Mystere, on 11 April 2018 - 08:05 AM, said:
So you want a Mech nerfed because a highly-skilled player obliterates less-skilled players when in one?
Nightbird, on 11 April 2018 - 08:17 AM, said:
Proton obliterates people in vindicators.
If you want to balance based on Proton's performance in a mech, might as well nerf everthing by 99%.
Which is exactly what is happening now anyway
Dogstar, on 11 April 2018 - 08:52 AM, said:
I bet Proton does better in a Piranha than almost any other light mech. Maybe we should balance by his performance in each mech because at least then there would be one consistent factor.
Not sure about other light mechs, but The List says Proton plays assaults 51% of the time, and my personal impression from his streams says it is an Anni. Now the guy right below him, NaCl plays lights 77% of the time, and Vorteex at #5 plays them 36% of the time which is more or less close to his mileage in heavies and assaults. Might make sense to ask these guys.