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Super Ghost Energy Draw 3.0


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#1 ManDaisy


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Posted 16 June 2018 - 09:41 PM

I know no one is gonna like this. But what if ghost heat were scrapped and there was a delay in firing(an artificial energy draw) proportional to your damage output. Pgi wants chainfire and longer times to kill.

You could finally make jump jets worth something, due to making poptarting difficult.

Of course weapons that already are charged, gauss and RAC should not be counted in this.
Hey racs become useful!

Edited by ManDaisy, 16 June 2018 - 09:53 PM.

#2 Blindbeard the Pirate


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Posted 16 June 2018 - 10:31 PM

If there was a delay firing everyone would use RACs, HMGs and SRMs probably. They're already silly enough. Now your missile bay mechs don't have a downside since there's a delay anyway! Praise be to extra torso health!

#3 LordNothing


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Posted 16 June 2018 - 10:38 PM

i do believe this thread is a parody of all the balance threads that have been poping up.

#4 Blindbeard the Pirate


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Posted 16 June 2018 - 10:41 PM

View PostLordNothing, on 16 June 2018 - 10:38 PM, said:

i do believe this thread is a parody of all the balance threads that have been poping up.

Actually I think it's very serious. I think we should all start planning for this imminent feature. I'll start by rebuilding my direstar and get used to prefiring it around corners. We also should get used to the new tier 1 mechs, the archer and catapult.

#5 El Bandito


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Posted 16 June 2018 - 10:45 PM

What do you mean by delay? Delay between each weapon, or massive delay followed by massive alpha with no heat penalty?

#6 ManDaisy


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Posted 16 June 2018 - 10:52 PM

That would be the second interpretation. Bigger alpha would create bigger prefire delay.  (the energy draw) Then you take a huge dump.  No ghost heat tho.

Edited by ManDaisy, 16 June 2018 - 10:56 PM.

#7 ManDaisy


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Posted 16 June 2018 - 11:03 PM

Or you could do... Each weapon has a base prefire time and multiplier. Total prefire delay equals the sum of these. Lasers less base more multipliers. Ballistics and misses more base less multiplier. Then each weapon ranking from small version to large has less base. Example ac 2 has less base then ac 20

Or you could do... Each weapon has a base prefire time and multiplier. Total prefire delay equals the sum of these. Lasers less base more multipliers. Ballistics and misses more base less multiplier. Then each weapon ranking from small version to large has less base to more base. Example ac 2 has less base then ac 20

#8 Champion of Khorne Lord of Blood


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Posted 16 June 2018 - 11:17 PM

How about no?

#9 ManDaisy


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Posted 16 June 2018 - 11:19 PM

In all seriousness this change really would make people switch to smaller payloads due to how important accuracy and dps are effected. The shift would be to less weapons and more heat sinks for sustained fire without delays. Our course you could still hit like a brick but your accuracy would suffer and dps would drop. Smaller mechs like the spider would be least effected. A mech luke the Nova would be more inclined to do small multibatch damage then vomit. But it could still vomit. The Kodiak could prop still chain fire acs. Missile chaining might still work.

#10 ManDaisy


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Posted 16 June 2018 - 11:22 PM

And the world's would end for Lord khorne and those like him.

#11 Champion of Khorne Lord of Blood


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Posted 16 June 2018 - 11:24 PM

View PostManDaisy, on 16 June 2018 - 11:19 PM, said:

In all seriousness this change really would make people switch to smaller payloads due to how important accuracy and dps are effected. The shift would be to less weapons and more heat sinks for sustained fire without delays. Our course you could still hit like a brick but your accuracy would suffer and dps would drop. Smaller mechs like the spider would be least effected. A mech luke the Nova would be more inclined to do small multibatch damage then vomit. But it could still vomit. The Kodiak could prop still chain fire acs. Missile chaining might still work.

It just makes PPFLD the meta with absolutely no counters since lasers wouldn't have the total damage output in any reasonable amount of time to compete, the ballistics would be more spread out, missiles are already a joke, and DPS based builds would be the only alternative. DPS builds don't work well against mechs that only expose for a split second such as a poptarter or even just a fast moving poker.

You're basically just asking to reinstate the poptart meta.

Edited by Champion of Khorne Lord of Blood, 16 June 2018 - 11:25 PM.

#12 ManDaisy


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Posted 17 June 2018 - 12:01 AM

And I don't see a problem with that.  Poptarts would suffer from. The same delay and they can't server deeync jump more then you see jump hack like they us d the to.  
You are assuming nobody knows how to flank and pin poptarts?
You are also assuming you can't predict a poptarts or us the same tacticsin tour dead charge time you could always fill that with a torso twist and a snap shot instead of starting head.This is just different skills applied
Is peekaboo boom willout jj any different?

Edited by ManDaisy, 17 June 2018 - 12:05 AM.

