardpoint setup is done better already and you can't strip the arms because that is where 4 of your weapons are.
On the positive side, $30 for 7 cBill boosted mechs is pretty great so thank you for that.
I guess, thanks fI'mnor trying but I know I'm looking a very nice gift horse in the mouth but many of this game's heroes are bad or mediocre.
When people ask me what heroes they should buy I cringe. I usually suggest getting an Omnimech hero so they can change out the parts that don't work for them.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not interested in a purely pay to win scheme with heroes, but I am interested in some actually GOOD heroes. Thanks to a serious amount of power creep, the bar is set quite high and these guys just don't even reach it when they're on their toes.
Please consider inflating some hardpoints, moving some around and making these a solid investment.
After thought, this could have been a great opportunity to introduce a light hero for Innersphere that can take 6 - 12 ballistics. Even if would be an oversized Firestarter.
Edited by Xetelian, 17 February 2018 - 12:12 AM.