Lykaon, on 26 June 2018 - 12:41 AM, said:
I don't recall saying anything about the top skilled comp players even giving a crap about what happens in a solo + small group queue. I assumed they would continue to play at a comp level and occationally screw around in a "solo" drop.You know kinda like they do right now.
Point is, unless you want a duo of EmP players...Or numerous other people to duo that are exceedingly good at the game who can shift the balance to whichever side, your experience in group que is going to be largely the same as in "NotSolo" que. It's an incredibly bad idea because the ques don't separate the slightly above average from God Potato.
Even then, lets say you're Tier 1 and you want to bring in a new buddy who's Tier 5, taking a trial mech, couldn't find the R key to save his life. He will still get stomped. Badly. You may do good. Him...Not so much. Sounds fun, right?
Lykaon, on 26 June 2018 - 12:41 AM, said:
I pointed out that Waaay waaay back when the queue was seperated to begin with it was to afford casual players with easier opposition. Rather than improve an individual's ability to compete (VOIP/PSR/ELO or whatever) the groups were simply removed.
Geeze, it almost sounds like folks want to avoid being stomped altogether whilst at the same time, be able to play with their buddy and stomp others. What a vicious cycle. "I'm tired of being stomped so I want to stomp others, except with friendship!".
Have you guys considered trying to join a unit? New players being introduced into a unit and trying the whole team work thing in QP and what have you will probably be a way funner experience than duoing and hoping your team aren't window licker careerists.
Lykaon, on 26 June 2018 - 12:41 AM, said:
This had several detrimental effects on the core of a community (player units) by removing the units from their recruitment pools.Solo players were no longer playing with units and finding they may wish to join a unit. New players also had a lessened access to experienced mentors.This was the beginning of the slow bleeding to death of the founding player units that should have been the foundation of a great community. Lacking the easy access to replace lost membership these units figuratively bled to death.
So...No and no.
Peoples interests change. Units come and go. Every game that has groups or units or clans and what have you will come and go. Folks will gradually get tired of MWO and move on to other things. The "recruitment pool" is already stagnant. Once again, we're not seeing a huge influx of new players suddenly flocking to this big stompy banana peel lazor fest randomly. One way or another, units are going to lose members or fall apart entirely. Everything is just an eventuality.
Lykaon, on 26 June 2018 - 12:41 AM, said:
The choices made by PGI improved match quality for the casual solo player while degrading the quality for the grouped players.
Solos got to play in a sandbox without fear of needing to be inovative or even have a plan other than kill the "red bots" They don't even use the in game VOIP all that much.
Okay, so how's that different in group que? No one hardly uses VOIP either...Units that tend to drop in QP communicate through Discord, TeamSpeak or another 3rd party source.
In solo, you're just rolling the dice and just wanting to play the game without the hustle and bustle. There's nothing stating that you need to be innovative, creative, or even have a plan. Just drop, press W and have fun. Most people seem to have fun, minus the few keyboard warriors raising a stink about stuff (like QP for example).
Lykaon, on 26 June 2018 - 12:41 AM, said:
The solos got easier opposition to fight,They get to freely select what mech they want to use and have a match maker that attempts to match player skill levels,mech weight classes and overall creates matches quicker for solos than groups.
Groups got several iterations of a group queue all being some odd compromize or another. There was the group queue where if you had 11 players you couldn't drop (no solos to fill the 12th slot) or if you had 9 players you waited a small eternity as well as if you had 3 players the 12 player only group queue ...etc.
Now we have a group queue were there is no match maker to speak of and if you are in a large group you can't freely select a mech of choice it must fit the tonnage restrictions.Overall a lesser quality of game play with fewer freedoms and options.
1. Are you suggesting we should be limited to our mech selection in solo que to mimic QP? Lol...Of course solo is easier, the match making isn't perfect, but a T5 isn't going to go up against someone like Bear_Cl4w their first game. That's kind of the point.
2. There's really no possible way, given the current player pool, to dig through QP to find an exact same 12 man team with the same mixed bag of tiers. Or a QP consisting of purely T1 players vs T1 players. The tonnage restriction needs to be there unless you want to see a lance of the same mechs with the same builds rolling all over you.
I'm really not seeing any merits or even a point to this biography?
Lykaon, on 26 June 2018 - 12:41 AM, said:
And because of this neglect in favor of appeasing the casual gamers small groups and newer players in groups are in a shark tank with no match maker building a balanced game for them.So they are looking for an answer.
See above.
Lykaon, on 26 June 2018 - 12:41 AM, said:
it is my stance that the choice to seperate the queues back then was a mistake and that other measures should have been taken to encourage organized play in the general populous rather than make it easier for players to play poorly and make low skill play the "norm" and organized play a cobbled together mess of half measures and bearly functioning bandaids to attempt a semblance of balance for grouped players but failing at every turn.
Your stance is convoluted though. You want match making to work, but you don't want to be stomped with your friend or whatever, but you want solo to not be solo so you can allow a duo of comp players to drop in said que to do the stomping, so you get stomped anyways and your friend remains butt hurt. That's basically the gist of it.
I get that you and many others want to drop with your friend, but you're gonna have to roll the dice with QP buddy. Every game is like this when you drop a partner pretty much.