#13 Champion of Khorne Lord of Blood


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Posted 17 June 2018 - 12:05 AM

View PostManDaisy, on 17 June 2018 - 12:00 AM, said:

And I don't see a problem with that. Poptarts would suffer from. The same delay and they can't server deeync jump more then you see jump hack like they us d the to.
You are assuming nobody knows how to flank and pin poptarts?

You are also assuming you can't predict a poptarts or us the same tactics

You're suggesting a delay be added on when you go to fire based on how much damage you put out, so the Poptart is going to have lower damage output generally and is going to have peeker's advantage, no one will be able to fire back on them with any meaningful amount of damage.

Not to mention just how unintuitive it would be to have to deal with delays whenever you want to fire a gun. Guns are always just fire when you click, energy weapons have capacitors that recharge between shots but are ready to release when you press, conventional weapons fire when you pull the trigger. What kind of excuse would be made up for the guns of this game not working like guns?

#14 ManDaisy


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Posted 17 June 2018 - 12:10 AM

This would increase skill... Think predict move.  Less u see you bang we stand still like potatoes
Sorry on smartphone but battletech isn't real.  Plus you can still do all that just in smaller dossage.  Just don't do big 59 point laser meta combinations.  The way works you have no delay penalty. Also I did post about a more detailed breakdown then just raw damage please read that and come back at me bro.

Edited by ManDaisy, 17 June 2018 - 12:12 AM.

#15 Champion of Khorne Lord of Blood


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Posted 17 June 2018 - 12:13 AM

View PostManDaisy, on 17 June 2018 - 12:08 AM, said:

This would increase skill... Think predict move. Less u see you bang we stand still like potatoes

How're you going to predict when someone's going to peek out to poptart on you? They can just change their timing up a little bit each jump, jump from different areas, and each time you miss you're just wasting ammo into a wall or into the sky while they're getting hits in.

The suggestion simply reinforces the peeking meta since it means they can peek out and get free trades due to peeker's advantage and being able to prefire while defenders can't accurately know when an enemy is going to peek on them to prefire their shot.

I don't see how absolutely trashing balance and making peeking EZ mode is increasing skill, sorry.

#16 ManDaisy


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Posted 17 June 2018 - 12:16 AM

To get your point more... There is cool down and capacitators. Wehavecool down but no capacitators. Capacitators not programmed in game. Technically if you want capacitators ******** look at frappy gauss charge.

You gonna argue instant fire right now is not easy peeking mode boya?!

You gonna argue instant fire right now is not easy peeking mode boya?!

#17 Champion of Khorne Lord of Blood


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Posted 17 June 2018 - 12:19 AM

View PostManDaisy, on 17 June 2018 - 12:16 AM, said:

To get your point more... There is cool down and capacitators. Wehavecool down but no capacitators. Capacitators not programmed in game. Technically if you want capacitators ******** look at frappy gauss charge.

You gonna argue instant fire right now is not easy peeking mode boya?!

Gauss charge makes no sense since they have a cooldown period anyway where they'd be charging up between shots, they also explode when damaged, which should mean that their capacitors were charged up, but yet you still have to charge to fire. I'm also against it.

Also yes, instant fire right now is not easy mode peeking at all because enemies can actually shoot back. If you have to prefire your shot then it fires after a delay then for the poptarter they just click then the jump out of cover and aim right as the shot is firing. In effect they still have instant fire, meanwhile anyone trying to shoot back at the poptarts (or peekers) cannot fire their shot off in time to hit the peeker.

So yes, getting free trades all day long sounds like easy mode to me.

#18 ManDaisy


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Posted 17 June 2018 - 12:24 AM

You are will fully ignorant if smaller burst not suffering from the delay penalty and all the waste head from poptarts who prefice then jump... But what if there is not target? And people are not playing stupid.
Teamwork moves and can counter poptarts with multiple small shots.  Only people who don't change position get eaten by poptarts

Edited by ManDaisy, 17 June 2018 - 12:25 AM.

#19 Champion of Khorne Lord of Blood


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Posted 17 June 2018 - 12:26 AM

View PostManDaisy, on 17 June 2018 - 12:21 AM, said:

You are will fully ignorant if smaller burst not suffering from the heat penalty and all the waste head from poptarts who prefice then jump... But what if there is not target? And people are not playing stupid.

Poptarts put out small damage bursts anyway, usually 20-30 damage, allowing them to do a scouting shot without prefiring and still likely get a hit off without return fire then swap over to prefiring after they know there are targets. It'd be basically the same thing as poptarting with dual gauss now a days but enemies can't shoot you back.

#20 ManDaisy


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Posted 17 June 2018 - 12:33 AM

Small damage burst vs small damage burst? Poptarts be playing smart and scouting.  I see no wrong.  You just can't shoot a clay pidgeon outta the sky anymore.. And you CAN shoot back in small burst with minimal delay penalty not heat penalty. Wrong old wordage.

Edited by ManDaisy, 17 June 2018 - 12:34 AM.

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