VonBruinwald, on 26 June 2018 - 07:13 AM, said:
1 - Intentional, bad choice but still intentional.
2 - That's not a smudge, that's try-hard clanner ******* from every time they score a kill. Why else would you be looking at the kill-counter instead of the battlefield
3 - Not sure what you mean by this.
4 - [color=#222222]Does re=applying them actually fix it? I like my dancing ladies.[/color]
5 - More often than not it's a client issue, not a server issue.
6 - Disagree, the 'battle in the centre' can easily be avoided by your team moving elsewhere, plenty of other places on that map to fight if you can convince your team to go along with your plan
7 - Consumable removal bug needs fixing. Weapon groups are saved locally, not sure how this could be fixed.
1) Well it still needs fixing

2) That's a graphic glitch, needs fixing.. nothing more.
3) I mean when you want to place decals, they are all in the same screen, but when you want to pain them, you can see only 6, and you need to scroll down for three more - and there's plenty of room on-screen for that box/toolbox to be extended to no-scroll size.
4) Re-applying them fixed it for me on multiple mechs. I guess they are then saved into "the new 9 decal system" and it fixes it..
5) Client or server, is irrelevant - needs to be fixed.
6) When did pugs ever listen? The map is bad.. its worse than rubellite.
7) Well loadouts are saved locally too. We need to connect the two, so weapon groups are saved along with the loadout.