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Why Cling Balance On Tonnage?

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#21 Stinger554


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Posted 19 June 2018 - 07:54 PM

View PostSilentScreamer, on 19 June 2018 - 05:33 PM, said:

Did you miss example list in the first post? It does not list every mech but the Spider 5V is there with the Locust 1V and Locust 1M in the lowest bracket?

Yes FupDup, eventually the "crap" mechs would move down in the point system while better mechs moved up. Giving the MatchMaker enough players using those mechs for a complete 12v12 might never happen.

As for your last point. Ideally yes, all mechs would be equally playable. The Leaderboards and various challenges show they are not all equal. So do we try to deal with the bad mechs as they are (which is to not play them) or try to find a way to bring them out of mothball?

Do you want stupidly long queue times? Because that's how you get stupidly long queue times.

#22 Khobai


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Posted 19 June 2018 - 07:57 PM


If the SDR-5V needs a 60% cooldown quirk to be viable, then give it a 60% cooldown quirk. What's laughable is that it used to have a 30% cooldown quirk, and then it was nerfed. The literal worst mech in the game... got a 5% nerf. And nobody plays it.

it would still be terrible with a 60% cooldown quirk

what it needs is triple the number of hardpoints

a lot of the older mechs need additional hardpoints

PGI needs to go back and add like 2-3 hardpoints to all the older mechs to make them minimally viable

ideally the worst mech shouldnt be more than 10% worse than the best mech. if PGI can get the disparity within 10% that would be pretty good I think.

Edited by Khobai, 19 June 2018 - 08:00 PM.

#23 SilentScreamer


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Posted 19 June 2018 - 08:28 PM

View PostStinger554, on 19 June 2018 - 07:54 PM, said:

Do you want stupidly long queue times? Because that's how you get stupidly long queue times.

The Match Maker is still programed for 3/3/3/3 according to Paul's post May 30th. We just never see 3/3/3/3 because too many players use heavy/assault most of the time. The Matchmaker can and already does take a shortcuts if necessary.

View PostKhobai, on 19 June 2018 - 07:57 PM, said:

it would still be terrible with a 60% cooldown quirk

what it needs is triple the number of hardpoints

a lot of the older mechs need additional hardpoints

PGI needs to go back and add like 2-3 hardpoints to all the older mechs to make them minimally viable

ideally the worst mech shouldnt be more than 10% worse than the best mech. if PGI can get the disparity within 10% that would be pretty good I think.

I have read some posts advocating Forced-Chain-Fire. I am not a fan, but it might shift the meta of some mechs from multiple small weapons to fewer and heavier weapons.

A heavy weapon meta would reduce the need to add more hardpoints on older mechs. Adding hardpoints to dozens of mechs is probably beyond PGIs staff budget since the 3060 weapons update is taking so long.

So, instead of waiting months-to-years for hardpoint/quirk adjustments alter how the MatchMaker and Dropdecks treat mechs.

ex1: You are playing IS side and want a fast mech to cap/scout. The Locust Pirate's Bane, Spider 5D and Commando 2D are both fast and carry ECM, most players will take the LCT-PB because 1) superior performance 2) cost of 5 to 10 tons less to dropdeck. The Spider will likely be ignored unless jumpjets are useful on the map.

ex2: Need Clan Laser Vomit? Timberwolf, Gargoyle or Ebon Jag? All can take a similar laser build, but cost 75, 80 or 65 tons on your dropdeck. Most players will take the EJ, some will stick with the TWolf if they do not need the extra 10 tons. The Gargoyle will not be used for ranged laser vomit, instead being used for the more specialized small laser builds if used at all.

If the mechs in each example took the same amount of "tonnage" in dropdecks we MIGHT see more variety in dropdecks. So the LCT-PB, SDR-5D and COM-2D could each take 20 points in your dropdeck. The TWolf, GAR and EJ might all take 80 points. Thus, mech's cost in your dropdeck (or group queue) would be based on performance among peers, not the base tonnage it was assigned by source material.

Edited by SilentScreamer, 20 June 2018 - 06:25 AM.

#24 Elizander


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Posted 19 June 2018 - 08:44 PM

View PostEl Bandito, on 12 June 2018 - 12:00 PM, said:

Technically PGI already started giving points to mechs with Solaris' division system. Thing is, it is very hard to accurately gauge all mechs' power level, since there are hundreds of variants with their own strengths and weaknesses. PGI can try, but I doubt they can satisfy the community by a long shot.

I guess mechs can be ranked by max alpha (PP + range 500m at the top) and work its way down to lowly mechs that struggle to deal 20 damage. Just make sure every team has a Deathstrike. Posted Image

Also I had a game where I died early and we were down 4 mechs, but then saw we still had a fresh Deathstrike with the "right" configuration and he was in a good peeking position. I told my team "Relax guys, our Deathstrike got dis!" and he wiped everyone out. Posted Image

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