But I doubt that would happen due to perceived balance issues regarding missile useage. Want to argue about the ranges missiles can be used at? sure... missiles self destruct once they get 1 inch past their listed optimum range, while everything else other than flamers and probably mg's keep going, doing a scaled reduction of dmg as it goes, out to their max range. It's bad enough that the only targets we can lock onto to shoot while moving anymore are the opposing forces mechs, due again to perceived issues. Remember that lrms are "indirect fire" but if you keep putting more and more limitations on us, then you may as well just remove the weapons system from the game entirely, and then you can also kiss goodbye to a fair portion of the player base due to that. I know that there will be some who will look at this and go to full flamer mode, but then again, what do I know...? I have only been playing this since open beta, and as for the table top version of it, my first pages in relation to this game system say "battledroids" on the top, not battletech or mechwarrior.
Edited by Galenthor Kerensky, 15 April 2018 - 07:31 AM.