Vanefica, on 11 May 2018 - 06:22 AM, said:
Yes I would love a female voice option! I get called "dude" all the time as it is :/ No big deal I guess, but I've been play MW games since I was like 5, sharing the keyboard and joystick with my twin brother on our dinosaur of a computer in like 1995.
An added bonus would be making a decidedly female pilot. The pilots are already kind of skinny looking dudes, but something a littler more feminine as an option would be great.
I would hate to have to pay for female options (see: Pink Tax), but I would be willing to contribute real money to fund the work required!
The Pink Tax isn't real. You can buy the same exact things any male can buy for the exact same price. Fact.
And, if a female voice option was available for MC, how would that be a Pink Tax? Males would have to spend the same amount of MC to grab the female voice option if they wanted it just the same.
Also, how do you know the pilot is male? The pilot is in a flight suit and you cannot see the face or genitals, and even if you could, nowadays, that doesn't matter, because anyone can claim to be of any gender, race, species, or object. Why are you then instead arguing for a typically female looking pilot option? With that, the next thread that'd show up would be of someone complaining that the female pilot option looks typically female, with clearly visible breasts, etc.
I can't believe this thread is real.
I feel specifically targeted and discriminated against because the computer voice is a female and I have no option to change it (outside of disabling it, which I do, as well as with the comms wheel, because hearing "affirmative" and "negative" every five seconds is obnoxious and all too common).
Actually I don't feel discriminated against, especially not purposefully, because I'm not absurdly, unfathomably ridiculous.
I showed this suggestion to my wife; she found it "offensive" that OP apparently thinks women are so fragile and special-needs that they'd actually feel like something as non-issue as what gender is voicing a few lines in a video game is necessary to control. And, to assume that women needed such an option when they hadn't brought it up themselves, but, now that you've put it out there, according to a few of them here, apparently it is an issue and they're victims of discrimination--it's laughable.
If there's a suggestion out there where a dude is complaining that we need PGI to actually spend money and time implementing a male voice option for the targeting computer (when you can already just mod it in yourself very quickly), I'd tell them they were equally as ridiculous. Who're you to even say the comm's voice is male? Are we going to ask them to spend time and money implementing dog barks as an option to? I'm sure my dog would feel very oppressed to know that there's no option to hear "affirmative" in dog...
Edited by Leidulfr, 11 May 2018 - 04:18 PM.