SilentScreamer, on 19 June 2018 - 05:33 PM, said:
Did you miss example list in the first post? It does not list every mech but the Spider 5V is there with the Locust 1V and Locust 1M in the lowest bracket?
Yes FupDup, eventually the "crap" mechs would move down in the point system while better mechs moved up. Giving the MatchMaker enough players using those mechs for a complete 12v12 might never happen.
As for your last point. Ideally yes, all mechs would be equally playable. The Leaderboards and various challenges show they are not all equal. So do we try to deal with the bad mechs as they are (which is to not play them) or try to find a way to bring them out of mothball?
Yes FupDup, eventually the "crap" mechs would move down in the point system while better mechs moved up. Giving the MatchMaker enough players using those mechs for a complete 12v12 might never happen.
As for your last point. Ideally yes, all mechs would be equally playable. The Leaderboards and various challenges show they are not all equal. So do we try to deal with the bad mechs as they are (which is to not play them) or try to find a way to bring them out of mothball?
Do you want stupidly long queue times? Because that's how you get stupidly long queue times.