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Mech-Fest Of Champions: Events, Mech Bundles, Mc Promo And Sales

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#21 Sgt Grunt


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Posted 07 June 2018 - 07:37 PM

Not an event for newer players at all. You want new players to stay then you run an event that slaps them in the face. I have 30 mechs , I have only 2 event mechs so I get nothing and many newer players won't either. I dare not to mention NEW players get nada. What a crappy event oh yea not for your VETS.

Edited by Sgt Grunt, 07 June 2018 - 07:38 PM.

#22 Manicus


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Posted 07 June 2018 - 08:01 PM

View PostSgt Grunt, on 07 June 2018 - 07:37 PM, said:

Not an event for newer players at all. You want new players to stay then you run an event that slaps them in the face. I have 30 mechs , I have only 2 event mechs so I get nothing and many newer players won't either. I dare not to mention NEW players get nada. What a crappy event oh yea not for your VETS.

Pretty much this. Even if they bought a mech pack they can't do it because they need mechs from every weight class. I have been playing since beta and even I can't do all the events without buying more mechs, much less my friends who are newer to the game. I certainly have enough Cbills to buy the mechs required, but new players most likely will not.

PGI if you're going to have events, how about throwing newer players a bone? Maybe put in trial mechs to cover most of the event requirements? I felt the last event was very fair, only requiring lights/mediums/heavies/etc. or specific weapons systems. Requiring specific mechs is a bit overboard.

#23 Jon McFuzzy


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Posted 07 June 2018 - 08:16 PM

Need more C-Bills!
Skill points are expensive (and relatively difficult to get). Double GXP reward please!

#24 IllCaesar


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Posted 07 June 2018 - 08:21 PM

Using some fuzzy math I figure that, assuming that the sale mechs are reflective of future challenges in the events page, you can get about 600 MC spending a net total of about only a million C-bills, assuming you have a spare mechbay. This is structured around using trial mechs. Somebody else could do the math more thoroughly but I was looking at it for how cheaply a clan only friend could manage it.

Stage 1 Light Challenge.

Buy Locust - complete 500 Locust damage - sell Locust for about 90% of what you paid for it
Complete 500 Commando damage with Trial mech
Earn 100 MC and 1 million cbills

Stage 1 Heavy Challenge
Buy Rifleman, get 500 damage, sell it at about 75% of purchase cost
Buy Dragon, get 500 damage, sell it at about 75% of purchase cost
Use trial Quickdraw to get 500 damage
Earn 150 MC and 1,5 million cbills

Stage 2 Light
Buy the exceptionally cheap Urbie, get 500 damage, don't sell it because urbies rule sell it at a cost of about 400,000 Cbills
Buy the spider, get 500 damage, sell it at about a cost of 200,000 cbills
Earn 100 MC and a million cbills

Stage 2 medium
Buy Vindicator1R just trust me it'll be the easiest for you, get 500, sell it at a cost of about 500,000 Cbills
Buy Phoenix Hawk, get 500, sell it at a cost of about 400,000
Use trial Hunch to get 500 damage
Hand in the challenge to get aboout 1.5 million Cbills and 150 MC

Stage 3 Lights
Rinse and repeat with Jenner at net cost of about 400,000
Rinse and repeat with Raven at net cost of about 300,000
Complete 500 damage with free firestarter

Again, fuzzy math. I figured in the cost of some basic equipment for your builds and such and after the ink on my quickly slapped together spreadsheet was dry it looked to only cost about a net total of million C-Bills to buy and sell all of those mechs to earn that 600 MC. Somebody else feel free to double-check the math and yell at me about how wrong I am. I didn't bother calcuating the other challenges because I wasn't going to bother with something that meant buying more than two per challenge or involved assault mechs.

I hope some of the trashborn out there maybe decide to buy a Locust and see what it feels like to be the one torn apart by the overpowered Piranha enjoy a breath of fresh air in the game while making MC and spending very little.

