Tarogato, on 27 April 2018 - 03:05 PM, said:
These people spent tens of hours perfecting mechlabbing and skill tree'ing technique, and they'd rather keep their secrets to themselves because they put in the time. Or only share the fruits of their efforts as an opportunity for direct social interaction between players, rather than allowing them to be given away for free.
Whether or not more information should be available is not an easy decision to be taken lightly.
First off, Tarogato, as I mentioned already, I liked your layout proposal.
As for those who are pushing back, all I have to say, is, most of THEM learned from someone else. Whether or not their original mentor is still playing is besides the point.......but here they are, several years later, figuring they are the big bang in this game.
We all learn from other people. Some of us remember that, others evidently do not.
If those who are pushing back are so damned firm, let them choke on their little skill tree builds, and where they stick their ammo pods.
When the queues have tumbleweeds blowing through them, at least they can look at their skill tree, and their LFE, and look back........and wait.
In all actuality, they should look not that the reward is keeping their little digital secrets, but that the real reward is a constant queue, with challenging matches.
I could care less. For me, S7 is just something to do for a few matches, then onto other things. I'll just say that S7 has met and exceeded my expectations.