Ryoken, on 20 April 2018 - 07:58 AM, said:
Thank you for the nice event. I like the patton pattern a lot and would even consider buying it if it had not those stars on it. Now that we have awesome 9 dekkel slots I can try to cover those stars. But the patton camo without stars would be even better. And it should be easy to produce, as basically before applying stars and stuff, the artist has to release the pattern as a plain two color camo.
<<<image from https://preview.ibb.co/fcdjZ7/MWO_04_20_2018_15_45_00.png>>>
So now I did put this nice camo on my beloved Fafnir and have another issue. As can be seen on the picture the camo pattern is hardly recocnizeable due to the lot of edges looking like someone had done a high gloss polishing on my warmachine. I can tell you - if I find that tech who did this - we will have an interessting conversation about camouflage, why there is no matt color and no matt basecoat below the camo paint, and how he dared to polish the metal to be extra shiny!
On a more serious note to the artist... yes also warmachines experience weathering or even chipped of paint. But this is to much and way to shiny. There are a lot of weathering examples in the net and modelling homepages. Maybe you can use those for example of how withering on mechs could look like:
<<<image from https://i.pinimg.com/originals/4a/a0/d5/4aa0d5dafca0295ba4889943ea24492e.jpg>>>
<<<image from https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/6/61/M1-A1_Abrams_1.jpg/1024px-M1-A1_Abrams_1.jpg>>>
That beeing said, there is an ongoing discussion on how withered a mech should look like. The best solution would be a seperate option to select different levels of withering. But as long as that option is not available my advice would be to try a nice compromise and avoid shiny surfaces on camouflage.
<<<image from https://preview.ibb.co/fcdjZ7/MWO_04_20_2018_15_45_00.png>>>
So now I did put this nice camo on my beloved Fafnir and have another issue. As can be seen on the picture the camo pattern is hardly recocnizeable due to the lot of edges looking like someone had done a high gloss polishing on my warmachine. I can tell you - if I find that tech who did this - we will have an interessting conversation about camouflage, why there is no matt color and no matt basecoat below the camo paint, and how he dared to polish the metal to be extra shiny!
On a more serious note to the artist... yes also warmachines experience weathering or even chipped of paint. But this is to much and way to shiny. There are a lot of weathering examples in the net and modelling homepages. Maybe you can use those for example of how withering on mechs could look like:
<<<image from https://i.pinimg.com/originals/4a/a0/d5/4aa0d5dafca0295ba4889943ea24492e.jpg>>>
<<<image from https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/6/61/M1-A1_Abrams_1.jpg/1024px-M1-A1_Abrams_1.jpg>>>
That beeing said, there is an ongoing discussion on how withered a mech should look like. The best solution would be a seperate option to select different levels of withering. But as long as that option is not available my advice would be to try a nice compromise and avoid shiny surfaces on camouflage.
Pardon me, Ryoken... Did you perhaps not mean "matt" (which would refer to the guy who communicates publicly with us during Events), but instead "matte" (which happens to be a type of painting surface method)???
~D. V. "Is it just me, or is something off with the spelling?" Devnull