Edit: Looked over it again real uick but it looks like the Phase 2 Light challenge would include a Javelin. That means you'd have to get one more mech. That said, that means about 500,000 C-Bills in reward so it still comes close to balancing out and it would give 150 MC instead of just 100 MC. So this setup is for 650 MC instead of 600. Almost enough for an on-sale Pirate's Bane!

Edited by IllCaesar, 08 June 2018 - 12:56 PM.

#25 Mike Barnes


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Posted 07 June 2018 - 08:27 PM

PGI, jeez guys, I have a list order of things to buy at this point e.g. the next ten were supposed to be in order:

Mist Lynx
Raven - 3L
Quickdraw - 4H
Another atlas for reasons
another annihilator for even more dubious reasons
Assassin - 21
commando - 3A to complete my commando collection
Wolverine - 7K
Ebon Jag

YOU'VE THROWN MY ENTIRE PLAN INTO CHAOS, CHAOS I TELL YOU!!!!! Thank you for the sale, this should go a long way towards filling out my mechbays.

#26 NocturnalBeast


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Posted 07 June 2018 - 10:30 PM

Please make a COMPLETELY (3025) "Stock" QP mode. COMPLETELY (3025) "Stock" as in only Mechs and variants that were readily available in 3025, no quirks, no skill tree and no consumables, no customization other than paint, cammo, cockpit items and decals.

Edited by Ed Steele, 07 June 2018 - 10:31 PM.

#27 The Lighthouse


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Posted 07 June 2018 - 10:35 PM

instead of 10 mechs for each class for mech bundle sales, can we have like 3-3-3-3 each class bundle, for say 30 dollars? That would be much better deal for many of us.

#28 BrunoSSace


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Posted 07 June 2018 - 10:48 PM

Just got home, split the mission up per mech, not per weight class. This is not very new player friendly. I'm not a vet but, I can do 2 out the 4 of these missions. Could do more, but not interested in owning some of the mechs up for sale. Why buy a Locus when I'm going to own a Flea very soon?
Change the Mission lay out, will make people happier. Having to own 5 different mechs to do a mission, is pretty rough.

#29 TheFourthAlly


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Posted 07 June 2018 - 11:05 PM

Friday evening in Melbourne. No event start for you! Come back, 12 hours!

I is dissapoint.

Event Mechgated in such a way too.

Bit on the meh side of things imo.



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Posted 07 June 2018 - 11:17 PM

Why (C) mechs don't give GXP bonuses???
Is use of them only from transfering XP?

#31 TheFourthAlly


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Posted 07 June 2018 - 11:18 PM

I do recommend buying Lolcusts as such.

#32 ThomasAH


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Posted 07 June 2018 - 11:43 PM

Thank you for the sale, time to buy a second CP-10-Q with Piranha-eating streaks Posted Image

#33 Ery


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Posted 07 June 2018 - 11:51 PM

Good that I bought 15 of them last week for 40% .... Posted Image

And why, why, WHY ist that QP only again...?

Edited by Ery, 07 June 2018 - 11:56 PM.

#34 Kanil


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Posted 07 June 2018 - 11:58 PM

Double Heatsink Tax: The Event.

But hey, it's a lot of free MC, so that's nice. I've even been meaning to buy an Awesome for the lulz, this'll help justify it.

#35 The Lighthouse


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Posted 08 June 2018 - 12:11 AM

And wait, we don't get mechbay for light mech pack?

PGI do you hate light mechs truly? With this, the light mech pack is actually the worst deal.

#36 Anastasius Foht


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Posted 08 June 2018 - 12:53 AM

3 stages, if all of them force me to buy mechs i didn't like (x30 total) ill probably skip this "event".

#37 D V Devnull


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Posted 08 June 2018 - 01:25 AM

Geez... Didn't think I would be forced to catch up with this thread. -_-

View PostIdToaster, on 07 June 2018 - 06:22 PM, said:

View PostAverage Sloth, on 07 June 2018 - 06:16 PM, said:

View PostIdToaster, on 07 June 2018 - 06:10 PM, said:


You could have chosen to play when there aren't events around. You could have chosen to earn c-bills like everyone else instead of spending that time on the forums complaining and begging for handouts. Those choices are all on you.

