Mwo Running On Ryzen
Posted 29 June 2018 - 05:45 AM
How good does game run currently on Ryzen CPU's. Let's say midrange. 1600/2600x.
Posted 29 June 2018 - 06:48 AM
the 2600 should basically be about the same, but be easier on most chips, and in the hands of a good overclocker, probably push all cores to 4.3 ghz without much stress, with the potential to run the memory a little bit faster, assuming your memory supports it ....
I wouldnt upgrade from a 1600 to a 2600, there just isnt enough improvement between them, for a chip thats likely to be vastly superseded in 12 months time ...
Posted 29 June 2018 - 06:50 AM
Posted 29 June 2018 - 11:17 AM
Posted 29 June 2018 - 11:19 AM
Posted 29 June 2018 - 04:03 PM
Posted 29 June 2018 - 07:24 PM
Sephrus Shanadar, on 29 June 2018 - 04:03 PM, said:
a dude says he needs to buy transport from A to B ... he really wants a motorbike, but is asking about a scooter, because of the initial price difference .... along comes another dude, says, "hey, clearly, you want a Ferrari, because thats what goes fastest ".... regardless of the fact that there is no road around, that will allow you to plant your foot to the floor for more than 3 seconds, and completely ignoring the cost differential between the two options ....
and as for the game not being optimised for AMD, the game is not optimised, for any CPU, and theres plenty of people with intel chips, still getting crappy performance .... dont go blaming AMD for PGI's *********** of a code bomb
Posted 29 June 2018 - 08:06 PM
Sephrus Shanadar, on 29 June 2018 - 04:03 PM, said:
Core i7-4930k here. Still drops frames. It's just MWO.
Posted 01 July 2018 - 04:20 AM
Difference is huge for me cause I was playing on low graphics the entire time and still got lag spikes from 50 to 20 and sometimes even 10 frames.
Since I upgraded I can play Mechwarrior on max setting in faction play and it will be around 60-40 frames and barely drops lower.
But who knwos if I find my balls I might actually have the guts to upgrade my Bios and it might work even better.

Oh also I have a MSI 480 8GB and 16GB Ram 2,666Mhz.
Posted 01 July 2018 - 07:19 AM
Thanx for answers everyone. And yes i need CPU not just for MWO and as this is only game which is badly optizmied for modern CPU's so i asked about ryzen's.
Also from that article anything above 2400/2667 gives very low perf. gains. Thus no point of getting 3333 mem.
Alexandra Hekmatyar, on 01 July 2018 - 04:20 AM, said:

Yes understandable. Currently on 1055T/ R9 280. Gives normal frames Solaris/scouting. Around 25-40 in pug play depending on map. Solaris/Forest/River city gives bad frames. FP on 12 vs 12 around Omega gives sub 10 FPS. Also GPU utilizatoin is at best at 50-70% at 1920x1080

Posted 01 July 2018 - 08:03 AM
Posted 01 July 2018 - 03:59 PM
Posted 01 July 2018 - 04:17 PM
Kurbeks, on 01 July 2018 - 07:19 AM, said:
Thanx for answers everyone. And yes i need CPU not just for MWO and as this is only game which is badly optizmied for modern CPU's so i asked about ryzen's.
Also from that article anything above 2400/2667 gives very low perf. gains. Thus no point of getting 3333 mem.
Yes understandable. Currently on 1055T/ R9 280. Gives normal frames Solaris/scouting. Around 25-40 in pug play depending on map. Solaris/Forest/River city gives bad frames. FP on 12 vs 12 around Omega gives sub 10 FPS. Also GPU utilizatoin is at best at 50-70% at 1920x1080

the First gen RyZen chips are more "sensitive" to memory than the 2nd gen 2XXX series it seems from reviews.
My 1600X running 4.05 on all cores with a tiny AIO cooler saw good benefits when a combination of bios updates and incessant tweaking got it to run over 3200.
Posted 02 July 2018 - 07:46 AM
if I dip to 48 fps for more than 2/10's of a second, I get pretty unhappy ... above 2K resolution, with some details turned up way high, like terrain distance .... errr, invisible walls ...
isnt the 8th gen intel still vulnerable to spectre on a hardware level ... and like, they knew, but released the chip anyway ...
Posted 04 July 2018 - 05:19 AM
Posted 04 July 2018 - 08:28 AM
NARC BAIT, on 04 July 2018 - 05:19 AM, said:
What kit did you end up getting? I've been pleased with my flareX 3200 samsung 16gb kit but I will be looking for something 3600ish for my 2700X.
Posted 04 July 2018 - 08:04 PM
but I dont believe the ryzens integrated memory controller ( more specifically the silicone in the chip that I have ) is really capable of going that fast ... I've seen people hitting 3733, and claiming stability there, but I think the 'general' average for the chips is 3466 mhz
I picked up a B-die Flare X ( 2x8 ), and am currently running it at 3533 mhz @ 16-16-16-38-56-2 ... I'm pretty confident that I will get 3600 mhz stabilised, but I havent got it yet ( 24 hrs ), and although the timings are not much different to the older kit the throughput numbers are better, read and write increase about 10%, but copy gets bigger boost at around 15%-25%, and the latency is lower at higher frequencies ... on the B-die
Sephrus Shanadar, on 04 July 2018 - 08:28 AM, said:
your flare x kit is probably very capable of hitting 3600, @ CL15 or CL16 .... and I'd be very wary buying a 'better' (faster) kit, because most of them will actually be new-old-stock E-die chips, that were so overpriced initially that they sat on shelves for years, until they created the current memory crisis ...
if you havent manually tuned your flarex kit, then its almost certainly got room for improvement
I wont upgrade my 1600X to the 2XXX range ... theres just not enough improvement in it ... 300 mhz per core, over my overclock ...
Posted 04 July 2018 - 08:08 PM
Posted 11 October 2018 - 04:44 AM
Just need some help with my optimizing the game.
My System:
AMD Ryzen 1700x at 3.9Ghz (Not Stable at 4Ghz)
TridentZ DDR4 3000mhz
Asus Hero IV Mobo
Game installed on my M.2 250gb
I can't get FPS over 45 on some maps and its 20-45fps in Solaris City. I only get 60fps when i'm in Frozen City or Polar Highlands.
I've been trying to figure it out since i got the ryzen quite awhile back.
Any suggestion on how i can fix this?
Posted 11 October 2018 - 02:12 PM
System's Power Options set to High Performance?
And game settings, including what AA, if any is being used?
I will let others handle the other Ryzen stuff.
Edited by Tarl Cabot, 11 October 2018 - 02:13 PM.
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