Tiewolf, on 25 February 2018 - 04:54 AM, said:
Playing the game mode objectives makes no sense. Most game modes are just skirmish by a different name. Your teammates even harrass you, if you cap the domination circle before all enemy mechs are down and we all experienced FW farming on one end or the other. Winning by objectives makes no sense in this grind context because you get much more rewards for taking down enemy mechs then by playing the objectives.
What about giving a x2 Bonus to C-Bills, XP and matchscore if the game is won by objectives before all enemy mechs are down? Or even better the more enemy mechs are still on the field at the end of a game, the higher the bonus.
This would reward playing the objective and make FW much more enjoyable. Maybe not Incursion in its current state, but it would make FW games much shorter if a game is lost after the first encounter anyway.
Bud Crue, on 25 February 2018 - 04:59 AM, said:
People play stompy robot shooter, to shoot stompy robots. Objectives are secondary to that experience and so too are rewards even. If the objectives get in the way of that experience then most folks outright ignore the objectives no matter how great the rewards. I think PGI could triple objective rewards and the above would still be true for the majority of matches.
These ideals make me really... really sad... because I remember a time when playing the objective ment something.
There was a game on x-box 360, one that had a really ****** secondary game that came out, but the original CHROMEHOUNDS, was a mecha building game kinda like a perfect mix between Armored Core, and Mechwarrior, you could fully build your mechs, pick between different leg types, different cockpits, ect...
but that mechlab custimization, to me, paled in comparison to what the meat of the game was, which was the combat..
when people talk about Community Warfare here, I always point to the Neroimus War. the NW mode was the bread and butter mode... a 24/7 365 continual war fought over a map with 3 full factions. each faction could win the war by taking over the other two factions home bases... and holding them for a sepcific period.
Each match, had several objectives and ways to win... but killing ALL the mechs, while good, and netting you resource points for your faction, would NOT end the round... you were forced to win one of 3 ways.
Time out
Destruction of the enemy base on the map [of which there were 3 potential locations for each base]
Capture of all of the NT [Network Transmission] Towers... these towers ALSO governed the space in which a player and their team could engage in voice communication. [sadly this feature was made pointless when group chat over X-box live was implemented.]
They did something very, very simple... and made killing all of the enemy mechs a BONUS... and pushed playing the objective as the actual, main thing to do.
and it worked, the game ran for years, with Sega shutting the servers down in 2012.
People, forget how amazing this game was, and how great it's game mode was... we could have that... in MWO, but the devs can't seem to figure it out.