Lykaon, on 26 June 2018 - 12:41 AM, said:
Claiming to be opposed to the 2 player groups in a mixed queue because of it skewing or having already been tried is not taking into account when you aquired that data.
Was it before we had in game VOIP?
Was it before PSR?
Was it before we had other core mechanics in place like Ghost heat/quirks/skill tree?
This is like saying that because someone attempted a transatlantic flight in a 1918 Bi-plane and crashed we shouldn't try in today . It's a different game today with vastly different tools at our disposal.
Okay...So wheres your data to back your argument? Find other games that do this exact practice that you describe, show it that it has a better retention rate compared to MWO.
Lykaon, on 26 June 2018 - 12:41 AM, said:
To clearify what my argument is it is as follows.
POINT one: the seperation of the queues to begin with was to make it easier for solos. Solos now claiming that 2 player teams wishing for an easier time are instead wanting to "seal club" or abuse them (the solos) are basically hypocrates.
You're still going to be clubbed, with or without a buddy. Point being, people wanted as close to a balanced match as possible and PGI is trying to perfect that itty bitty tool. Again, introducing a T5 new player into a T1 game is not the best way to do this and it'll throw that whole balance thing out of whack even further. You're going to get a QP 2.0 stomp basically.
Lykaon, on 26 June 2018 - 12:41 AM, said:
POINT two: the reason lower skill small groups may be having difficulty in group queue is because the group experience has been gutted to serve the casual solos. There is no match maker to speak of in the group queue and it's because of the original seperation in the queues and the choices made to dedicate effort towards solo casuals and halfarse the groups that we even have this question before us now.
Once again, the match maker that will take an indefinite amount of time to find the percectly balanced match for a grouped match is not possible and likely never will be.
Lykaon, on 26 June 2018 - 12:41 AM, said:
POINT three: Most of the reasons given to oppose the idea are actually excuses with little to no merit or bearing on the actual issue as it is today.
But you didn't raise any points that have any merit either! You HYPOCRATEAL!
Lykaon, on 26 June 2018 - 12:41 AM, said:
3a: "a couple of 1% awesome players would own" ...reality is this is such a rare outlier it would have next to no impact in the grand scheme of a players stats. They would see this opposing them so rarely that it would not have a measurable impact.
Lykaon, on 26 June 2018 - 12:41 AM, said:
3b: "we tried it before and it was a disaster" That was before many of the features we have now existed so our current game is very different from that time when we did try it before.
What features? Describe them and why they make a meaningful impact now.
Lykaon, on 26 June 2018 - 12:41 AM, said:
3c: "we tried it before and it was a disaster" was it really? or are we counting on confirmation bias as facts? The last iteration of the mixed queue had groups limited to one per team and group size of 4 max. we also had 12 player teams then so doesn't this mean that 2/3 of a group were pugs? so every time a group won a match 2 puggies for every one grouped player also won. How can it be possible that solos were always the victims? the numbers just don't play out.
What numbers? What...Where??? Did you just pull this out of thin air?
Lykaon, on 26 June 2018 - 12:41 AM, said:
And to answer your closing questions....
The complete pandering to casual solos at the expense of game quality for grouped players has resulted in a group queue experience that is a shark tank for lower experienced players in small groups.
These players feel they are struggling and are clearly not getting enough enjoyment out of the game. I can't blame these players for wanting an experience more like the solo queue. Afterall the solo queue has a match maker and it is less of a "shark tank" than dropping in the group queue.
I'm seeing a pattern...You're repeating everything to get a point across but it's not working.
See above, answered it.
Lykaon, on 26 June 2018 - 12:41 AM, said:
I my self however find the current group queue very survivable and do play in small groups of 2-4 players regularly and during East cost NA weekend prime time.
I would not be interested in 2 player groups in a solo queue for myself and in fact I would quickly oppose the idea if two player groups could not opt out of solo queue and were not allowed in the groups queue. I like it here I like sharks.
Lykaon, on 26 June 2018 - 12:41 AM, said:
As for "rising to the challenges" I believe many of the solo player base are capable and skilled and would not actually experience any real measurable difference if the queue included 2 player groups of a similar skill level to the solo players present.
Except a week of this being introduced, folks will still complain about match making and getting stomped and that their friend left because of it.
Rinse and repeat.
Lykaon, on 26 June 2018 - 12:41 AM, said:
I don't think 2 out of 12 players grouped will be the major factor in match outcome it will be the TEN solo players that retain the most influence on the outcome.
Tell that to the folks that can pull in 4 kills in solo que reguarly whilst getting 700-1k damage in a game. Imagine if two players of the same caliber we're to be on that team. That sounds fun.
Lykaon, on 26 June 2018 - 12:41 AM, said:
The few players who possess the capacity to be a driving influence in a match are so rare as to be outliers in the grand scheme and will have no measurable effect on the average solo player. Also,those players are likely to be the very players who would dedicate their time to other pursuits than solo queue drops with a partner making their appearances even rarer still.
Felt like I read a court issued paper.
TL:DR - Your experience will remain unchanged.
Edited by DrtyDshSoap, 26 June 2018 - 02:45 AM.