Excuse us lowly beings for having a life

I work for a living, don't even start.

Poor ... You made a bad assumption that I had not been on the battlefield at all. Quite the opposite, as I had been on the battlefield a lot during and after the last Sales. (I'm NOT one of those so-called "Dumb ForumWarriors" who didn't go to the battlefields!) I looked at the forums only in temporal interleaves where I was waiting to launch, or was in a Real Life Situation where I happened to be flatly unable to launch for some reason or another. The problem putting things beyond my control is not me, but those the MatchMaker puts me with. While I'm putting my entire self into a match (heart, mind, body, and soul... really, no joke), I'm being betrayed, set to die, and not get anything to use by 11 blasted lemmings that are incapable of good communication and teamwork. (No, I don't bring a battle plan that I expect everyone to follow, as I'm not some jerk who assumes people will just blindly do things. Instead, I ask for everyone to simply have some Common Sense, and work together dynamically to pull out a best-possible-situation win. But most of the time, it seems they're massively incapable.) I've been suffering through endless amounts of that, and I'm reasonably sure even my leaderboard stats reflect it, as I'm sitting without the (C-Bills) to work with for this latest Event. No single person can carry a team full of lemmings, particularly against an opposing team of anything even as little as twice as good. So that's why I'm already shut out before I got started, as I ended up getting worse-than-bad luck with the odds being thoroughly against me. :angry:

View PostAverage Sloth, on 07 June 2018 - 05:19 PM, said:

In DV's scale, i give that event an 4/10 ... mech and/or map specific events are really not my thing

/edit: Also: Completely IS only? rly? Obviously i prefer IS too, but let them clanners have a bone too. 3/10

I don't set ratings by the type of Event, but by how the experience will likely feel to those who attempt to do it. So your idea of how I might rate it could still apply due to the fact that the Entry Gate to doing this Event, as it was during the Solaris City Map Challenge, is set way beyond too high. And yeah, it does kind of feel like someone's being cold to people who have Clan Mechs, so I second your thought of smacking it by another point. Severe discrimination is something I just don't tolerate when I compose my Ratings. :huh:

View PostDee Eight, on 07 June 2018 - 04:44 PM, said:

First phase is showing in-game already, essentially 5million cbills and 500MC if you complete all categories. Mechs needed are a locust, commando, assassin, cicada, blackjack, dragon, quickdraw, rifleman, awesome and victor if i recall correctly.

Not trying to jump on you, but I should note it doesn't help when someone simply can't afford and/or can't configure like half of the list. :(

~D. V. "A side note... This post was typed while I was getting into battles... Took a long while to finish..." Devnull

[Minor Edit by Post Author because a word was missing from a sentence.]

Edited by D V Devnull, 08 June 2018 - 01:33 AM.

#38 nathen west


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Posted 08 June 2018 - 03:16 AM

Just one month later and I would have time for the event. But with the exams on, there is no way I will have time to play and grind the MC for some of the Mechs needed. Even at event prices.

I would have liked to pick up a few like the Victor and Awesome.

#39 Marius Evander


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Posted 08 June 2018 - 03:52 AM

Dammit im on holiday from this morning till next wednesday. Missing out on 1st sale and 1st event. I guess at least its a 1 account only event im missing out on not both.

Can we please get an answer to 'is a solaris event possible?'

Oh in regards to the 3 3 3 3 pak request it would have to be slightly more expensive , $38 ? Not slightly cheaper at 30

#40 Kurbeks


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Posted 08 June 2018 - 04:17 AM

Great idea about mech bundles. But would need some bonus for Battlemechs (free Endo for all mechs, for example), as it clearly favours omnimechs. High initial cost, lower cost at reconfiguration.

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