Leidulfr, on 10 May 2018 - 04:09 PM, said:
... These strategies are infuriating.
After 3 years of not playing, I come back...
You announce the Solaris 7 Deals two weeks ago, on April 27th, so I buy some MC/Cbill gift packages for myself so I can try some new 'mechs...
Then you announce the Solaris 7 Deals AGAIN the following week, but this time I wouldn't have had to gift to myself for the deal I wanted, and I could have just bought the MC/Cbill packages for myself...
Then there were also some Heros that were discounted, AFTER I had just bought two of them; had I known the next day you were going to discount some of them, my choices would have been different...
And, NOW you announce a bunch of mechs are 40% OFF, after I just got done buying 3 Annihilators with the CBills that I just bought the MC/Cbill gift packages for in the first week, AAAAAAND, I would've gotten bonus MC?!
I've been discouraged from putting anymore money into the game once again... so irritated... I feel stupid.
Daemonara, on 10 May 2018 - 04:43 PM, said:
Contact support, they are great and can usually help you out if you bought stuff just before a certain sale

lpmagic, on 10 May 2018 - 04:44 PM, said:
m8? have you contacted customer support? those guys do some amazing things when you take the time to ask nicely

explain the situation and see if there is any way they can help you. They have helped me in the past!!!
Leidulfr, on 10 May 2018 - 05:05 PM, said:
I sent an email to billing, but... I don't have high hopes. I mean, why would they want to help? They've gotten plenty of money out of me in the past, and, regardless of how cheated I feel, coincidences are just coincidences and that's life. There's always another person to replace me.
le sigh
Appogee, on 10 May 2018 - 05:42 PM, said:
Do all the other retailers that you buy goods and services from let you know their sale plans weeks and months in advance?
MechaBattler, on 10 May 2018 - 06:09 PM, said:
They put up sales pretty regular. And customer support is actually pretty supportive with helping people who purchased before a sale. You're not a victim, you just have bad timing.
Leidulfr, on 10 May 2018 - 07:17 PM, said:
Yes and no.
Black Friday. Memorial Day. After-Christmas.
But, they don't do a sale, then at the end of the sale, stamp "SALE ENDS TOMORROW" to encourage sales, as if it's actually your last chance, then do another, very similar, sale the next week, and then again at the end of that next, similar sale, stamp "SALE ENDS TOMORROW" to encourage sales, as if it's actually your last chance again, and then finally do another, EVEN BETTER sale with bonuses that the previous buyers didn't get, at the end of the day of that previous sale, even sprinkling a 40% off on top of all that--or, at least, I've never been subject to such a ploy...
And, I wasn't asking to know plans weeks and months in advance. I was bickering about the cheap strategy.
Also, I've been gone 3 years, so I wasn't aware that now they apparently do sales all the time, especially not in this manner, otherwise, obviously, I would have held off instead of biting at the first Solaris 7 Deals. But, if that's the case, does everyone [who knows] just wait? And, then, if we wait and there actually isn't a better sale as in the past and the sale does actually "END TOMORROW," then I'd be salty that I missed my chance. It's sneaky.
In any case, it is my fault that I purchased something I had no idea I could've gotten a better deal on, the next day, and, then again an even better deal the next week. Again, I was just bickering/possibly warning others what could happen in the future, maybe show them they should be patient, unlike me, maybe just to highlight the cheapness of such strategies, maybe to get back at the system, because I felt suckered into something I should've seen coming.
Naitrael, on 11 May 2018 - 12:05 AM, said:
It's not really anyone's fault, and the Support will, if you bought something within two days before the Sale, definitely give you the additional goodies you would've gotten due to the Sale, so no worries there.
They are also pretty forthcoming if one got confused because of the timezones.
I get that the current policy of Announcements is annoying, but until now all of my problems regarding these issues have been solved by one single E-Mail, so just communicate and everything will work out fine.
Grayson Sortek, on 11 May 2018 - 05:34 AM, said:
I need to update my forum signature to be a whale. A nice, big, blue, whale.
You got me Matt, I threw in $15 to get the MC I needed to get 2 hero 'mechs.
I feel like we are playing a game of Chess, well checkers at least, where you put something out there and I decide to bite or not based on my gut instinct of what you're going to do next. I went for the first MC/C-Bill sale, then held off on the second one because I got burned on the flash 'mech sale. My patience paid off as this one was much better and you kept the 'mech sale for longer. Well played sir, well played.
Until our next match.
From the apparently supportive and caring support regarding the MC sales skulduggery:
Unfortunately, we're only able to retroactively apply promo bonuses to purchases that were made within a day or two of the promo start. Those kinds of considerations are typically made for players who didn't qualify due to processing errors, time zone quirks, or during a general grace period for purchases that were made very close to the promo start.
I'm very sorry that we couldn't be of more help with this.
Piranha Games
So, they do a sale on April 27th and let it go for a week, then try to get you with "sale ends tomorrow" if you haven't bitten yet.
Half way through that sale, they discount some Heroes, instead of just putting that at the start of the sale in which you may have just spent money to get the only currency able to purchase Heroes.
Then, they redo a sale identical to the one that just "ended," and they again try to get anyone who hadn't bitten yet with "sale ends tomorrow."
Then, instead of ending the sale, again, they actually make it even better on the previously stated last day (who knows now), making anyone who bit during the first two identical sales that were allegedly supposed to be concluded at their week's end likely feel very much gotten.
Oh, and then, if you contact support about it, they tell you, "sorry, you weren't within the one-two day window," even though the sales in which I was gotten were labeled to be ending after their week, so why would I wait if I wanted the MC and Cbills? Of course I wasn't within the one-two day window...
Unsurprisingly typical.
Not that they'd care. It's obviously done this way on purpose. Attract new players who mostly won't be aware of such issues, keep a hold of those who're fans of universe by the nostalgia-balls (and don't really have any other MechWarrior game designed and managed by a different company to go to), let those unaware individuals who felt cheated leave, because we got their money and there's always the new players to lure in with an outward appearance, or those who come back that may have forgotten why they left in the first place, because there still isn't anywhere else to scratch the MechWarrior itch, and then silence concerns like mine, which will probably get deleted or simply lost once this sale's thread disappears.
Edited by Leidulfr, 11 May 2018 - 03:01 PM.