I posted this on another forum, just copy and pasted into here:
The Zhīzhù Regiment started as a planetary militia regiment protecting Douglas III (D3). D3 was attacked by House Steiner during the First Succession War. The Zhīzhù Regiment did so well in the defense of their world that it was decided by the Lyrans to raze the planet rather than pass it by and leave a threat behind them. House Liao recognized the potential of such a fierce unit and ordered it rescued before the final assault by Steiner planetary bombardment ships. Zhīzhù decided to dump their battlemechs and armored units in favor of saving as many civilians from the approaching cataclysm as possible. Of the 3.2 million citizens of the planet only 6,000 were saved that day. The only survivors from a once thriving industrialized planet. D3 is no longer on any shipping routes as there is no longer a reason to go there, nor is it a valid recharge point as there are no facilities in the event of a mechanical emergency.
The Zhīzhù Regiment has vowed revenge on the enemies of the Capellan Confederation and a fiercely loyal to House Liao. Many times they have refused the offer to be inducted into the regular CapCom forces in favor of choosing their own contracts which allow them the maximum chance to attack the hated Lyran Alliance and their lackeys; the Federated Commonwealth.
The Regiment recruits from the descendants of D3, who were granted the right to colonize a new planet along the periphery between the Capellan Confederation and the Magistracy of Canopus. They named their new home Fùchóu (Revenge). Although Fùchóu is a harsh planet, it has thrived through the grim determination of its inhabitants.
In battle the Zhīzhù Regiment is utterly ruthless, neither giving nor asking for quarter. But they are always careful of reducing collateral civilian damage whenever possible.
The Pillars of Jade
Headquarters company of the Zhīzhù Regiment.
The Pillars of Fire
1st Battalion - A Company
The Pillars of Stone
3rd Battalion - B Company
The Pillars of Ice
3rd Battalion - C Company
The Pillars of Ice used to serve in the same Battalion as the Pillars of Fire but the two groups did not get on well together and it was decided to separate the units.
The House Liao Mercenary Liaison Transportation Division Union and Overlord dropships.