Posted 26 February 2019 - 11:56 PM
A good pilot will beable to snipe these weapons off the mech but, in doing so it blows the armor of the left and right chest even tho the shots did not hit here. Should we see a change in how this works?
Posted 27 February 2019 - 12:07 AM
LDTorroc, on 26 February 2019 - 11:56 PM, said:
How what works?
What you have described is not how it works. You shoot a left torso it does not hit the right.
Posted 27 February 2019 - 12:13 AM
justcallme A S H, on 27 February 2019 - 12:07 AM, said:
How what works?
What you have described is not how it works. You shoot a left torso it does not hit the right.
I think he meant that, for e.g., the Marauder 3R that has 3 ballistic hardpoints in the RT (?) and we can see the ballistic weapons poking out, hitting these weapons doesn't outright destroy them but rather, the RT armour is damaged first.
Posted 27 February 2019 - 12:44 AM
Posted 27 February 2019 - 01:18 AM
FRAGTAST1C, on 27 February 2019 - 12:13 AM, said:
I think he meant that, for e.g., the Marauder 3R that has 3 ballistic hardpoints in the RT (?) and we can see the ballistic weapons poking out, hitting these weapons doesn't outright destroy them but rather, the RT armour is damaged first.
This is correct, Sorry for the grammar in the first post i posted it when i just woke up.
But yes, that is the point i am making. TT and PP. both had rules for things like this.
Posted 27 February 2019 - 02:34 AM
Other 'Mech games have done external weapons though. Battledrome and the first two Earthsieges both used modular weapons mounted on external hardpoints across the torso, with only a few internal weapons bays. Starsiege also had external weapons, but they were all gimbal-mounted since torso twist was removed. In all of those games, the aesthetic was less that of walking tanks and more that of mobile weapon platforms... but then, that setting also leaned heavily on energy shields, so it made sense that armor wasn't as important. If you have force fields as a defensive option, why not save weight and only armor your vital components?

Posted 27 February 2019 - 02:38 AM
WrathOfDeadguy, on 27 February 2019 - 02:34 AM, said:
Other 'Mech games have done external weapons though. Battledrome and the first two Earthsieges both used modular weapons mounted on external hardpoints across the torso, with only a few internal weapons bays. Starsiege also had external weapons, but they were all gimbal-mounted since torso twist was removed. In all of those games, the aesthetic was less that of walking tanks and more that of mobile weapon platforms... but then, that setting also leaned heavily on energy shields, so it made sense that armor wasn't as important. If you have force fields as a defensive option, why not save weight and only armor your vital components?

Thank you for pointing this out. Yes if you had your weapons hanging out like they do you would want them armored much like the blood asp, Their large cannons and lasers do look armored, my point here is why do we not have a diffrent target box or armor value for these areas rather then them being connected directly to the armor of the chest, Take a timber wolf with lrm'30s the 'bunny' ears as somepeople call them are huge hit me here signs.
So the question is, Why do we not have armor hard points for this separate locations. Im coming from playing older P&P MW and BT games were rules like this did exist.
Edited by LDTorroc, 27 February 2019 - 02:41 AM.
Posted 27 February 2019 - 03:06 AM
LDTorroc, on 27 February 2019 - 02:38 AM, said:
So the question is, Why do we not have armor hard points for this separate locations. Im coming from playing older P&P MW and BT games were rules like this did exist.
Because that would take a lot more programing which firstly, will not ever happen in this game at this point, and secondly, if it did happen would cause so much qqing around here when players that can aim started farming parts off of the lower skill players, that PGI would have to revert it or add so much armor on these new locations as to make the whole exercise pointless.
Posted 27 February 2019 - 03:09 AM
LDTorroc, on 27 February 2019 - 01:18 AM, said:
What if I told you this is not TT / PP.
This is an online FPS. That is how it works.
Destroying the weapon and the armour 2nd would be rather pointless to the way the game plays.
Posted 27 February 2019 - 03:48 AM
LDTorroc, on 27 February 2019 - 02:38 AM, said:
pgi has made it quite apparent that they dont care about the old rules... back when battletech made sense... they wanted something between battletech, and mechwarrior and they just took bits and pieces of what they wanted and smashed it apart...
back in the day in the beginning when we only had a few maps.. a lot of this was true.. BUT they changed the math early on and have been making corrections every since
Posted 27 February 2019 - 09:01 AM
you shoot a weapon - it takes damage directly and has its own HP
I miss running around grenade boating and stripping a mech's weapons in a few volleys - but definitely don't think it would work in MWO. Was kinda busted in chromehounds too
Edited by Gristle Missile, 27 February 2019 - 09:01 AM.
Posted 27 February 2019 - 10:54 AM
Gristle Missile, on 27 February 2019 - 09:01 AM, said:
you shoot a weapon - it takes damage directly and has its own HP
I miss running around grenade boating and stripping a mech's weapons in a few volleys - but definitely don't think it would work in MWO. Was kinda busted in chromehounds too
Oh man chrome hounds was some good times, would have been the best game if they didnt lock out multiplayer parts from single player and added more content (offline skrim with bots or offline neuromus vs bots)
as for grenade boating if you had a fast chasis you could kite them, but if your slower you would aim for the legs to slow them down from my experience.
Posted 27 February 2019 - 10:56 AM
Variant1, on 27 February 2019 - 10:54 AM, said:
as for grenade boating if you had a fast chasis you could kite them, but if your slower you would aim for the legs to slow them down from my experience.
Quad Grenade Launchers, Quad Missile Spam Launchers. Wreck components for days.
Posted 27 February 2019 - 11:42 AM
Posted 27 February 2019 - 12:59 PM
But I don't see them putting in the work now that they have so many mechs and variants to change. It would cost them too much in terms of labor.
Edited by MechaBattler, 27 February 2019 - 01:03 PM.
Posted 27 February 2019 - 01:38 PM
However for the most part, that kind of thing, just isn't a part of battletech in general.
Posted 27 February 2019 - 02:34 PM
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