Seranov, on 26 February 2018 - 06:07 AM, said:
This is exactly why..
I agree that the objectives in this game are... well.. silly... but that doesn't mean that the game is Unreal Tournament with robots.
But it's still a mech SIMULATOR.. would you love playing a F22 Raptor simulator that was all skirmish? (damn, you probably would, wouldn't you?)
My point is, in the BT setting, mechs are not just meant to kill other mechs.. they are the main terrestrial offensive/defensive unit in existence.. they are meant to do objectives.. and a simple skirmish doesn't do them justice, and is boring to play.
Even if it was a simple "kill everything that moves" type game, I would still prefer some context to it other than "for cbills"..
I guess I'm just that kind of guy.. I expect more thinking required from a "thinking man's shooter"..
Edited by Vellron2005, 27 February 2018 - 01:09 AM.